The two dumbest glitches that showed up in the last two updates that I somehow managed to avoid finally happened for the last hour that I tried to play. Keyword being try.
That stupid glitch/rank server whatever nonsense where no one has a rank and has everything at level one happened for me for 6 server hops straight, and not even to say that I had much choices of servers to join in the first place, it was just join, leave, join, leave as soon as I saw that I had level 1 weapons and equipment at the spawn screen.
After that many tries, I finally get into a match only to get shit like dying super-quick while it takes a second of shooting before my shots register hit markers on people. Had a few instances from the same person twice in a row where he kills me instantly and the game doesn't show me where he is, not even his body whether he was dead or alive. Whatever, I adjust and win the match. Next map is Siege of Shanghai, and hop into someone's tank and I get that BS where I have no turret and can't shoot. I think about how I actually managed to not get this shit to happen to me all this time and now it finally happens to me. Time moves on and I get my own tank, surrounded by guys while we armed an objective, I have a gunner with me, I'm killing guys and I'm wondering why my gunner isn't shooting guys that are right in his view too - then I realized that he has the glitch too, which probably means that everyone in the match has it as well, making tanks half as effective as they should be.
Good fucking job DICE. That's why you won't get a cent from me for maps or Premium even if you finally fix all this shit. I've only played twice since this update came out and can't even enjoy it in the only two matches I played for the day.