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Battlefield Bad Company 2 |OT| See, Spot, Run

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sparkle this bitch
The Faceless Master said:
i don't think i've ever been stuck in a spot that some combo of crouching, jumping and sprinting didn't get me out of...
Neither have I, the problem is when you get stuck right when someone pops around the corner. Then get rezzed while still stuck when the same group swings back around.

Also the getting clipped on a door is fucking bullshit!

2nd, you would be surprised to learn. I'm not a very intelligent player. I got my tank stuck earlier on sand... No rocks or anything. I manage to wedge it between the right top side on Bay level. I got out of the tank and put a mine next to it thinking I could blow it out...

Didn't occur to me after I blew it up. =[
shintoki said:
Neither have I, the problem is when you get stuck right when someone pops around the corner. Then get rezzed while still stuck when the same group swings back around.

Also the getting clipped on a door is fucking bullshit!
oh yeah, that's the worst!

*runs into door*
[game says: runs into wall next to door]
(bullets in back)


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
The Faceless Master said:
oh yeah, that's the worst!

*runs into door*
[game says: runs into wall next to door]
(bullets in back)

I've only seen that in cases of lag.

However jumping into windows to stealth a building has gotten me stuck a few times. Annoying, as I can't get out and have to suicide to get unstuck. Ugh.

Which reminds me:



*caps mode off*

24 kills
3 deaths

8.00 KDR, from just doing that on Conquest Arica Harbor.

*smooch* SPAS-12, now that the lag isn't getting to me I'm starting to get into the swing of the (at times, hilariously bad) hit-detection on the shotgun, so it's nice to surprise dudes with it.

450 something/500 shotgun
84 (IIRC)/100 mines
79/100 C4

140 (IIRC)/200 knives.

Nearly there, besides the bugged weapon bronze/all weapon bronze stars emblems. Oh, and SPECACT emblems (which aren't out in the US. :mad:)


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
The Faceless Master said:
the worst is when you sneak in, you start planting C4 and then some idiot spawns on you and arms the charge!!!

You'd figure they'd wait until you armed the charge, or at least let them plant some more C4 as well. But noooo... :lol

"Oh, boy! Free 'Objective Destroyed +100' for me!"
(Arm charge)
(You both die)

"Good going, idiot."


I saw a video a couple weeks ago where a guy was showing how to destroy buildings with the minimum amount of c4 but I can't seem to find it anymore. Does anyone know where I can find it?


TheSeks said:
You'd figure they'd wait until you armed the charge, or at least let them plant some more C4 as well. But noooo... :lol

"Oh, boy! Free 'Objective Destroyed +100' for me!"
(Arm charge)
(You both die)

"Good going, idiot."

It's preferable to people taking up positions around the MCOM to "provide cover fire" with no intention of putting their balls on the line to actually arm the damn thing.

Overzealous players can be annoying but I won't fault them for trying to hard to actually accomplish an objective.


sparkle this bitch
The Faceless Master said:
the worst is when you sneak in, you start planting C4 and then some idiot spawns on you and arms the charge!!!
If you arm the charge right after they finish, and make sure your in a good spot to hide. Easy double kill ^_^

I made the other team quit again. I'll think I'll get a sandwich and play Nier


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Zelrith said:
I saw a video a couple weeks ago where a guy was showing how to destroy buildings with the minimum amount of c4 but I can't seem to find it anymore. Does anyone know where I can find it?

You mean this?

benita said:
It's preferable to people taking up positions around the MCOM to "provide cover fire" with no intention of putting their balls on the line to actually arm the damn thing.

I guess. But I'm one of those people, in addition to rocket sniping the M-COM to destroy/kill anyone that is trying to disarm it.

Generally, when I'm near an M-COM, someone else arms it or I'm C4'ing it and no one spawns on me (as half the time the public are recons. *sigh*), but I have ran into the situation on occasion.

"Dude, it paints a huge 'please throw grenades in here' sign, I rather not do that and just have it blink so anyone that gets close gets mown down before I announce myself, don't do that again. :|"
Am I the only one who thinks TheSeks lives only on energy drinks :lol ?

Whenever I read his posts here I can't think about anything else other than FPS Doug.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
TheThunder said:
Am I the only one who thinks TheSeks lives only on energy drinks :lol ?

Caffeine and Sugar, but close.

Whenever I read his posts here I can't think about anything else other than FPS Doug.


Toda: You need to get on earlier in the day, man. :(
shintoki said:
If you arm the charge right after they finish, and make sure your in a good spot to hide. Easy double kill ^_^

I made the other team quit again. I'll think I'll get a sandwich and play Nier
oh, it would be great if they armed it after i finishednand i take off to hide, and some people actually do, but most randoms arm it while i'm still putting C4 on, when all they have to do is wait a few seconds...


The Faceless Master said:
oh, it would be great if they armed it after i finishednand i take off to hide, and some people actually do, but most randoms arm it while i'm still putting C4 on, when all they have to do is wait a few seconds...

Lol I was playing with some gaffers the other night and me and (I think) Razor are at the mcom and I'm getting my C4 ready. So I see him running over to it so I'm like, "yo man don't arm it" *Alpha has been armed* "don't arm it? Why not?". "I was gonna C4 it" *5 seconds later we're both dead and mcom has been disarmed* lol

I usually C4 it, throw down a motion sensor, arm it and then run off to hide. Works most of the time, but I die on occasion cause I don't have anyone to watch my back. Many times I'll be like "I'm going for bravo" and I sneak around only to be the only person on my squad there. Having just one other person there to watch your back makes such a huge difference :|


Ballistictiger said:
I would have played today if but I had to beat something really badly.

No worries man. As soon as I logged in it was a lagfest so I played two games and just went to bed. Around the time when you log off for the night is when the lag stops. Crazy eh? :p
I don't care for new stuff at all. I just want the gameplay speed to run like pre-patch. A lot of rubberbanding right now.

Even if a map pack does come out. I'm not paying a dime for it.


Even when it's not lagging it's frustrating to play. Randoms really ruin the game. It seems like every time I join a match my team is getting bent over and it's just loss after loss. I've started to rage quit if the team gets down to 20 tickets and hasn't even taken one mcom yet.

FF13, here I come.
That was me a day after the patch. Every team I joined was incompetent to the max. Seems like the patch brought back a lot more idiots back into the game.

I'll probably play tonight. I've progressed way too fast in 3D dot game heroes. I'll just do some sidequest and play BFBC2.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
TheSeks said:
Only if they start to put mines in places I don't expect. Toda and I have been killed by a crafty bitch that put them in the gulch after we started to own them and cross in the gulch of Panama Canal Conquest weeks ago. :lol

Once I've seen a player start to wisen up and try to bring a group to my shotgun in the doorway tactic, or mines being blown up, they aren't a "dumbass" anymore.

Too bad that type of player is rare in public matches. Though Fersis, I, and another GAFfer ran into a tank that couldn't be stopped by me. Then again they were EU clan assholes, so they were playing SUPER SRS and I wasn't on my game (and neither was the rest of the team. :/)

What's you PSN ID again? Will make sore room for you in my FR. Need more BC2 friends to join.


Great games last night greenjerk. Stayed up way too late.:D

I played against some RAID clan earlier yesterday with Fersis and another GAFfer and damn they were organized. We still got them twice but it was a bitch to defend Valparaiso. They would send out one guy to sneak up on us and they'll wait and spawn on him. So we had to defend front and back. Some great games there.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Cornbread78 said:
Alright, somebody has to have the secret 2.0 strategy... How???? PLEASE???? HOW!!!!!?

C4 + Extra C4 + Explosive Up perk.

+ shape, with two on the "strut" of the second floor (the "divider" you'll know what I'm talking about)

GTFO or blow it up if you know someone is on the second/roof floor.

BOOM, <D 2.0>

TTP said:
>>Friends List<<

I was going to add you, but PSN told me "ZOMG FRIENDS LIST IS FULL." So yeah.


dark_inferno said:
"Onslaught" costs 800 MS-Points and 8,99 € on PS3

If it doesn't do trophies, I probably won't buy it. As sad as that sounds, I rather have something to shoot for in an over glorified Horde mode. :/


Just played my first online game and it was really shit. The lag is fucking annoying. It was there in BC1 and they still haven't fucking fixed it. It's the wierdest fucking lag that pulls you all over the fucking place. Can't even run in a straight line.

The beta was better than this heap of shit.


TheAzRim said:
Great games last night greenjerk. Stayed up way too late.:D

I played against some RAID clan earlier yesterday with Fersis and another GAFfer and damn they were organized. We still got them twice but it was a bitch to defend Valparaiso. They would send out one guy to sneak up on us and they'll wait and spawn on him. So we had to defend front and back. Some great games there.

That was me!

Add me Footos22

they completley fell apart after you 2 quit. and i discovered i had game mode off on tv and have done since avatar came out on bluray :( k/d ratio had dropped loads
turned it on and i was owning shit up! on arica harbour had about 6 recons all on top of hill like tiny dots. had to shoot miles into air to hit them with rifle.
just whipped out the old mortar and got all 6 with one strike lool


TheSeks said:
C4 + Extra C4 + Explosive Up perk.

+ shape, with two on the "strut" of the second floor (the "divider" you'll know what I'm talking about)

GTFO or blow it up if you know someone is on the second/roof floor.

BOOM, <D 2.0>

I guesss I'll have to try loading up as RECON a little bit and try that.
Did DICE say something about the lag problems or something ?

Is it only PSN or XBL also ?

Dibbz said:
The beta was better than this heap of shit.

So true, the beta was fucking awesome :D

Aside from some animation bugs, the beta is more stable than the full game :/


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
TheThunder said:
Did DICE say something about the lag problems or something ?

Is it only PSN or XBL also ?

So true, the beta was fucking awesome :D

Aside from some animation bugs, the beta is more stable than the full game :/
According to some post on their US forums, EA is aware and working as we speak.

Vote for Fersis DICE Community Manager 2010.

Pete Rock

Cornbread78 said:
I guesss I'll have to try loading up as RECON a little bit and try that.
Equip shotgun on an Assault kit and you get free C4 refills :D

Lag has been awful lately, especially this last week since the server side patch. You're either playing 6 on 6 with people who don't know what the fuck is going on, or you are playing 8 clan mates who are all level 40+ while your shit is rubberbanding all over the place.

I rarely go for knife kills because they are so horrendously glitchy, but I had a clear bead on a guy last night, if only it wasn't for the magical servers that rearrange packets in a way that fucks you over. I slash, and I lunged *through* him and I turn around as he stabs ME in the face.

Fix your shit DICE


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Cornbread78 said:
I guesss I'll have to try loading up as RECON a little bit and try that.

You don't need recon unless you want to be SURE an enemy is in the building. Just go assault, G3/all-class weapon and you get C4 + refills.


They want THAT much for onslaught? Yea, fuck that. Fix your servers, give us more rush maps and put out a bug fix patch and I might consider it.


Played on such a bad team on Panama Canal. I was literally the team or at least I was 45% of the team. Nevertheless I was dominate. Two rounds in a row my team was shit and I played some of my best. Other game I went 22-8.

Splinter: 25 Kills
Team: 31 Kills


Only positive part of playing a few rounds on the server was being called a cheater


Those poor BangBros guys. Shouldnt be playing in a NA server when you are in Europe. I dont get why so many Europeans play on NA Servers.
Nabs said:
i <3 the tracer dart.

and yep, we ended up CGing him.

Dude, this happened to me this morning.

Ah russian jeep was going crazy toward at me. At shoot tracer dart at it and switch to my RPG7 but the jeep killed me. And see that the driver is out of the car and the tracer was on him. I guess it wen through the wind shield :lol

So and respawn and scope my RPG7 then I saw the lock on indicator and I fired. The dude new saw it coming :lol :lol


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Well, got my shotgun kills.

C4 is being a bitch because I can't seem to lay C4 where people will pass through frequently so I can farm/get to 100 fast. Ugh.
Spl1nter said:
Played on such a bad team on Panama Canal. I was literally the team or at least I was 45% of the team. Nevertheless I was dominate. Two rounds in a row my team was shit and I played some of my best. Other game I went 22-8.

Splinter: 25 Kills
Team: 31 Kills

Nice. When we played yesterday on Arica Harbor, I was telling my buddy to join my server. He joined but had to be an attacker because of team sizes, he noticed there was another GAF tag. I told him you were pretty good and he said, "Yeah, I know, he just killed me." :lol

When are you gonna be on again?

Also, Sandman, did you play yesterday at all? I played all day but not at night--thought I saw that you were gonna get online.
UnluckyKate said:
Dude, this happened to me this morning.

Ah russian jeep was going crazy toward at me. At shoot tracer dart at it and switch to my RPG7 but the jeep killed me. And see that the driver is out of the car and the tracer was on him. I guess it wen through the wind shield :lol

So and respawn and scope my RPG7 then I saw the lock on indicator and I fired. The dude new saw it coming :lol :lol

It's great when you get lucky and tag a guy whose squad spawns on him. Free triple kills are the best Jerry, the best.
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