Anyone know what this update is for? Its pretty big.
PS4 Game Update Feb 21
-Fix for an issue where spawning into, or switching to, a gunner seat in an IFV/MBT sometimes could cause the game to crash
-Fix for missing sound in Team/Squad Deathmatch
-Fix for an issue in the Defuse game mode, where a bomb carrier would be permanently spotted
-Decreased the rate at which the kill card would incorrectly display 0 health, while the enemy was clearly alive
-Fix for an invisible wall that was incorrectly present in one of the fallen concrete pipes on Zavod 311
-Fix for an issue where bullet impact sounds werent properly matching the actual number of impacts, causing the players to feel that they died too quickly.
-Fix for an issue where the Draw message would not display on-screen once a Conquest round ended with both teams having the same amount of tickets
-Fix for an issue where long IDs wouldnt scroll on dog tags
-Fix for missing grass physics in terrain
-Fix for an issue where the player camera would be positioned inside of the soldier when parachute spawning
-Fix for a MAV exploit that let players reach various out-of-map locations
Was this on the ps3 with BF3When the fuck are custom servers coming to PS4??????
Yeah, you had to pay for it though.Was this on the ps3 with BF3
when it won't be so much of a PR nightmare?When the fuck are custom servers coming to PS4??????
yes.Was this on the ps3 with BF3
Then it doesn't really matter when the custom servers come out then! Lol, what happened to the controller? Hopefully not a BF4 rage induced toss at the wall.Second controller broken. I'm done with this game.
Then it doesn't really matter when the custom servers come out then! Lol, what happened to the controller? Hopefully not a BF4 rage induced toss at the wall.
Then it doesn't really matter when the custom servers come out then! Lol, what happened to the controller? Hopefully not a BF4 rage induced toss at the wall.
Are the new maps a good reason to get Premium? What are you guys thinking of the remakes so far?
Without any announcement.![]()
I thought I saw this was an ongoing Premium Double XP weekend?
Only for Premium members.Another double XP event this weekend.
It is player appreciation month, every weekend is double exp weekend. No announcement needed.
I wish that they'd just have a full blown double XP week. I rarely get time to play on weekends.
They should though.They did have a double xp week, doubt they would do it again.
So emblems apparently work on PS4 now, but how do I know if mine actually is showing up?
Any vehicle, actually, afaik, and they're on some (most?) of your guns too. Really cool feature, though subtle.spawn on a quad, get off the quad and look at the front of it, you should see your emblem
Does PS4-GAF plan to set up a fund for renting a server when Rent-a-Server arrives? I can't see myself giving EADICE another full $50 or whatever to rent one by myself, but I wouldn't be apposed to giving $10 to help start one up. So long as the server bans Mobile-AA and significant donators can be admins/mods.
last time (BF3) nobody wanted to hang out and get it populated.
spawn on a quad, get off the quad and look at the front of it, you should see your emblem
64 player CTF on Metro.
Horrible, and for what, a 30 minute meat grinder stalemate.
So it's the same as Sabotage, then.
Where is CTF at? The park/first set Rush?
Its in the goddamn metro itself. If it was in the park I doubt it would be as bad.
...Oh lordy. This I have to see...
Conquest with 24-32 isn't as bad. It is still a meatgrinder but players are spread thin enough that generally the game can be turned around (at least on BF3), but with 64 players even the three new routes do nothing to alleviate the butcher shop roleplay the map takes on.I never got the hate on metro until now. See, I only played metro in rush mode(it was actually my favorite bf3 map). You go in, you push, and its over. Tried playing conquest and holy hell. That map IS terrible. You just can't get past those escalators no matter what lol. Kind of weird you can't play metro in rush mode since it sucks in pretty much every other mode.
funny, i thought CTF had too many people.I don't understand why CTF isn't on more maps. It is a fantastic game mode. Sure, you can argue that Obliteration is just a slight re-imagining of One-Flag CTF, but with the 20 minute timer (strangely the one for CTF is 30 minutes) games hardly ever end with completion. Lest not forget that Obliteration is limited to 32 players on Official servers while CTF gets 64 players.
PC players, how well does Obliteration play with 64 players and a higher timelimit?
if i said "its a trainwreck" would you say i was being too punny?...Oh lordy. This I have to see...
CTF is perfect with 64 players on Caspian, Firestorm, and Oman. I don't know how it would play out on vanilla or China Rising maps, since they seem to be more suited for 48 or less players overall.funny, i thought CTF had too many people.
Speaking of Oman and different modes from Rush and Conquest:
Oman Sabotage has the RU team (IIRC) spawn in the water with water vehicles and like NO [read: NONE] land vehicles) while the US team gets land vehicles with like 2-3 tanks.