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Battlefield Bad Company 2 |OT| See, Spot, Run

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TheSeks said:
That's nothing. I mortared the Bridge/Train on Arica Harbor Rush and got at least 9 people in the strike. :lol

Wow. Well done!

I was more excited about how quickly I came in the game and got 3 destruction kills. Within 10 seconds I had almost 500 points off the kills and MCOM destruction. That's why I love Battlefield games!

I do miss BF2 however. I played some the other night and it felt so good to go prone and have a HUGE map to play on.
MotorbreathX said:
Wow. Well done!

I was more excited about how quickly I came in the game and got 3 destruction kills. Within 10 seconds I had almost 500 points off the kills and MCOM destruction. That's why I love Battlefield games!

I do miss BF2 however. I played some the other night and it felt so good to go prone and have a HUGE map to play on.

Ah, I would murder for some fucking BF2 maps to play in BC2!!!


Anyone worried that the amount of work that Dice has on it's hands may mean we won't get as much support from BC2 that we want?


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Good game, Olimpia. Too bad Toda didn't join us. :( That last crate is generally the hardest one to get (IMO) on Port Valadez, so I was basically just sitting in point B trying to be a spawn point for the rest of you. The team didn't take the tanks so the enemy did and started to mow us down, meanwhile. :( Guess I'll have to take the tanks next time.

At least I got some shotgun kills out of it. So I'm 8 away from a cool 300. 200 more shitty hit-detection kills to get that stupid emblem and then I just have to mop up C4/Mines/destroyed vehicles. :/

Shnookums said:
Road to Jalalabad!

Please no "Backstab" or "BridgeTooFar"</BF2:Modern Combat 360>

I don't miss the prone/dolphin diving, myself. But I wouldn't mind some BC1 maps in along with Wake Island (come on, seriously, it's a staple of BF now) and maybe some BF2 maps.


I'm up to 18 destruction 2.0 kills from just C4ing buildings (mostly from B on the first set of mcom's in Nelson Bay).

Two more flights and then I'll be home :|


sparkle this bitch
Glory to Dogtags. The kills that last for infamy!

Dogtags total:
Dogtags unique:
Bronze total:
Bronze unique:
Silver total:
Silver unique:
Gold total:
Gold unique:

They really need to have a team balance. If there are 8 on one team, and 3 another. Move two of the 3 to the team with 8 and put me on the team with 1. Balanced!
Too bad nobody plays this shit anymore on PSN. I could never find a full game and I don't mean 12v12 full nooo that's just a pipe dream in the land of BC2 I mean anything more than 8v8.

Oh and EA I would rather have COD like P2P online gameplay over your shitty ass laggy servers. Easily one of the most laggy games I've played this gen.
TheThunder said:
Too bad nobody plays this shit anymore on PSN. I could never find a full game and I don't mean 12v12 full nooo that's just a pipe dream in the land of BC2 I mean anything more than 8v8.

Oh and EA I would rather have COD like P2P online gameplay over your shitty ass laggy servers. Easily one of the most lagest(sp?) games I've played this gen.
A lot of people play it's just that they are way to spread out. The patch and new server spread them even more out.

It's ridiculous.
shintoki said:
Glory to Dogtags. The kills that last for infamy!

Dogtags total: 464
Dogtags unique: 379
Bronze total: 343
Bronze unique: 279
Silver total: 119
Silver unique: 99
Gold total: 2
Gold unique: 1

They really need to have a team balance. If there are 8 on one team, and 3 another. Move two of the 3 to the team with 8 and put me on the team with 1. Balanced!
oh wow, console dog tags work now!

Dogtags total: 605
Dogtags unique: 497
Bronze total: 499
Bronze unique: 400
Silver total: 105
Silver unique: 96
Gold total: 1
Gold unique: 1


1stStrike said:
I'm up to 18 destruction 2.0 kills from just C4ing buildings (mostly from B on the first set of mcom's in Nelson Bay).

Two more flights and then I'll be home :|

Have a safe trip man.

When you get home we can get back to taking out some M-COM's. :p


Ballistictiger said:
I'll play 3d Dot game heroes until you get back.

Yeah man that game has consumed me...lol The last couple nights I've been saying, "Okay, I'm DEFINITELY going to play some BC2 tonight."

Then, I end up playing more 3D Dot or some other friends of mine ask me to play other games.

Haven't played BC2 for like 3 days. :/
The only reason I'm not playing because every game I join is freaking 5vs5 or around that range. I want some 10vs10 or higher. It doesn't fill up as well.

I know 3D Dot Game Heroes will consume me soon. Zelda games always consumes me.


Dogtags total: 738
Dogtags unique: 610
Bronze total: 508
Bronze unique: 425
Silver total: 228
Silver unique: 186
Gold total: 2
Gold unique: 2

i love my dog tags


Odrion said:
Anyone worried that the amount of work that Dice has on it's hands may mean we won't get as much support from BC2 that we want?

I posted the other day this exact sentiment. I'm pretty intrigued by Medal of Honor, so it could be that everyone just moves onto that. It wouldn't surprise me if we don't get any truly new maps.

Not sure I care though if it means BF3 is what they are working on after MoH. I can easily play this as my MP FPS fix (obviously with some retro maps, and reconfigured Rush maps) till MoH or Killzone 3 comes out.


TheSeks said:
Please no "Backstab" or "BridgeTooFar"</BF2:Modern Combat 360>

I don't miss the prone/dolphin diving, myself. But I wouldn't mind some BC1 maps in along with Wake Island (come on, seriously, it's a staple of BF now) and maybe some BF2 maps.

Road to Jalalabad is a BF2 map.
Ballistictiger said:
A lot of people play it's just that they are way to spread out. The patch and new server spread them even more out.

It's ridiculous.
So they made that to get people to connect to server near them to minimize lag ?

Well my game still lags like ass. Already took the disc out and pit SSF4 back in.

I really hope that they design BF3 as a real sequel to BF2 and none of the console limitation putting shit for COD players crap. I'm also definitely gonna get that one for PC just like BF2&2142, fuck EA shitty ass servers they were horrible in both BC1 and 1943 as well.
Ballistictiger said:
A lot of people play it's just that they are way to spread out. The patch and new server spread them even more out.

It's ridiculous.

Are you serious? God, it was already like a ghost town after 12 AM EST, it's probably even worse now. The absolute only time I've ever played full 12 v 12 games is in the afternoon hours. Anytime later than that and it's 8 v 8 or lower, and horribly unbalanced.
West coast over here. Even in the afternoon the best I can get is 8 vs 8. Normal is around freak 5 vs 5. I like the patch and all but this is a serious drawback for me.

I want huge games much more fun then the snorefest that is 5 vs 5.
People can say what they want about CoD, but one thing those games do well is keep the rooms filled. The teams are rarely unbalanced, and the room is rarely unfilled for more than 2 minutes. I've gone 2+ hours without seeing anyone join an 8 v 8 in BC2 numerous times. I don't get it.


TheThunder said:
Too bad nobody plays this shit anymore on PSN. I could never find a full game and I don't mean 12v12 full nooo that's just a pipe dream in the land of BC2 I mean anything more than 8v8.

Oh and EA I would rather have COD like P2P online gameplay over your shitty ass laggy servers. Easily one of the most laggy games I've played this gen.

Uhh... unless something changed drastically since I started flying to NY (I'm in Chicago now, only one more flight to go) there's at least two full squads of gaffers on every day playing together. Every time I play I'm always in full or close to it servers. The only time it empties out is when we start dominating and all the randoms rage quit when we beat them 8 games in a row.
It's not that nobody plays anymore. It's a matchmaking problem and the amount of servers.
There shouldn't be servers that have just 3 vs 3. Close it down and put people in servers until it's filled up or something.

The game sold 5 million. It is bound to have tons of people on at once.


Ballistictiger said:
It's not that nobody plays anymore. It's a matchmaking problem and the amount of servers.
There shouldn't be servers that have just 3 vs 3. Close it down and put people in servers until it's filled up or something.

The game sold 5 million. It is bound to have tons of people on at once.

It's generally a pain no matter what. I've gone through multiple games where they were all full so I couldn't invite anyone to join me. And, as far as I can tell, the "form a squad" thing is still broken as I can't get people to join it. It'd make it much easier moving around with friends.

Sadly, this is something Resistance 2 did a lot better. Even had online split screen coop. I want more games like that :|
Resistance 2 did it perfectly. More games should strive for that online quality, especially games like this. I never had a lag spike or rubberband in Resistance 2.


Ballistictiger said:
Resistance 2 did it perfectly. More games should strive for that online quality, especially games like this. I never had a lag spike or rubberband in Resistance 2.

Btw, do you sleep? No matter what time zone I'm in you're usually the first to reply (not that it's a bad thing--gives me someone to talk to)

Or is that why you whoop my ass? You don't give in to sleep and just kick ass 24 hours a day? :p
I'm a night time person. It's more quiet at night. I take classes early in the afternoon but I sleep through the morning. I study while I post during this time that's why I always get off at 1 A.M.


Aha, sounds like me. I've adapted to the night life over the years and I pretty much look like casper the ghost now. Gonna work on that this summer though. Beach, here I come


Is there a fix for the V-Sync problem? I know that if you change resolution and then go back, it will be fixed until you boot the game again, but that's annoying.
Last night was the final straw for me. Tired of losing because of team-mates spending the whole match mooching around the edges looking for a nice rock to snipe behind.


BothBarsOn said:
Last night was the final straw for me. Tired of losing because of team-mates spending the whole match mooching around the edges looking for a nice rock to snipe behind.

I pretty much just play with gaffers now. Solved all of my frustration problems and makes the game so much more fun.
BothBarsOn said:
Last night was the final straw for me. Tired of losing because of team-mates spending the whole match mooching around the edges looking for a nice rock to snipe behind.

I feel ya, I was almost there until last night where me and some random dude looked at the rest of our teammates in disgust and said "Fine, you want sit back here playing with yourself, fine. We'll win this to spite you." And we did. Played probably the finest game of my life. Capping/destroying MComms, my k/d was 39/8, just absolutely Engineering my balls off. Carl Gustav..... you sexy thing.

Right now, Im finding that to get a nice blend of FPS in me, I'm alternating between CoD 4 and this. When I get tired of one, I switch. I'm very glad actually that I picked up CoD4 again. I got rid of it when MW2 came out, which was a horrible, horrible mistake. Now, Im rid of that filth. I play BC2 primarily, but if I have a string of matches where my teammates want to sit back and be horrible snipers, I go to Ole' Faithful, CoD 4.


so the patch was done server side obviously. SMG's seem much weaker, especially at mid range. It's a little much imo.

Had a hilarious kill earlier where I laid at mines all over the beach where the boats pull up (Isla Inocentes IIRC) instead a chopper full of guys lands on the mines.

I rarely have problems finding good games. I'm generally in a GAF crew...tonight matches were full for me, but I was playing with Euros.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Whos dreamgazer? (or somethin' like that)


Taxes?! Isn't this the line for Metallica?
How come all of the servers show a ping of 999?

This is really frustrating, I end up guessing which server to join and all of them have been laggy


1stStrike said:
I'm up to 18 destruction 2.0 kills from just C4ing buildings (mostly from B on the first set of mcom's in Nelson Bay).

Two more flights and then I'll be home :|

Damn dude, got your PS3 hooked up in the airport???

@Seks & Olimpia (if you're lurking): I was in an epic battle with Az and a friend, didn't want to bail....

@AzRim: That last stand defense on A of Port Valdez was epic, holy shit, white knuckle suspense. With the way our team was playing I thought we were toast. Same thing on the attack on Isla on the last A mcom.

I'll have to thank wes, got another heavy vehicle gold star due to gunning with him on Port Valdez. Gotta be the easiest way to get the 6 and 8 kill streak pins too, i'm pretty rusty with the chopper.

Salacious Crumb

Junior Member
toxicgonzo said:
How come all of the servers show a ping of 999?

This is really frustrating, I end up guessing which server to join and all of them have been laggy

You need to run the game as admin for pings to show correctly.


keep your strippers out of my American football
MotorbreathX said:
I've been in a sit back, spot, mortar, and snipe mood lately and have been scoring higher than when I don't. I've also increaed my destruction 2.0 kills to 18. Literally 10 seconds into joining a match I mortar MCOM A on the second set of Port Valdez or whatever and took 3 guys out and one with the mortar. Eat it!

I will sometimes only hunt down snipers in a match myself. Sometimes I will explore the map just to see what crazy angles I can find to kill people. That is why I stopped coming down so hard on others playing the game "the wrong way". There are plenty of times people can say the same thing about me when I am just screwing around or going on a tank kill mission all match. I could easily be accused of the same shit.

On another topic, there has been more and more people playing Squad DM lately. Not sure if people are getting tired of relying on teammates or what, but the past week or so the games have been completely full whereas before it was very hit or miss if you could find a full game.


greenjerk said:
Damn dude, got your PS3 hooked up in the airport???

@Seks & Olimpia (if you're lurking): I was in an epic battle with Az and a friend, didn't want to bail....

@AzRim: That last stand defense on A of Port Valdez was epic, holy shit, white knuckle suspense. With the way our team was playing I thought we were toast. Same thing on the attack on Isla on the last A mcom.

I'll have to thank wes, got another heavy vehicle gold star due to gunning with him on Port Valdez. Gotta be the easiest way to get the 6 and 8 kill streak pins too, i'm pretty rusty with the chopper.

Nah man I wish. They didn't have any tv's I could use or I would've. I'm back in NY grabbing a waffle right now. Gonna go wrestle my dog and then I'll prolly hop on for a bit and sleep.


greenjerk said:
Damn dude, got your PS3 hooked up in the airport???

@Seks & Olimpia (if you're lurking): I was in an epic battle with Az and a friend, didn't want to bail....

@AzRim: That last stand defense on A of Port Valdez was epic, holy shit, white knuckle suspense. With the way our team was playing I thought we were toast. Same thing on the attack on Isla on the last A mcom.

I'll have to thank wes, got another heavy vehicle gold star due to gunning with him on Port Valdez. Gotta be the easiest way to get the 6 and 8 kill streak pins too, i'm pretty rusty with the chopper.

Oh yea those were some epic defenses right there. At one point I gave up and all of the sudden I hear that it's defused. Crazy games last night, I think we only lost the one where we got raped by the Heli. Oh stick to Wes in tanks and other vehicles, he is really good at avoiding mortars and rockets. We always get a bunch of kills.

Fersis I think his GAF account is EternalSleeper or something like that. You should have stayed with us in Valparaiso we were getting killed but still won the game. Also that defense on Nelson Bay was crazy. Full GAF team.


Yo, Violater, good games last night.

Half my squad decided that doing absolutely nothing was helping our team, and I was essentially changing classes every respawn :lol


Ballistictiger said:
Just join our GAF games.

Would if you could actually get onto teh server, LOL I always get the "Servers Full" message, WTF.

Hopefully I'll jump in for a few tonight. Won't be on too late though, I gotta coach my girls soccer team in early AM...


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
TheAzRim said:
Oh yea those were some epic defenses right there. At one point I gave up and all of the sudden I hear that it's defused. Crazy games last night, I think we only lost the one where we got raped by the Heli. Oh stick to Wes in tanks and other vehicles, he is really good at avoiding mortars and rockets. We always get a bunch of kills.

Fersis I think his GAF account is EternalSleeper or something like that. You should have stayed with us in Valparaiso we were getting killed but still won the game. Also that defense on Nelson Bay was crazy. Full GAF team.
Sorry i had to go.
Gonna be playin' tonight.
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