Isn't Levelcap a shill? Along with most of the BF4 dedicated youtube community?
And I'm kinda glad Battlefields PR Twitter/Facebook account has stopped with the Ponylion shit.
Isn't Levelcap a shill? Along with most of the BF4 dedicated youtube community?
Yeah, I lost a lot of respect for most all the battlefield commentators due to their pre-release coverage of bf4. To a T, they all raved about how great the game played, was balanced, had a great net code, etc. Not one has apologized for misleading their subscribers.
I honestly think this guy is awesome with Battle(non)sense.
Assault: m416 or ace 23
Engineer: the AK 5C carbine is damn awesome, it's a slightly worse assault rifle if you look at the stats.
Support: I like the type 88, not that good at CQC but it's very stable and can hit dudes at long range. PKP pecheneg is also good thanks to it's extra dmg but the recoil can be hard to handle,I also read that the AWS is pretty damn good.
Recon: I dunno since i don't play much recon but i have always read that the SRR-61 is the best but takes forever to unlock, i have mostly used the M40A5 and i found it to be pretty good except in extreme long ranges.
And yes this game is a grind fest, i agree that the unlock system isn't the best because it takes such a long time to unlock stuff and you always start at zero with a new gun.oh and to reach the level cap it would take you like 1000 hours.
Yeah, that dude is amazing putting in a lot of work on the technical details and frame-counting.
This is amazing
I had no clue BC2 and BF3 shared the same update rate, for instance.
I personally think shill it's pretty harsh language for what occurred, or at least what I'm aware of.Yeah, I lost a lot of respect for most all the battlefield commentators due to their pre-release coverage of bf4. To a T, they all raved about how great the game played, was balanced, had a great net code, etc. Not one has apologized for misleading their subscribers.
There has been a ton of changes that affect gun play in the recent patch, so a lot of the previous information about gun performance and general play as out relates to guns needs to be updated. I would recommend you watch a couple of the better YouTube reviews of the recent CTE patch; there are several that just focus on the general and specific changes to guns.can anyone give me a breakdown of all the best weapons for a class, i really dont want to spend time upgrading the wrong weapons.
also side rant, the unlocking system in this game is utter shit, when i unlock a scope i should be able to use it with every gun. they have turned this game to such a grind fest
Levelcap complains that the movement is too slow and momentum based, now they make it faster and he complains its too janky and fast.
Yeah, I lost a lot of respect for most all the battlefield commentators due to their pre-release coverage of bf4. To a T, they all raved about how great the game played, was balanced, had a great net code, etc. Not one has apologized for misleading their subscribers.
That's where I'm confused. If they just made the system match BF3's, why are the animations still janky?
thanks bro, i will check out the guns u recommended
Today I discovered the A-91yes it's metro but still
Also, Levelcap's weapon reviews are pointless. Better off going to and checking the stats yourself or just have someone summarize what a weapon is good and bad at in less than a paragraph.
the mtar use to be my favorite weapon but was nerfed majorly don't waste your time trying it.You can also try the SCARH and the AEK971 for assault, the MTAR and the ACE 21 or the 52 for carbines, the MG4 or the M249 for support and the SRR61 for snipers.
For shotguns I really like the QBS09 or the Saiga 12k, for PDWs the P90 is pretty good now and for DMRs I really like the SKS.
Do we have a group on PS4 that plays regularly? Considering coming back....but I dread playing solo...
the mtar use to be my favorite weapon but was nerfed majorly don't waste your time trying it.
the AMTRAC feat. Ocho.He couldn't carry hard enough
Ugh. Spl1inter, I need you. Kane is TERRRRIIIBBBLLLEEE in the AMTRAC. He has the reflexes of a 90 year old Sloth. It's always Kane's fault when we lose.
Ugh. Spl1inter, I need you. Kane is TERRRRIIIBBBLLLEEE in the AMTRAC. He has the reflexes of a 90 year old Sloth. It's always Kane's fault when we lose.
I think you are on to something. Always seem to lose when playing with Kane.
If I stayed as your glorious squad leader we totally would have won that.
I finally platinumed Battlefield 4 guys! It only took me like 100 hours or less, if i had premium i would definitely start working on the DLC trophies. Also man that campaign in hard fucking sucked,
Score is pretty simple too. It's just how you kill enemies. You want to go for headshots, multikills etc. And don't let your squad do any killing 'cause that'll rob you of points. I got all of the campaign stuff done in like a week of having the game, even with the save data corruption issue. I think the last thing I had to get was 5 detonations in obliteration. Only things I'm missing now are two second assault trophies, (get a kill with falling rubble in metro and get 5 kills in air vehicles on Oman) but I don't care enough to go out of my way to earn them.
I'm also curious to what happened to the weapon recoil? It's a silly question but all the weapons feel way more accurate than they were previously.
Visual recoil was removed. So the effect of "more accurate" is just you not having your sights bobbing left right and center from firing two shots.
This game is still the best multiplayer game on the PS4 imo.
Do we have a group on PS4 that plays regularly? Considering coming back....but I dread playing solo...
Fuck me. I thought this latest patch was supposed to fix the game, not ruin it
I really hate the damage decrease. I know it's just a single bullet or whatever but it makes weapons feel clunky and ineffective beyond 10 meters. I'm struggling to get two kills with one magazine in a firefight at medium range. Whereas before the patch I was getting 2-3 at the same distance. And what the hell did they do to the Deagle? Seems absolutely useless now.
And if that wasn't annoying enough, you then have the fact that you get caught on every stupid piece of rubble on the damn ground. What the hell is that about?
Game has put me in a sour mood.
So can anyone with a PS4, BF4 and battlelog test this out please?
I'm looking for a low latency server on battlelog via the pc, getting servers with a latency as low as 12.
Then when i join the server via battlelog and testing the server performance ingame via the options menu, i get latency up to 45-50 ish... By al means not bad but certainly not as good as 12.
So i'm wondering if it's my ps4, my cable/connection or something else..
And what the hell did they do to the Deagle? Seems absolutely useless now.
UncleO said:Is this a good time to pick this up for the PC? I am on the fence about picking it up or not.
Jimnymebob said:Is the PS3 version of this game worth it if I can get it and Premium for under £25?
I tried the beta of it, and enjoyed it, even though I felt a bit lost due to it being ny first time playing a Battlefield game.
Tubie said:If you ask me, the game would be even better if they increased the time to kill by one more bullet.
Fuck me. I thought this latest patch was supposed to fix the game, not ruin it
I really hate the damage decrease. I know it's just a single bullet or whatever but it makes weapons feel clunky and ineffective beyond 10 meters. I'm struggling to get two kills with one magazine in a firefight at medium range. Whereas before the patch I was getting 2-3 at the same distance.
officially bored of the game, only started playing it a few days ago and really liked it but this tedious unlocking system has pushed me away. they make u grind for every little thing so ur stuck using shitty iron sights on ur new weapon and have to start from scratch.
newsflash dice: unlocking items doesnt give me an incentive to keep playing. fuck bf4 im done with it
Getting 10 kills for a red dot sight takes like one or two matches if you're just starting out.
Sure the sytem could be better, but how is killing people a grind, that's like half the game.
I realized youre that guy thats always trolling the football thread so idk why I bothered with this reply.
officially bored of the game, only started playing it a few days ago and really liked it but this tedious unlocking system has pushed me away. they make u grind for every little thing so ur stuck using shitty iron sights on ur new weapon and have to start from scratch.
newsflash dice: unlocking items doesnt give me an incentive to keep playing. fuck bf4 im done with it
trolling? u mean telling the truth and no it doesnt just take 10 kills, ive got 50+ kills with m416 and still havnt unlocked that kobra
Getting 10 kills for a red dot sight takes like one or two matches if you're just starting out.
Sure the sytem could be better, but how is killing people a grind, that's like half the game.
I realized youre that guy thats always trolling the football thread so idk why I bothered with this reply.
i have the game on xbox and no i refuse to pay to fix a broken system, thats what dice want. fuck dice and fuck ea. and the iron sight on m416 sucks, u cant see anythingHateGames
https://store.sonyentertainmentnetw...ndle/cid=UP0006-CUSA00110_00-SCALL00000000000 - PS4
https://store.sonyentertainmentnetw...ndle/cid=UP0006-BLUS31162_00-SCALL00000000000 - PS3 - PC
You're welcome.
And for the record: The only "shitty ironsight"s are on:
A-91 and the FAMAS. All the others are practical. Coming from someone that avoids using scopes on anything that isn't a sniper rifle.