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Battlefield 4 |OT2| Is it fixed yet?


The reason people don't play DLC servers isn't because of modes, it's because only having four maps in a rotation means you play the crappy ones far too often.

This is also true. One of my favourite times on BF4 was when DICE had the test servers on PS4 for Naval Strike that were running Operation Mortar Conquest 24/7. The most perfect servers ever.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
I have a single server favorited: Silk Road CQ Large 24/7

That's all i play :3
Any tips for a BF4 noob? I've tried the series multiple times in the past, but never really got engaged in it. Bought the $24 Premium on PS4 this week, and played my first match last night. Got relatively owned, with only 6 kills to 13 deaths, but didn't feel too terribly bad, given my noob status. What do I need to know to rise above my noob-dom?


Really wouldn't worry about K/D unless it's TDM. Just play the game and have fun, the controls and overall gameplay would come to you.

If anything, just don't run and gun like you would in COD.


Any tips for a BF4 noob? I've tried the series multiple times in the past, but never really got engaged in it. Bought the $24 Premium on PS4 this week, and played my first match last night. Got relatively owned, with only 6 kills to 13 deaths, but didn't feel too terribly bad, given my noob status. What do I need to know to rise above my noob-dom?

-Spot enemies as much as you can.
-Learn the maps.
-Don't run around like crazy or go lone wolf.
-If you see your squad (green people on the map) attacking something, spawn on them and help them.
-Get familiar with the gadgets your kit has access to and use them. By throwing health packs or ammo you're already way better than even some veterans.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Only the 24 player version from BF3. The new large Metro from BF4 is a badly designed clusterfuck.

I dunno. It's still the same Metro (you can even block the "alternate routes!" on Conquest/"Small" IIRC) just with a larger playercount. You're seeing the same shitty map design that it was with BF3 PC's "64 players" just now with worse spam (XM25, Incendiaries, M320, Mini/Frags, C4...) from the higher player count from PS3.

Speaking of which: Are you getting the Modline Beta, Faceless? I kinda want to bang my head against the controller controls play the PS3 beta to see how it looks (UGH!-ly) against PC.

I have a single server favorited: Silk Road CQ Large 24/7

HOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLY SHIT. Someone other than me actually likes that map!? *gasp* Maybe I'm not such a minority that Grief thought I was when it released.

It's still badly designed on Rush. That last set. But Sabotage is GDLK on it.

What do I need to know to rise above my noob-dom?

*sigh* Every time:

1) SPOT SPOT SPOT SPOT THE PEOPLE SPOT THE PEOPLE SPOT THE PEOPLE (use the communication button for spotting). Anyone that doesn't have a Cool Ranch "Dorito" is an enemy. SPOT THEM.
2) THROW OUT YOUR KIT ITEMS GODDAMN IT. If you're an Assault/Support you have the ability to HEAL/RESUPPLY YOUR TEAM. USE IT! Why no one does this AFKAJSDFKLAJGKLAJFLKJASKLDSJFJKLADSJFAKLJ*bangs head into keyboard*
3) REPAIR YOUR TEAM. If you see someone in a vehicle and they're damaged attempt to do this and then get shot because they boost off to rely on auto-repair instead of letting you SUPPORT THEM repair them. Use the commorose (hold the communication button and right-stick) to let them know.
4) Repeat 1-3 every 2-5 minutes.

Congrats, you're instantly better than 90% of the playerbase.

"Oh, but I'm going 2-20 KDR!"

To quote Dreamy: "BUT DIDJA WIN!?"

If yes: Then don't fucking worry about your KDR. To quote Fight Club: YOU ARE NOT YOUR FUCKING KDR.
If no: Then blame your team. KDR matters little in objective modes and is only useful in TDM.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Yep same here. It's the infamous tbagging silk road 24/7 server on PS4 lol

Add me dude: Fersis_4

I mostly play Diablo 3 but im down for some Silk Road

HOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLY SHIT. Someone other than me actually likes that map!? *gasp* Maybe I'm not such a minority that Grief thought I was when it released.

It's still badly designed on Rush. That last set. But Sabotage is GDLK on it.
Lol Rush


I have a single server favorited: Silk Road CQ Large 24/7

That's all i play :3

Yep same here. It's the infamous tbagging silk road 24/7 server on PS4 lol

I used to play in this server a lot too lol. It's amazing when you have a streak of rounds where its close all the way till the end. But sometimes one side is just too strong and steamrolls the other for a while.
Hello BattlefieldGaf, I jumped on the PS4 deal yesterday and after waiting an absolute age for the thing to finish downloading I find that I cannot play Premium Maps, they say 'there is no content' and then something about the DLC not being for sale. I got all the Premium Battlepacks and the game says 'Premium' at the top. Has anyone got a fix for this?


Hello BattlefieldGaf, I jumped on the PS4 deal yesterday and after waiting an absolute age for the thing to finish downloading I find that I cannot play Premium Maps, they say 'there is no content' and then something about the DLC not being for sale. I got all the Premium Battlepacks and the game says 'Premium' at the top. Has anyone got a fix for this?

You need to download each DLC separately. You can search for them by name or under the addon section on BF4's page on the PSN store.

Oh and I'm sorry to say you still have like 30gigs to download if you're just about to start downloading all of the DLC now lol :p
You need to download each DLC separately. You can search for them by name or under the addon section on BF4's page on the PSN store.

Oh and I'm sorry to say you still have like 30gigs to download if you're just about to start downloading all of the DLC now lol :p
Well now I feel stupid, thank you very much buddy.



Chainlink: full server
Carrier assault small: empty server
Carrier assault: full server
Air superiority: empty server
Capture the flag: empty server
Defuse: full server
Domination: empty server
Squad DM: full on second try
Rush: empty server
Obliteration: full server
TDM: full server
Conquest small: full server
Conquest: full on second try

I tried every mode tonight with the quick match option (all base BF4 except for the modes that require an expansion). If I got an empty server I would try again 4 more times.

If you enjoy Conquest, then the game is fine I guess. Some of the empty modes are probably used at some point during day.

It also seems base maps and modes are far more popular than expansion maps and modes so have no fear on that front.

Good to hear. I have a $25 amazon gift card so I'll give it another shot. I've been playing COD but Battlefiekd just feels more authentic if that makes sense?


Good to hear. I have a $25 amazon gift card so I'll give it another shot. I've been playing COD but Battlefiekd just feels more authentic if that makes sense?

Good! I hope you love BF4!

Feel free to ask in this thread about anything. Even the silliest issues/questions can be resolved and result in big gains for you!


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Anyone have some game modes/maps they would like to recommend?

Want to mix it up from Rush a little bit.

Sabotage, AKA: "Obliteration." Always, wanna be with you. Make believe with you, and play this mode oh love.

Any map. Just make sure it isn't the "competitive" variants because those suck because the sets are all TOO DAMN CLOSE together for the sake of "tight infantry play" while still leaving the maps WIDE OPEN. :|

The launch/non-competitive one is pure fun. You can crank it from 32-players to 48 or 64 and still have fun.

If Capture the Flag was on more maps and better designed, maybe that.

If you want "turn your mind off and just shoot shit" Team Deathmatch will work, but the shitty spawns are really the hindrance on that mode.

Maybe Conquest if you like Musical Flags. Not really my style/speed.

Chain Link is alright, but probably dead.

Titanfall mode--er--"Carrier Assault" is stupid. It tries to mix Rush and Conquest but does both poorly especially with the Carrier design.

That leaves... uh... all the modes, I think? Oh... Domination: Same thing as Conquest/Conquest small but with three flags. Not really for me but apparently it's the "yo #eSports" mode for ESL if you want that?

Avoid Counter-Strike's Demolition mode/CoD's Search and Destroy/"Defuse." It's badly integrated into BF and horrible.

I thought everyone liked Silk Road. That map is fantastic.

Nope. There was a pretty strong backlash here from people that hate Origin on PC (Grief) and a few others that didn't care for it. I actually REALLY love it and it's probably the #1 for China Rising for me. Good fun outside of the Rush variant of it being completely fucking stupid. But other modes it works swimmingly on.
Anyone have some game modes/maps they would like to recommend?

Want to mix it up from Rush a little bit.

Seks seems to have mistyped his post regarding the mode recommendations, since I'm so nice I went ahead and fixed it for him:

Conquest for all maps. God I fucking love Conquest, my absolute favorite multiplayer mode out of all time.

Rush can suck a dick for all I care.

I heard DICE has to pay people to play Sabotage in BF4.

You're welcome Seks.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Please stab me in the face because I'm wrong.

Yes you are.

Sabotage or bust. Musical flags/Conquest is extremely boring. If someone is coming from Rush, the next logical step is to go Sabotage or TDM.

(Also I hate you. <3)


Based on my arbitrary and inconsistent criteria for this mode, I have decided to rename it to Barbie's Bake-a-Cake Competition.

Ok Kane, and Conquest is now called: "musical flags" because I'm bad at it and so I resort to changing the name it had since Battlefield 1942.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Not a fan of Conquest really, Obliteration is cool so far.

Man after my own heart. Told you Sabotage was the go-to for a Rush player, Kane. <3

Just sucks not a single server with the DLC maps.

There is on PC, but it isn't popular. See previous discussion/argument about how most of the playerbase will ignore the new maps if (*IF*) they have premium about two-weeks after launch.

Since you're playing on Consoles and since I've been on both sides of the fence: I'd say the same probably is true there: There's servers but the majority of the playerbase simply doesn't play on them.

Also @ Tubie: Kane says I should apologize to you for my tone of ranting about Rush sucking. I'm the type of person to say "well, fuck them if they can't see where I'm coming from" but I'll expand here: My "HAM" post as Kane said is because I fucking hate how the majority of the playerbase pulls that "LOL WHO CARES ABOUT NON-CONQUEST MODE" logic when it comes to the "minority" modes/modes I play and want to see DICE improve.

While I may give Conquest shit (and think it's terrible without faster ticket bleed, IMO) if a Conquest player brings up good reasoning in regards to map design/etc. issues for the mode, I'm right there with them cheerleading their cause.

But it seems like the playerbase in large for BF has that "well they aren't playing my mode/Conquest so why should we improve that mode" reasoning/logic/whatever you want to call it which just sets me off. The lack of cheerleading for the other modes from players that may not play it but can see the issues is what pisses me off.


I wonder how great this threads reads to new people. With people talking about sabotage as if it was a thing that was actually in BF4 lol.


I like playing get 20 more kills than the next highest player but still not mvp mode.

Last two days we have had two games with great comebacks all because we don't have ocho camping back, not taking points, only concerned with k/d.
Siege of Shanghai on night has been delayed again, but tiggr showed some screenshots of the map on twitter to make it up:








Work in progress of course. His twitter: https://twitter.com/tiggr_

In hindsight, I don't know why I linked the pictures this way when they are in his twitter anyway, but there you go.


I like playing get 20 more kills than the next highest player but still not mvp mode.

Last two days we have had two games with great comebacks all because we don't have ocho camping back, not taking points, only concerned with k/d.

What does 'comeback' even mean? I straight up win every match no question.


What does 'comeback' even mean? I straight up win every match no question.
Maybe if your definition of win means rage quiting the match because you keep getting rekt by c4.

In reality, the matchs we won with you are because of your hatred of musical flags. Always have to defend the flag. You are the Mozart to my Beiber.


Junior Member
Wow, makes me feel bad for the dudes on that team that may have been trying to PTFO. Almost have the team on one damn rooftop.
Pretty much. I had just ordered the evac to my team and ran a scan and emp to block comms and then just settled the cursor just north of the elevators and then Denzelboom.gif
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