So why is Hardline dead? Even PS4/Xbox One numbers are steadily getting worse as well and those PC numbers, wow.
They fucked up the launch of the game and many people left and never came back. The game sold decently (on XB1 and PS4), the problem was it didn't keep people playing it for long.
Some of the main problems for me:
-TDM was and still is a mess to me, they made it 64 players because they either had no time or the man power to make smaller sections of the maps (like in BF4) to make smaller modes, the spawns were also terrible.
-They released few weapons and even then only a handful of those were just OP as fuck. They actually released a true to life Kriss Vector.... yea magnum bullets (34dmg), 1200 RPM, super fast reload and a 36 round magazine... The M16A3 and the M416 (850 RPM in BFH) were also just ridiculous because the damage drop off for the assault rifles in this game started at 40 yards. So weapon balance has been all over the place since the beginning.
-They've addressed weapon balanced with 2 patches, but that's all they've done in the 3 months the game has been out and the game is still missing a lot of the features they promised for Premium members. It's very clear to me EA moved most of the BFH team onto other projects as soon as the game came out and now Hardline is handled by a skeleton crew.
-Hotwire. The game's most interesting mode only came out with 5 maps, and in the recently released new DLC they only added 1 Hotwire map. That to me is the main reason I barely play at all anymore.
-Conquest Large. Absolutely trash on most maps, because most maps are made for Heist or Blood Money so with 64 players it pretty much becomes a "shoot me in the back" simulator. The new maps in the DLC are even worse in this regard. Oh, and instead of fixing or making better maps they simply added a 64 player kill confirmed mode lol.
It's a real shame because behind all the problems there's a truly unique and fun game, the problem is that Visceral half assed almost everything in this game. The game eventually stops being fun because you get to a point where it's impossible to ignore the problems, and the way the devs act give no hope it will ever get fixed.
And these are just my personal grievances, the game probably has more problems that I simply forgot about.