On thanks. Guess I wait for that message.you get a message and in that message when opened on an Xbox One is a link to download the CTE
On thanks. Guess I wait for that message.you get a message and in that message when opened on an Xbox One is a link to download the CTE
I noticed that Premium is on sale properly (20 bucks) until later tonight. I was curious to jump back in, not sure if I'm sold on wanting to keep playing though. How is the userbase? Do most people just play conquest large these days? Or any of the expansion maps? Server Browser doesn't seem to really show a lot of servers for me that use any of the expansion pack maps, so most are just blank when it comes to the different symbols.
There's also the matter of me not being sure if I even want to play an MP shooter anymore, especially cause I'll just be playing it solo and at best running around/spawning on my squad.
No, I mean, I understand what the game systems are, but after 112 hours of play since launch (plus beta) they still don't feel right for me. Like there's literally no shooter I've ever played that I've failed so miserably to adapt to. The hit reg, lag, hit boxes, bullet trajectories, damage model, feedback, cues, splash, etc. The idea of every game is you learn how it works and adapt to that, and with Battlefield 4 I've completely failed. I either have an amazing round where everything feels like it's playing out balanced and as it should, or like a horrendous incoherent mess of awfulness. In the former case, even when I'm losing, I still feel in control and like I know what's going on. In the latter I'll spend half the time wondering why my shots aren't hitting, why I'm dropping so fast, where shots are going, why a certain tracer looks the way it did but never made contact, the spread of prolonged firing, bullet drop, etc.
The kind of game where I'll land a headshot and be thinking "I clearly wasn't aiming at their head". Close range shotgun blast a guy, crosshair right over his body, and completely miss. Run for cover behind a wall, die, from rounds of a guy that looks like he should not have been able to hit me. Sniper tracers that look like they've hit their target, but no damage feedback is recorded. Grenades that have oddly small or large splash. I'll look at the scoreboard and see some fucker with 20 deaths and 120 kills, and wonder why, despite being better at shooters than any other genre (except maybe platformers), I cannot keep my skill level consistent.
Basically yeah, I mean, I'm having a sook. But the TL;DR is that after 112 hours of play, Battlefield 4 will either feel like some of the most fun I've ever had with a multiplayer game, or the absolute worst. 112 hours of inconsistent play I've failed to adapt to, and I hate that.
t doesn't help when Battlelog and the game itself doesn't give you accurate information for pretty much anything gameplay related, and is sometimes completely wrong.
What happened to OblitGAF and ConquestGAF on PS4![]()
Is there any indication they are nerfing flashbangs and addressing the smoke + FLIR combo?
Don't know about smoke/flir (and I don't really believe it's a big issue) but flashbangs are getting nerfed next patch.
Pffft. At least you had a "SaboGAF" no one plays that on PC besides me.If they're even playing the game anymore.
60,800 to go. >_< Nearly there. After two years.
I'll play on PC with you
I just bought Premium the other day, hadn't touched the game since launch basically, so I have barely anything unlocked.
Don't bother. I've given up on GAF playing modes I prefer to play. Bother Kane and a few of the others that play Conquest.
I don't mind playing Oblit/Rush with you. 64 player Rush especially for that extra clusterfuck potential.
I don't mind playing Oblit/Rush with you. 64 player Rush especially for that extra clusterfuck potential.
Need an X-box Live/.net account to view. NOOOOOO.
In other news. Nearly 10K (11,500) from the finish line. \o/
How active and bad is the PS3 version of this?
I think I tried the beta of it, if this was the one with the map with the collapsible skyscraper in the centre that had a lift going to the roof, and I enjoyed it aside from the fact that I had no idea what I was doing.
It's the third, sometimes even the second most active community behind usually the PS4 and then PC. You won't have trouble finding games on the most popular modes and vanilla maps. Just don't buy the DLC before checking on the server browser if there are enough servers playing it.
Check http://bf4stats.com
The old generation (PS3, 360) versions of BF4 are not bad...they are just very limited. Framerate and resolution are obviously considerably lower but for me the biggest difference is the player count. You can't compare 24 players vs. 64 players BF.
If you don't have a current gen console or a PC that can play BF4 even at low settings go for the PS3 version (you can get it dirty cheap) but you won't be getting the full experience.
Thanks for that. DLC activity was going to be my next question, just because I was planning to get Premium while the game and premium is on sale on PSN for £18. Can Premium carry over to a PS4 copy eventually,
Finally, is the DLC as badly implemented as TLoU PS3's DLC, i.e. each DLC pack has it's own playlist, or can I move from maps from different packs without having to back out of menus and what have you?
Thanks for that. DLC activity was going to be my next question, just because I was planning to get Premium while the game and premium is on sale on PSN for £18. Can Premium carry over to a PS4 copy eventually, or has that ship sailed?
The map on the beta feeling empty was my main problem with it, but it was just that everyone was in or around that centre skyscraper.
Finally, is the DLC as badly implemented as TLoU PS3's DLC, i.e. each DLC pack has it's own playlist, or can I move from maps from different packs without having to back out of menus and what have you?
Speaking of PS3, I'm wondering if it's possible to rent a server and boost the assignements with two people.I kinda want to get the platinum for BF4 but those "get all assignements" for three of the packs, noooo~I'd have to get Premium, rent a server and boot up the PS3 copy I bought but~
don't you need 4 people to start a match?
Are there any configs to reduce the low hp destaturation, supression CA or turn off the strawberry jam? Or maybe any general visibility configs?
It's not as bad as battlefield 3 (awful color grading and blinding bloom and lens flares+ shitstains on your screen) but it's still an unpleasant experience to play this game just due to how much it blinds you and how many disorienting post process effects are piled on top of eachother.
I'm with eatchildren , the hit reg and damage model makes no sense to me.
Getting one hit kod a lot (at least on my screen, no warning, just not being shot at one frame and dead the very next frame) without being headshot, even by assault rifles.
There's no warning, no gunshot sounds, just instant death. Even in cod with the horrible awful low time to kill you are at least aware that you're being shot at in the split second before you die.
Getting killed after I run behind cover.
Crouching or going prone seems like a guaranteed headshot or death before the animation finishes.
Have a shootout with an enemy at close range (no bullet travel time in play) and we both die... usually me or the other guy will die half a second after the first person dies. This happens a lot and is generally one of the main symptoms of lag, desync or just bad netcode in games.
I've shot at enemies who make it behind cover, only for me to get a killfeed a full second after I stopped shooting.
Point blank shotgun blasts that do nothing with me dying from full hp to 0 in one frame. (I'm guessing Im already dead server side before I shot or before the enemy shot at me on my screen so my shot never counted server side)
Non surpressed non spray headshots that just don't hit because ¯\_(ツ_/¯
The time to kill isn't particularly COD levels of low (though it is low) it seems like it's just insane desync between what is happening on each player's computer.
Coming from dirty bomb and cs this is an absolute shitshow and it is not fun.
The whole learning curve and enjoyment in a shooter is getting feedback from a game and learning from it. But if the feedback is wildly inconsistent there is no learning to be done.
I also experience semi frequent crashes (directx error), it only happens in battlefield 4 , I've never crashed in other frostbite games or any other game for that matter, not even once so I know it's not on my end.
Tempted to get the Premium version in the Summer Sale right now on PS4?
Is this a decent time to jump in? I'd like a good amount of time with it before Battlefield 5. Are we expecting that Winter next year?
Had this on PC since near launch, but been playing on EA Access and having a lot of fun. Visually still pretty good and tons of players (also not having to deal with Battlelog is nice).
You literally just missed the sale 4 days ago unfortunately.damn it..anyone know when's the next sale for origin again for this game? ;_; I want to buy the premium version and all buy the shortcut bundle since i'm too lazy to freakin grind now
You literally just missed the sale 4 days ago unfortunately.
damn it..anyone know when's the next sale for origin again for this game? ;_; I want to buy the premium version and all buy the shortcut bundle since i'm too lazy to freakin grind now
Probably in October. But you really shoot boot Origin and keep an eye on it.
The game does not guide the player and can often mislead rather than help. For accurate information regarding all the infantry weapons in the game: symthic.com (apologies if I'm sounding like I'm advertising the website in anyway, I'm not. It really is the only website where you can get actual proper information for weapons in BF4 and 3 without going through the game files yourself).
Hit reg and networking in general has gotten a bit worse since the last patch, the upcoming one plans to tackle this in a major way with higher tick rates and general improvements as well. Though I must say, you seem to be experiencing it on a whole different level. Some of the things you are experiencing should be extremely rare occurrences at best even with the worse "netcode" right now. You can disable post processing in the graphic settings, but there's nothing you can do with the general strawberry jam + black and white colors when you are in extremely low HP
You know that this is why the grind is there to begin with right? If you buy that pack you only reinforce their behavior (and bf4 does feel like it's way slower to unlock shit in than it was in bf3)damn it..anyone know when's the next sale for origin again for this game? ;_; I want to buy the premium version and all buy the shortcut bundle since i'm too lazy to freakin grind now
damn it..anyone know when's the next sale for origin again for this game? ;_; I want to buy the premium version and all buy the shortcut bundle since i'm too lazy to freakin grind now
If you absolutely need to maybe jump into a TDM server to grind out the unlocks and attachments
I guess I'm just one of those gross people that like to play TDM in Battlefield.
I guess I'm just one of those gross people that like to play TDM in Battlefield.