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Battlefield Bad Company 2 |OT| See, Spot, Run

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At least unlike the "free maps", this co-op mode sounds like something they've actually put work into after the game went gold. So we can all take joy in that...or something.


TheSeks said:

I mean the first NEVER went to PC. They only ported it to the PC because of the MW2/Dedicated Server fiasco.

It's kinda weird how DICE and IW pulled a 180 on both fanbases. (PC players being second class for IW, Consoles for DICE)
Ummm no. PC BC2 was always planned after the uproar from PC users about BC1 not being on PC. DICE didn't plan a PC release of BC1 because they didn't think PC users wanted a smaller scale BF game.


Wthermans said:
Ummm no. PC BC2 was always planned after the uproar from PC users about BC1 not being on PC. DICE didn't plan a PC release of BC1 because they didn't think PC users wanted a smaller scale BF game.

Yep, this.


sparkle this bitch
OldJadedGamer said:
To get all my SPECACT Recon kills I've just been going into Hardcore mode. I'm half way to my 100 in just a couple of games.
For the achievements, do i have to use the gun? or the suit? or both?
TheSeks said:
Renderman: Whoever you are, thanks for playing on my team. There was another GAFfer that I forget the name of that bailed, but whatever. I think it was you that threw out ammo for me on the oil pipe in Port Valadez trying to snipe B first set. Thanks. :lol

Render: I dunno if you were trying to hit the objective markers, but if we're in a blackhawk and someone on the team arms a crate. Try to spray that area only. I dunno how they kept disarming (I fly/drive in first person) but that was kinda annoying. I'm like "well, yeah, that'll be in the ba--*disarm*--fuck."

Np. I try and make sure everyone is locked and loaded.

Okay I will keep that in mind next time. Sorry. I was just firing at any enemy I see and try to at the armed crate area as well.


Wag said:
Knifing does nothing!!! It does nothing!!!!:(:(:(:D

Same with the GL now on PS3 apparently (first time playing since the patch)

Went something like 16-40 and 14-22 my last two matches but attacking on Arica Harbor I took out 4 m-coms as we rolled to victory. Covered Anm8 with the Abrams as he armed the last two. Nice way to finish the night after starting with rubberbanding, lag and constantly dying on defense.


I actually stabbed someone point blank (face to face), watched the blood spew from him- he didn't go down, then he shot me dead. Shit. That really sucks.


sparkle this bitch
Wag said:
I actually stabbed someone point blank (face to face), watched the blood spew from him- he didn't go down, then he shot me dead. Shit. That really sucks.
Had two fail knives in my last game. One at the last minute too...I licked my lips in glory only to see it fail =[
i didn't really notice much of a difference (if any) in the balance, other than the tracer is the new jesus gun now. i'm not sure if they were already hurt, but i was still popping people from pretty far with the pump shotgun and slugs.

didn't have any crazy knife fails either like some people, in fact, on a game on Nelson Bay, i got an epic triple shotgun, double knife success, though i suspect the 2nd guy i knifed had a knife fail against me...

bloodydrake said:
Keepin It Real.. on Gaf even... Bravo!
yeah, that's how i roll, i gots to keep it real.

OldJadedGamer said:
To get all my SPECACT Recon kills I've just been going into Hardcore mode. I'm half way to my 100 in just a couple of games.
i got mine on offense on Port Valdez, Valparaiso (Lighthouse, whoooooo!) and Isla Inocentes. first time i REALLY REALLY got into playing Recon on Isla Inocentes, and man, most of the people who normally sit on the hill suck. you can really cover B from all over there, it's free kills all day when someone arms B.

shintoki said:
For the achievements, do i have to use the gun? or the suit? or both?
just the gun. and good games earlier!

TheSeks said:
Biggest issue I have right now: Machine Guns don't do shit to helicopters (when they did before the the patch), seems like I couldn't take down ANY Blackhawks with the two machine guns on Ilsa. Pissed me off as I kept being killed twenty times over while the rest of PS3 GAF ran around with their heads cut-off not trying to attempt to bring the blackhawk down (seriously, no one was on the other machine gun? WTF?).


Oh, and the tracer would shoot through the helicopter or be before/after it with the new speed increase. GG, DICE.
man, blackhawks are useless now! i mean, before i felt that had to work for my Carl shots, but with the ridiculous tracer speed i can't miss anymore. it really is too fast.
shintoki said:
For the achievements, do i have to use the gun? or the suit? or both?

Faceless Master already answered but don't forget that the achievements are busted in the US and only open up for Europe. DICE will need to patch them but your kills will still count so if you have your pins and insignia now, once the patch comes out the achievement will unlock.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
duracell017 said:
Okay I will keep that in mind next time. Sorry. I was just firing at any enemy I see and try to at the armed crate area as well.

Well, you shouldn't focus on just that, but in general the defenders will swarm the M-COM that is armed. Spraying that direction/anyone sitting near it is a good way to get them off it (or kill them in the process) and keep it armed.


OldJadedGamer said:
Faceless Master already answered but don't forget that the achievements are busted in North America and only open up for Europe. DICE will need to patch them but your kills will still count so if you have your pins and insignia now, once the patch comes out the achievement will unlock.

Fixed for Canadians also having the same trouble :D


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
The Faceless Master said:
man, blackhawks are useless now! i mean, before i felt that had to work for my Carl shots, but with the ridiculous tracer speed i can't miss anymore. it really is too fast.

Oh, they've always been useless. It's just today I ran into a smart pilot that got into my blindspot on the Machine Guns and I couldn't do shit and no one would get on the second one to get them out of my blind spot and kill them.

Two Machine Guns = mowing down the blackhawks before they can even come in, in general. Just today that didn't happen and it pissed me off trying to take them on by myself because I kept being killed while having to run between the two to take them down.

And the tracer dart speed is throwing me off. I haven't hit any of the helicopters I've attempted to tracer YET.
TheSeks said:
Oh, they've always been useless. It's just today I ran into a smart pilot that got into my blindspot on the Machine Guns and I couldn't do shit and no one would get on the second one to get them out of my blind spot and kill them.

Two Machine Guns = mowing down the blackhawks before they can even come in, in general. Just today that didn't happen and it pissed me off trying to take them on by myself because I kept being killed while having to run between the two to take them down.

And the tracer dart speed is throwing me off. I haven't hit any of the helicopters I've attempted to tracer YET.
nah, before the patch, they were decent. a nice distraction, and with a good pilot, you could do some armed crate defending and kill some people. nowadays, their best uses are airborne sniper taxis and for flying jihad attacks.

i got used to the tracer speed almost instantly, 99% of shots, i aim a tiny bit in front of the nose, shoot and it's tagged.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
The Faceless Master said:
i got used to the tracer speed almost instantly, 99% of shots, i aim a tiny bit in front of the nose, shoot and it's tagged.

Doesn't seem to work for me.

And pre-patch I was able to take them out easily. Toda can tell you, I was a one man army on a machine gun in one game a few weeks back. Today was the first time I got on an MG to take the blackhawks out and couldn't bring them down for shit. I'm not sure if they nerfed them, but man... if they did... stupid decision, DICE.
I love the teams of medics on Port Valdez. I mean, they can just steamroll all the way until the third set. Then we get the Apache and a better location for the Bradley and it's all over. The funny thing is no one bothered to switch classes to take me out allowing me to get like an easy 20 kill streak. I guess easy mode, err, LMG is just too important to idiots like that.
TheSeks said:
Doesn't seem to work for me.

And pre-patch I was able to take them out easily. Toda can tell you, I was a one man army on a machine gun in one game a few weeks back. Today was the first time I got on an MG to take the blackhawks out and couldn't bring them down for shit. I'm not sure if they nerfed them, but man... if they did... stupid decision, DICE.
i almost never use the HMG's to take out blackhawks, i always felt that it took too long, plus i put a huge bullseye on my head. i used to do it on Isla when i was maxing my Medic, but since then i used the Carl instead. though now with the mech gouki tracer, i might as well use the RPG-7 and work on the platinum for that!
Every game I played either was freaking too small 5-6 on each team or freaking 1 sided like hell. Half a team of 40+ vs level 20s.

I'm real disappointed right now. I want freaking at least 10-10 games not freaking 5-5 without anybody joining in.

This is before 8pm pacific time.


The Faceless Master said:
just the gun. and good games earlier!

damn, both you guys were on today? i got to play some good games with faceless, but i guessed i missed out on playing with shintoki. faceless, the one defend on valparaiso against that good team was pretty damn fun!
somnific said:
damn, both you guys were on today? i got to play some good games with faceless, but i guessed i missed out on playing with shintoki. faceless, the one defend on valparaiso against that good team was pretty damn fun!
yeah, that was later in the evening. good games!

still can't believe i missed that jihad quad guy the 3rd time with the carl! and the 2nd time he did it, i was reloading because i just shot a medic by the landing pad.


Ballistictiger said:
The changes were great. CG nerf, noobtube nerf, M60 depowered, Mortar cooldown raised to 60 seconds instead of 45, tracer upgrade, and 25% extra damage gone.

But why?

I loved the fact that getting someone from behind or the flank resulted in a dead guy. Shoot-outs were fast paced and deadly. The rest (except for the overpowered M60) can be argued as well. I personally was never dominated by CGs (and to be fair, you could hit a blackhawk with a CG without destroying it, so even if it was good against infantry it had it´s drawbacks), mortar strikes, 40mm grenades or whatever. Medics were the only thing that bugged me, not only because of their guns, but the fact that knifing them seemed to be more glitched (but that might be my burning hatred for medics blurring my perception of reality) and the butt-ugly American medic model.

I shouldn´t bitch, though, this takes away the urge to use the free day to play for hours and hours. Patch news stopped me from developing an addiction, yay.

Till BC3, GAF.

And fuck you, DICE, I HATE change.



TheSeks said:
Doesn't seem to work for me.

And pre-patch I was able to take them out easily. Toda can tell you, I was a one man army on a machine gun in one game a few weeks back. Today was the first time I got on an MG to take the blackhawks out and couldn't bring them down for shit. I'm not sure if they nerfed them, but man... if they did... stupid decision, DICE.

Yup, I can confirm. Isla Innocentes was the place IIRC. I do it too if i'm not running with an engy. Throw on the extra damage vehicle perk and hop on a 50 cal and they used to go down quick.

I'd take a humvee for myself and use it as a mobile AA gun on Atamaca, took down apaches and havocs pretty well running with extra damage.


Last night I got the drop on two guys, crouched and completely unaware. I put a 40mm right at their feet, one died and the other turned and killed me. WTF. Shit like that all night last night.

I rarely bitch about stuff like this but i felt completely off with just about everything last night. I don't usually die so damn much and will sacrifice myself to cap or defend but I went 36-103 last night. W/L was 4-2 but daaaaaaammmn i felt like a bullet magnet.


The Faceless Master said:
cmon now, they've been screwing up from the start when they made a big deal about free maps, which aren't even new maps, but just different modes on the same maps already on the disk which are locked just to make extra bucks off of people who bought the game. if their 'VIP' code actually worked like how most normal DLC worked and was tied to the console, it'd be understandable, but they aren't just getting people who bought it used, they're fucking over people who bought it new and don't live alone.

This, my brother had to buy a new copy of the game because of this.


TheSeks said:
Biggest issue I have right now: Machine Guns don't do shit to helicopters (when they did before the the patch), seems like I couldn't take down ANY Blackhawks with the two machine guns on Ilsa. Pissed me off as I kept being killed twenty times over while the rest of PS3 GAF ran around with their heads cut-off not trying to attempt to bring the blackhawk down (seriously, no one was on the other machine gun? WTF?).


Oh, and the tracer would shoot through the helicopter or be before/after it with the new speed increase. GG, DICE.

Look dude it might be a good thing that you left. We won that game on the last M-Coms with just A left. I tried my best to shoot down as many choppers as possible. With you it's always the "other" GAFFERs, everyone making mistakes except you. How about you and I make a deal and from now on when you join a game and see me you leave, and I'll do the same when I see you.


greenjerk said:
Last night I got the drop on two guys, crouched and completely unaware. I put a 40mm right at their feet, one died and the other turned and killed me. WTF. Shit like that all night last night.

I rarely bitch about stuff like this but i felt completely off with just about everything last night. I don't usually die so damn much and will sacrifice myself to cap or defend but I went 36-103 last night. W/L was 4-2 but daaaaaaammmn i felt like a bullet magnet.

I tried a bunch of times to join you but I was always put on the other team so I gave up and went to bed.
Mr Sandman said:
I love the teams of medics on Port Valdez. I mean, they can just steamroll all the way until the third set. Then we get the Apache and a better location for the Bradley and it's all over. The funny thing is no one bothered to switch classes to take me out allowing me to get like an easy 20 kill streak. I guess easy mode, err, LMG is just too important to idiots like that.

This is what boggles my mind, I mean medic is my main class, but I always use 2 or 3 classes per round at some point depending on the situation.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
greenjerk said:
Yup, I can confirm. Isla Innocentes was the place IIRC. I do it too if i'm not running with an engy. Throw on the extra damage vehicle perk and hop on a 50 cal and they used to go down quick.

I'd take a humvee for myself and use it as a mobile AA gun on Atamaca, took down apaches and havocs pretty well running with extra damage.

I haven't tried the extra damage, that works on the MG's or just the .50? If it's just the .50 that just paints a bigger target on you (IMO), but I guess being more mobile makes it to where there isn't a blind spot and you have to rely on teammates (*cough*) to help you out. *shrug*

Az said:

My biggest mistake yesterday was taking shotguns into assault fights. Besides that, I'm more annoyed that I can't take down a helicopter by myself anymore (MG nerfed or something?) before they can even reach the base. I'm not sure if it's lag or what, but that was fucking stupid.

However, I'm also annoyed that I'm sitting there for twenty minutes taking on a helicopter by myself and no one decides to try to help me swat the fly down so they stay on the ground.

But hey, feel free to ignore me. That's cool.


TheAzRim said:
I tried a bunch of times to join you but I was always put on the other team so I gave up and went to bed.

Damn that sucks. I figured something was up. I tried leaving Olimpias squad and starting my own so you could join but the team must've been full. I'm taking a long weekend and I'll be on in between cleaning out and rearranging our basemnt.


TheSeks said:
I haven't tried the extra damage, that works on the MG's or just the .50? If it's just the .50 that just paints a bigger target on you (IMO), but I guess being more mobile makes it to where there isn't a blind spot and you have to rely on teammates (*cough*) to help you out. *shrug*

I don't know for sure, it seemed like it helped on 50's and the stationary MG's. As for using the humvee, I drove myself around and when I'd find a target i'd park quick and switch vehicle positions. I got pretty quick at doing it and it works well on Atamaca as I can hang on the fringes and go un-noticed. Other (smaller) maps you're just a big target.


TheSeks said:
I haven't tried the extra damage, that works on the MG's or just the .50? If it's just the .50 that just paints a bigger target on you (IMO), but I guess being more mobile makes it to where there isn't a blind spot and you have to rely on teammates (*cough*) to help you out. *shrug*

My biggest mistake yesterday was taking shotguns into assault fights. Besides that, I'm more annoyed that I can't take down a helicopter by myself anymore (MG nerfed or something?) before they can even reach the base. I'm not sure if it's lag or what, but that was fucking stupid.

However, I'm also annoyed that I'm sitting there for twenty minutes taking on a helicopter by myself and no one decides to try to help me swat the fly down so they stay on the ground.

But hey, feel free to ignore me. That's cool.

PS3 GAF is having a great time with this game, and you've become quite a downer. Just read your posts that is all, and I know I shot down 2-3 choppers on the first two M-coms. You want 11 people to play for you and that does not work.

Edit: Looks like the choppers ether have more armor or the MG/CG is weaker. Sometimes takes me two hits to take one out..


Ugh, I'm tired. Been a long day of flying. I started out in south korea, flew to japan, I'm in alaska now, then in a half hour I fly to seattle, then chicago and finally albany...

Fuck, I hate international travel.

I should be back to playing with you guys friday night.
TheSeks said:
Besides that, I'm more annoyed that I can't take down a helicopter by myself anymore (MG nerfed or something?) before they can even reach the base. I'm not sure if it's lag or what, but that was fucking stupid.

However, I'm also annoyed that I'm sitting there for twenty minutes taking on a helicopter by myself and no one decides to try to help me swat the fly down so they stay on the ground.

But hey, feel free to ignore me. That's cool.

If they nerfed it, it's probably because they want you to use the tracer + RPG now. Did you try that? RPG-7 still kills in one hit.


1stStrike said:
Ugh, I'm tired. Been a long day of flying. I started out in south korea, flew to japan, I'm in alaska now, then in a half hour I fly to seattle, then chicago and finally albany...

Fuck, I hate international travel.

I should be back to playing with you guys friday night.

Safe trip(s) matey!

Once the Reach stuff has died down, I can get back to playing my beloved BC2 again. :lol


1stStrike said:
Ugh, I'm tired. Been a long day of flying. I started out in south korea, flew to japan, I'm in alaska now, then in a half hour I fly to seattle, then chicago and finally albany...

Fuck, I hate international travel.

I should be back to playing with you guys friday night.

The jetlag should be delicious


Thanks Raide. I have a brand new queen sized bed waiting for me to break it in :|

Also, sounds like I missed some PS3-GAF drama involving (surprise!) Seks. I'll be back to laying the smack down tomorrow guys. Blowing up mcom's just isn't the same without me, I know :p


1stStrike said:
Ugh, I'm tired. Been a long day of flying. I started out in south korea, flew to japan, I'm in alaska now, then in a half hour I fly to seattle, then chicago and finally albany...

Fuck, I hate international travel.

I should be back to playing with you guys friday night.

Albany the country or some US city?


1stStrike said:
Thanks Raide. I have a brand new queen sized bed waiting for me to break it in :|

Also, sounds like I missed some PS3-GAF drama involving (surprise!) Seks. I'll be back to laying the smack down tomorrow guys. Blowing up mcom's just isn't the same without me, I know :p

Yeah, we missed you last night. This one team was super annoying, on D they'd camp our spawn. On offense they were crawling everywhere. They were good and very coordinating and very annoying and unpleasant to play against.
Meh. News of a cool looking co-op mode for DLC just makes me glad I sold this game for a cool $45. I guess from now on I'll buy EA shooters four to six months after release so that everything on the disc is already unlocked and playable.


Nabs said:
oh, they broke the knife on the ps3 too? ah. it's why i'm not playing the pc version until they fix it.

Yes it happens sometimes, but not playing it is redicilous. Was never a big knifer but did prolly 30-40 knife kills in the past 1-2 days. Yes sometimes it just happens, but you can still try your gun...


Junior Butler
Bumblebeetuna said:
Meh. News of a cool looking co-op mode for DLC just makes me glad I sold this game for a cool $45. I guess from now on I'll buy EA shooters four to six months after release so that everything on the disc is already unlocked and playable.

I'm fine with the content, despite it being a bit moronic to label variants of existing maps as additional content.

How nice it would be if a PC BF3 was released without any sort of micro-transaction bullshit. I don't give a fuck about different colored gear or useless alternate weapon configurations. Let the BC series keep that shit.

I still love you BC2.
Mr Sandman said:
I love the teams of medics on Port Valdez. I mean, they can just steamroll all the way until the third set. Then we get the Apache and a better location for the Bradley and it's all over. The funny thing is no one bothered to switch classes to take me out allowing me to get like an easy 20 kill streak. I guess easy mode, err, LMG is just too important to idiots like that.

That's actually my favorite part as an attacker on Valdez...third set of MCOMs I immediately switch to my engy build and start downing Apaches.

Had some fun rounds like night, tearing it up as medic and engineer. As attacker on Port Valdez, me and my squad twice got behind enemy lines and held our own, causing as much chaos as possible. We got on the construction buildings at the first and third set of MCOMs and wreaked havoc. So satisfying picking off defenders when they have no idea where the shots are coming from.

As a side note, it's kind of strange seeing all the console players bitching about the patch that the PC players seem to love. I also don't see any changes related to the .50 cal...I would think this guy would have updated/mentioned it if it had happened, since he looks at the raw data: http://denkirson.xanga.com/722757523/bad-company-2/

Since the console guys got the new patch before PC, has anyone used the MG3? Is it more useful with its buff now?
belvedere said:
I'm fine with the content, despite it being a bit moronic to label variants of existing maps as additional content.

How nice it would be if a PC BF3 was released without any sort of micro-transaction bullshit. I don't give a fuck about different colored gear or useless alternate weapon configurations. Let the BC series keep that shit.

I still love you BC2.

I think, of all the DLC complaints with this game, the completely optional aesthetic changes would worry you the least. I don't like the paid game modes or maps (if this ever happens). Shower the game with as much paid customization as they like--I think that sort of DLC is a good thing. Its the gameplay paid DLC that bothers me.


it's not perfect but they fixed damned near every piece of shit, craptastic tactic that was unbalancing the game with abuse (not all, but most) :D

I like it - 360 BTW
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