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Battlefield 4 |OT2| Is it fixed yet?

The Little Bird is fine now I suppose, but no exaggeration, I have yet to see someone man an Viper or Hind a whole round and do at least decent. Those things are flying death traps. And if I did see someone doing good I would just hop in the little bird with the miniguns equipped and tear them a new one. I'm sure players who can do well in either heli do exist, but you would have to be so careful and methodical in your approach to flying that you would probably end up having a higher kpm as infantry ( assuming the player in question is a decent player at least).


Infantry can already do that.

So, again: Jets are pointless since they 1) can't cap points 2) do a job that is already done by infantry (should be done by infantry anyway) and 3) fly around in circles dogfighting for the majority of the match because it can't do 1.

Helicopters are pointless since they made lock-ons too powerful. But on the converse after nearly 900 hours in BC2 consoles, I never want to see another circle-strafing helicopter-fuck again. So nerf those motherfuckers into the ground for all I care.
Or take them out and give me Tank, Humvee/Infantry-only servers like I want, DICE. Come on.

2) Not true at all. There are useful because they can do the same job more effectively and efficiently than infantry. Just like tanks don't do anything infantry can't do, they just do it better.

3) Just because most people are bad at flying does not mean the mechanic is bad. Most players are shit regardless of whether they are infantry, vehicle or air. Thats what makes the game fun, being better than most other people.


I'm a pretty decent chopper pilot, I can go on killing sprees pretty regularly with the Little Bird.

It really sucks though when fighting another Little Bird if he gets repaired and you don't :(

I wish all lock on bullshit would dissappear in this game, fucking no skill weapons. Also stingers and especially mobile AA need a range nerve.

And the Attack Heli is so useless, it really needs a speed/manouverability buff. In BF3 after a stinger lock I woud pop ECM and dive to the ground, in BF4 movement is about 3 miles an hour, so 16 stingers can lock on without a chance of getting away :(


But then how is the MAA supposed to shoot you down in your base instantaneously without aiming? That hardly seems balanced if I can't do that.


Also stingers and especially mobile AA need a range nerve.
The problem with range nerf is it mean even more overpowered plane. ( when it comes to survivability )

Well it's just another proof that plane and chopper should have a different balance when it come to AA, kind of a "plane have a bigger heat signature so you lock them from further and/or faster than chopper".
Would make it easier to have chopper not being useless ( attack chopper ) while not letting plane only being able to get killed by better plane pilote.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
2) Not true at all. There are useful because they can do the same job more effectively and efficiently than infantry. Just like tanks don't do anything infantry can't do, they just do it better.

Sure. Helicopters, I can see (B-B-BUT FLYING COFFINS NOW</helicopter pilots and Kane>). Jets? No. Not really. Sure, they can take one or two tanks out per strafe run, maybe. But you're missing the point: They can't cap objectives, they don't really DO what you say they are supposed to do... they're pointless. Evolved had this opinion in BF3 and I was ambivalent to them but seeing them in BF4? I gotta agree. I don't see the point of them.

3) Just because most people are bad at flying does not mean the mechanic is bad. Most players are shit regardless of whether they are infantry, vehicle or air. Thats what makes the game fun, being better than most other people.

Ignoring the bold. No, the air mechanic is shit because it isn't properly thought out. It's either 1) overpowered or 2) underpowered while 3) not adding to the "sandbox" in the case of jets. In helicopters, you at least have them engaging and moving around efficiently to be air support. Jet's may support, but their ability is strongly hindered and so it's basically a mini-game of dogfighting.


Sure. Helicopters, I can see (B-B-BUT FLYING COFFINS NOW</helicopter pilots and Kane>). Jets? No. Not really. Sure, they can take one or two tanks out per strafe run, maybe. But you're missing the point: They can't cap objectives, they don't really DO what you say they are supposed to do... they're pointless. Evolved had this opinion in BF3 and I was ambivalent to them but seeing them in BF4? I gotta agree. I don't see the point of them.

I've got to agree, to a certain degree. Planes are valuable if they have a lot of air support (helis + gunship + maybe other planes) and/or a Paracel/Water map. But if the entire team is on the ground capturing points, planes can be semi useless, agreed.

In my time with the Drunken squad, I've felt the impact if one of us goes flying (specifically Spl1nter). Multiple times I've asked him to get off the jet and help us control the points. Sure, he may be 30-0, but the other team is dominating the ground either way. Therefore, with basis on personal experience and 0 bias, I can conclude jets most of the time suck.


The problem with range nerf is it mean even more overpowered plane. ( when it comes to survivability )

Well it's just another proof that plane and chopper should have a different balance when it come to AA, kind of a "plane have a bigger heat signature so you lock them from further and/or faster than chopper".
Would make it easier to have chopper not being useless ( attack chopper ) while not letting plane only being able to get killed by better plane pilote.

I could live with this, AA should keep the long range on Jets.

Also a good jet pilot keeping the other helicopters down is immensely valuable. Gives our choppers and tanks space.

Vehicle food chain.
Zero, did your mic issue ever get fixed? Odd how I could get the voice messages, but nothing else.
I can tell you exactly when it started: During the Nansha Domination game I started getting echo. It was at that point you stopped hearing me. It seems like Party Chat was redirecting my mic audio back to me rather than out.

I don't know it if its still happening as I didn't join any other chats that night. I also wonder if in-game chat would work. The last time I had a similar problem was when PSN chat was down and I could hear adam and everyone else in in-game chat but I couldn't be heard. Don't recall echo then.

It really sucks though when fighting another Little Bird if he gets repaired and you don't :(
Works the same way in any other vehicle. He who has the mechanic has the advantage.

And the Attack Heli is so useless, it really needs a speed/manouverability buff. In BF3 after a stinger lock I woud pop ECM and dive to the ground, in BF4 movement is about 3 miles an hour, so 16 stingers can lock on without a chance of getting away :(
Sharp and I have had some good success with the AH since the buff. I think part of it his skill, another our combined intelligence about engaging targets and retreating, and the third is, ironically, I think the MAA has led to people being lazy regarding carrying AA rockets. In our experience, we're far more likely to die to unguided rockets (and SRAW) than dedicated AA ones.

The problem with range nerf is it mean even more overpowered plane. ( when it comes to survivability
Bingo. I've mentioned this before. In the game of Rock Paper Scissors, the Jets are just a bigger rock or a sharper pair of scissors than helicopters. Any buff to anti-air measure to counter Jets affects Helis, and any nerf to increase heli survivability makes Jets stronger.

It's the main reason why I suggested making ARMs jet-only countermeasures. God knows I saw jets flare off ARMs with decent success because of their speed advantage vs. helis.

The giant flaw in my logic, however, is every asshole would just stop using arms because they'd rather take down the easier target – helis.


Jets add another layer of fun to the game. Take those out and even though I rarely fly I'd probably just quit the game. That's part of the reason why I think the BC games are by far the worst games in the series.


man just not having fun with this. feel like 90% of the time i end up on a team that gets steam rolled. on the bright side i haven't had much rubber banding as of late. but not sure if i even want to keep playing. unlocks seem to take forever :\

I'd suggest playing later at night and avoiding servers where you look at the other team and it's almost entirely a clan. Those two keep me from hurling my controller.
Anyone wanna get wrecked with me in some PC EU games tonight? Zeouterlimits is still being responsible so I'm playing alone. If yes, please keep in mind all my posts about how bad I am.

Origin: ProgramTheNinth


I could live with this, AA should keep the long range on Jets.

Also a good jet pilot keeping the other helicopters down is immensely valuable. Gives our choppers and tanks space.
It's also why without even a direct buff to chopper, simply buffing AA against jets ( but jets only ) would be an indirect buff to chopper since you kill on of their biggest predator.

Now I personnaly don't care much about lock on weapon to kill chopper, I mostly have fun with rpg7 ( mostly ) & SRAW ( but fail most of the time with this one ) :


Just feel Sooo good, and at least it's a kill, not just them bailing out.
It's also why without even a direct buff to chopper, simply buffing AA against jets ( but jets only ) would be an indirect buff to chopper since you kill on of their biggest predator.

Now I personnaly don't care much about lock on weapon to kill chopper, I mostly have fun with rpg7 ( mostly ) & SRAW ( but fail most of the time with this one ) :


Just feel Sooo good, and at least it's a kill, not just them bailing out.

Got my first helicopter kill with the RPG the other night. It felt so goddamn good.
How often has anyone said, "Thank god for that guy in the jet?"

I think I did last week when one wrecked an attack boat I was near, but otherwise, nope.


How often has anyone said, "Thank god for that guy in the jet?"

I think I did last week when one wrecked an attack boat I was near, but otherwise, nope.
I actually quite often notice a complet air superiority from one of the team ( thought it was far more true in bf3 ), and it's almost always because of a jet pilot, not because one team has more engineer with stinger than the other.
On a map like Wave breaker it sometimes even mean that you just can't have a single 'island flag' ( don't know how to put it ) because no one can survive those free roaming chooper + jet ( had that 1 or 2 days ago ) on those flag .
How is the PS4 version now? I was thinking of picking this up when I buy my PS4 in the next 2 weeks.

Lag isn't bad at all except for the Naval Strike maps which are horrendous. Get an error message every other day usually at the end of a round. Had 1 hard lock the other day...had to unplug the PS4 while it was still on.

Players are horrible...so many worthless people playing this game...like the guy on my team who rammed my tank in his LAV on Dragon Pass last night for 5 fucking minutes. Followed me from our base to A to D to C to D ramming me the whole time. I was more than pissed. Other idiots don't know how to capture a flag though they spawn on me from 10 clicks out. Other don't even know how to spawn on a spawn beacon or choose not to...rather fuck around doing who knows what. I hate so many of the people that play this game.

The game is fun with smart players. A lot of the people lack strategy whatsoever though. It's amazing how nobody watches the snow path on Locker(pretty sure my spawn beacons beat a bunch of GAF I was playing against today) or when a flag down on Metro refuse to hit the weak points(usually the sides).
Yeah... gonna disagree with that, strongly. Jet pilots are mostly flying around and maybe taking one or two vehicles out unless they're somehow GDLK pilots and even then they're still flying around waiting for the next jet to come up to do another pointless mini-game-within-the-game jet-dogfighting sequence.

I know what I'm contributing to the team when I fly. Stealth jets are the only major problem when it comes to contributing to the team because they only have the shitty LGMs for Air to Ground capabilities once they have dealt with air vehicles. Of which having hydra missiles would be a better alternative because that means good aiming is promoted and encouraged to make the most out of them.

Yes. Double-so since all they do is fly around and wait for the next jet to pop-up in Rush. Might as well take them out.
Right, because taking down tanks and other armored vehicles, clearing enemy mines for your teammates and killing some infantry here and there is somehow completely irrelevant. All they do is just dogfight, totally.

"Helicopters are flying coffins now. Stingers are too strong! Flying coffins! Stingers!"
"Helicopters actually are still powerful when used by people who are dedicated in flying them."

Make up your mind, man.

They aren't mutually exclusive. Fly an attack helicopter in a full conquest match and see how you do compared to someone who spent dozens of hours flying the things. And yes, stingers are too strong against helicopters.

Here's the thing:

Tanks and Humvees add support and can go to objectives and cap and arm while providing cover for said cap and arming.

Helicopters can provide some support roles and maybe start a cap support before flying away.

Jets? Uh... um... *crickets*. Dogfighting simulator with SAY THAT TO MY FACE FUCKER ONLINE AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS 1v1 MATE people.

But since DICE can't even balance the air vehicles to where they aren't useless/too powerful, they might as well take them out and make it ground vehicles/infantry.

Jets provide support for the tanks and humvees to get to their objective safely as well. You need to stop presenting that "jets only dogfight" argument when you rarely fly jets to begin with. Again, jets do their job well when being used by good pilots, just because you can't utilize them well doesn't mean they are pointless.

Sure. Helicopters, I can see (B-B-BUT FLYING COFFINS NOW</helicopter pilots and Kane>). Jets? No. Not really. Sure, they can take one or two tanks out per strafe run, maybe. But you're missing the point: They can't cap objectives, they don't really DO what you say they are supposed to do... they're pointless. Evolved had this opinion in BF3 and I was ambivalent to them but seeing them in BF4? I gotta agree. I don't see the point of them.

Tanks are pretty damn important assets to a team taking out one or two in a strafe is a pretty major blow to the enemy team, and not to mention the jet can quickly come back for another strafe on other targets as well.

What are jets apparently supposed to be doing that they aren't doing? I heard tanks can't arm an MCOM either. Stealth jets are the ones that need tweaking in their role, but that's pretty much it.

You don't see the point that jets take down important ground and air assets and help their teammates on the ground gain the upperhand and control the battlefield?

Ignoring the bold. No, the air mechanic is shit because it isn't properly thought out. It's either 1) overpowered or 2) underpowered while 3) not adding to the "sandbox" in the case of jets. In helicopters, you at least have them engaging and moving around efficiently to be air support. Jet's may support, but their ability is strongly hindered and so it's basically a mini-game of dogfighting.

Air mechanic is shit to you because you never use them. The physics aren't realistic and are far from perfect, but thankfully at the end of the day this is a game. Dogfighting is another element of the game that makes it more than simply taking down other air and ground targets. You want pilots from both teams to agree to not kill each other instead just so they can play the objective that you keep demanding for? Shit we should do that with tanks, they're hindered by tank battles so we might as well just not let them fight each other and make them play the objective! It'll be like a pacifist version of Conquest.

I've got to agree, to a certain degree. Planes are valuable if they have a lot of air support (helis + gunship + maybe other planes) and/or a Paracel/Water map. But if the entire team is on the ground capturing points, planes can be semi useless, agreed.

In my time with the Drunken squad, I've felt the impact if one of us goes flying (specifically Spl1nter). Multiple times I've asked him to get off the jet and help us control the points. Sure, he may be 30-0, but the other team is dominating the ground either way. Therefore, with basis on personal experience and 0 bias, I can conclude jets most of the time suck.

If the team isn't getting their shit together and are losing badly on the ground, you think 1 more soldier on the ground instead of in the air is going to change that outcome? Even if Spl1nter gets off the jet and gets in a tank instead, how is he somehow going to manage overcoming an enemy team that's flat-out playing better than his?

If spl1nter keeps using his jet he can still kill enemy tanks and other vehicles and help you attack or defend an objective, and if that still isn't enough help, then I don't see how getting on the ground instead is going to change much of that. Of course being on the ground means he can help better in certain scenarios, but that still doesn't change the fact that the enemy team is shitting on his.

Jets add another layer of fun to the game. Take those out and even though I rarely fly I'd probably just quit the game. That's part of the reason why I think the BC games are by far the worst games in the series.

They also add another layer of complexity in the game too, of one that very few people care to delve into. Removing them would be (dare I say) dumbing down the game.

I did think of you on Rush Kharg, but that was BF3.

...I sense a pattern forming. Back in BF3 when jets were 'OP' people thanked you. Now that they're more balanced, no one gives a shit.

Attack jets still kill every single enemy target in the game with a clean strafe, they are more balanced in this game than in BF3, but that doesn't mean they don't get the job done almost just as well as they used to.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Jets add another layer of fun to the game. Take those out and even though I rarely fly I'd probably just quit the game. That's part of the reason why I think the BC games are by far the worst games in the series.

Explains a lot about you.

Really BC's main problems are:

3-4 flag Conquest (easily fixed if they did more thinking in maps)
Helicopter fucks (easily fixed with Stingers, B-B-BUT MY ANTI-AIR! Flares and smoke and bullshit made landing the lucky tracer a pointless endeavor in BC2 since they could just knock those off with no penalty to them)
Too much destruction (but BF3-4 have TOO LITTLE destruction at times. DICE&#8482; Balance)
Objective Harm on crates (thankfully fixed in BF3 and 4)

Kane said:
If the team isn't getting their shit together and are losing badly on the ground, you think 1 more soldier on the ground instead of in the air is going to change that outcome? Even if Spl1nter gets off the jet and gets in a tank instead, how is he somehow going to manage overcoming an enemy team that's flat-out playing better than his?

If spl1nter keeps using his jet he can still kill enemy tanks and other vehicles and help you attack or defend an objective, and if that still isn't enough help, then I don't see how getting on the ground instead is going to change much of that. Of course being on the ground means he can help better in certain scenarios, but that still doesn't change the fact that the enemy team is shitting on his.

You're missing our point: If we're losing flags and someone is going 30-0 in a jet, they aren't helping defend. You can sit here and stomp your feet about it, but you know him and I are right.

If we're getting our shit pushed in? Sure, nothing to be done. Your jet still isn't contributing and while you go 30-0, we go 16-60 because we're on the ground trying to cap flags while you're safe up in the air taking one or two tanks out per minute while waiting for the dogfighting mini-game to pop-back up.

Which brings up an acedote: You linked to a battle-report yesterday of you going 30-0 and saying "SEE, JETS ARE USEFUL!" Uh... no. That's missing the point.

As far as tank vs tank battles: Those are over in five mins, max. Jet dogfighting? Takes longer if both people are pro-pilots. I dare say pro-pilot vs pro-pilot basically nulls jets in air-support because they're distracting each other. Which leads to: Dog-fighting mini-game.


Explains a lot about you.

Really BC's main problems are:

3-4 flag Conquest (easily fixed if they did more thinking in maps)
Helicopter fucks (easily fixed with Stingers, B-B-BUT MY ANTI-AIR! Flares and smoke and bullshit made landing the lucky tracer a pointless endeavor in BC2 since they could just knock those off with no penalty to them)
Too much destruction (but BF3-4 have TOO LITTLE destruction at times. DICE&#8482; Balance)
Objective Harm on crates (thankfully fixed in BF3 and 4)

In BC1&2 choppers were OP as all fuck partly because of the lack of jets to keep them in line.

On top of that though the BC games were just stripped down baby versions of what BF should be. That was the main reason I didn't like them as BF games. Lacking jets was just part of that.

And yeah I guess it does say a lot about me lol. I'm a fan of the multiple layers of gameplay you get from a wide variety of vehicles even if they aren't needed for competitive play or w/e. They're fun. That's enough for me.

They also add another layer of complexity in the game too, of one that very few people care to delve into. Removing them would be (dare I say) dumbing down the game.

Removing them would 100% be dumbing the game down.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Magic Carpet Ride into the Ocean, bro.


Seks spectating me.

peer pressure.

Also, I was totally a team player that match, dont even deny it.


Nope, your team was losing for most of that round until they finally capped E and started to bleed reverse.

Meanwhile you were WHOLE NEW WORLDING five times on a helicopter just to disable it (and then kill it off-screen later)

In BC1&2 choppers were OP as all fuck partly because of the lack of jets to keep them in line.

Not really. Jet's would just be a minor nuisance and then become THE overpowered shit instead of helicopters while still being mostly useless.

Also BC1 had small arms fire, like BC2 Vietnam. Just BC2 Vietnam made the helicopters a paperbag in terms of HP instead of thinking that through.

Origin could not get code (-5df70000): Base proxy error. You shouldn't get this error.

Well, that's new. Internet disconnects while in game, you get that error apparently.
Magic Carpet Ride into the Ocean, bro.


Nope, your team was losing for most of that round until they finally capped E and started to bleed reverse.

Meanwhile you were WHOLE NEW WORLDING five times on a helicopter just to disable it (and then kill it off-screen later)

To be fair, I did mention the stealth jet needs tweaking. And that is a scout heli, which means repairs and tiny hitbox

Without my motivational support, the team wouldn't have gotten E anyway


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I'll admit that knife you got from jumping from the roof was pure imagi-WTF.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Made their team quit and no auto-balance on AOD despite it supposed to be shuffle and auto-balanced.

(And 3 Sabotage rounds in a row after a bit when it should be 2 Rush [Atk/Def] and 1 Sabo rotation. WTF. It's even advertised in the description!)

I wish I had Shadowplay enabled for that "FUCK YOU" bailing from Kane's helicopter that was being chased in the back by the other Magnum PI Helo, land set up the Stinger. They flare (I guess Kane set that up?) and fire right on them. BAM. All in sixty seconds.
Checkmate, bitch

Attack jets still kill every single enemy target in the game with a clean strafe, they are more balanced in this game than in BF3, but that doesn't mean they don't get the job done almost just as well as they used to.
Yeah, and people who can actually do that are few and far in between.

The only time in a game I wish we had a jet pilot is when there's a legit good pilot on the other team, as thats the only way to get rid of him. I don't think there's another vehicle that goes for.

Between the lag and the absolute shit team we were on it wasn't a fun night. I hate useless randoms so much.

We had idiot redditors trying to do C4 tricks on the Dam game. I swear this happened the last time I played with you.

On the bright side we tend to tear it up in the LAV on Resort.


If spl1nter keeps using his jet he can still kill enemy tanks and other vehicles and help you attack or defend an objective, and if that still isn't enough help, then I don't see how getting on the ground instead is going to change much of that. Of course being on the ground means he can help better in certain scenarios, but that still doesn't change the fact that the enemy team is shitting on his.

I hate to admit that Spl1nter may be that good to make a difference. I'm gonna agree jets provide support for a tank driver like myself. It's rare to die to a plane, but it happens, and when it happens, I want you in the air.


I hate to admit that Spl1nter may be that good to make a difference. I'm gonna agree jets provide support for a tank driver like myself. It's rare to die to a plane, but it happens, and when it happens, I want you in the air.

Thats because we always play with Kane and Spl1nter. Only think they need to do better is kill that damn AC130 faster.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
irrelevant cause i'm now drunk cause i just finished university so all things no longer matter.

Now you have big boy responsibilities like getting up early instead of staying up late playing a preffered game mode and mocking me.
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