My day didn't go too badly in spite of the fact that I have a headache on the spring break (wonderful, isn't it)... although there was one particular asshole that was notable.
So I'm using the artillery tank for what must easily be the first time in ages. I shoot off a few shots, get one kill (I suck, I know, I need to use it more), and try to move the tank around awkwardly to approach an objective.
Some fool is driving into our spawn with a buggy and the car stops. I immediately assume that this is an enemy with a C4 trying to get at me, so I get out of the tank and look around. I can barely see anything, so I try to get back into the artillery tank. And lo and behold, some MOTHERFUCKER on my team takes the tank away from me. I spam request ride and shoot bullets at the tank, but he just drives it off further into our own spawn for literally no reason whatsoever and proceeds to go 4 and 9 / get no score (this is a CQ lobby mind you). I had to run all the way across Golmud just to fight someone.
I'm now having fun shit talking him, at least.