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Battlefield Bad Company 2 |OT| See, Spot, Run

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shintoki said:
By the way, How do I give orders? Like I know people can call for ammo or set orders on a place to attack. also spot people

on PC it's "q" on consoles it's "select". asking for ammo, health, ride is the same as spotting, look at the class/vehicle you want help or a ride from and press the q or select. order to attack/defend you keep the reticule over the objective while pushing it but I can't remember if it gives an indicator while you're doing it or not
TTP said:
Well damn I've just finished a long Conquest session (since my last post) and I didn't get the requested orders to get the pin. I did get the Recon+ trophy tho, so I'm good for tonight :D

Wait, I have to *issue* the orders? I though the pin description said I had to *receive* such orders from squad members.
pretty sure you just have to carry out the order, and that doesn't mean killing either, an ammo kit or health kit should be enough.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
The Faceless Master said:
pretty sure you just have to carry out the order, and that doesn't mean killing either, an ammo kit or health kit should be enough.

Sorry, enough for what? You mean I have to place one of those near the flag?

Just to be clear, I'm talking the "Squad Member" pin. Description reads:
"Obtain one attack and one defend order" (from the website. Description is longer in game. It adds "In a round," at the beginning)



Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
TTP said:
Just to be clear, I'm talking the "Squad Member" pin. Description reads:
"Obtain one attack and one defend order" (from the website. Description is longer in game. It adds "In a round," at the beginning)

Yeah, I know the pin you're talking about. You have to issue the command, the team members have to do it. You get a "Squad Order Bonus" from anyone near the attack/defend flag doing attacking/defending if they're in your squad.

Faceless said:
Hot Carl! or Tracer + RPG7! i never use the guns, the Carl is too easy to shoot them down with.

I HATE SHOOTING DOWN CHOPPERS THIS WAY! The Heavy MG was viable before. FIX THIS SHIT, DICE! :( ;___; (and yes, I can do it, but it takes me forever to get the RPG/tracer/Carl to connect with the chopper. I suck at shooting them down this way)

Fersis said:
Hey TheSeks whats your PSN ID?

I've been in four-five of your games and in your squad and you still haven't noticed my ID? :p


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
TheSeks said:
I've been in four-five of your games and in your squad and you still haven't noticed my ID? :p
Sorry but luckily ive been playing with lots of gaffers.
shintoki said:
No such thing as camping. If you are getting camped. It's your own damn fault.

So I just completed a pretty awesome trilogy of games.
51-1(The only death was from a suicide since I got a bugged layout), 59-1, 69-5.

Are you on the consoles? I only ever hear about these crazy k/d's from console peeps--you very rarely see scores like this on the PC.
Played with a few GAFers tonight. Had a blast. I freaking sniped a pilot out of a chopper, really proud of that.

My tag is TheInquistor. Add me so we can play.
TTP said:
Sorry, enough for what? You mean I have to place one of those near the flag?

Just to be clear, I'm talking the "Squad Member" pin. Description reads:
"Obtain one attack and one defend order" (from the website. Description is longer in game. It adds "In a round," at the beginning)

yes. drop an ammo or health kit in the flag area and get one of your squadmates to use it (which is automatic really). with a defend order, the enemy has to be in your flag area and your flag bar has to be going down, but not at neutral yet. basically, it has to be a flag your team has capped that is now being contested. then you have to mark it. then you have to get the squadmate to use the health/ammo (or kill someone, but that's harder) before the flag goes to either neutral or full.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I LOVE YOU, AT MINES! *smooch*

Conquest enemy base? Yeah, you might want to start putting AT mines yourselves there if you're the enemy team just to catch our tanks that roll in while I have AT mines there to catch your tank coming out.

Or start to "spy check" with the "pyro pistol" (to put it in TF2 terms).

70-80 mine kills. Almost there.

Haven't played with the shotgun tonight. Mostly because I've been playing open Conquest maps. :(

Dreamer, thanks to joining my squad. I dunno if you and the person on my friends list did good in that helicopter or not (you guys died a couple of times?) but at least it kept the enemy off me so I laid mines that went off near the end of the game, helping spur their tickets down to 0.

:lol I just wish we had an assault on our team so I could replenish my mines when they were destroyed. :(


Played with some gaffers tonight and we only lost 1 game. There's so many on that most couldn't get into the server (it was pretty much always full) and some ended up on the other team.

Lag was good for a while, but the last couple of games we were getting rubber banding again. Taking a break now and I'll see about hopping on another server in a bit.

Oh and I finally got my destruction 2.0 trophy. A guy was hiding behind a wall in nelson bay so I shoot the wall, he doesn't die so I reload and before I can try again the building falls down taking out him, another guy and the mcom :p

Totally luck, but it was bad ass all the same.


Wow is DX11 known to run a lot slower than DX10 with this game, or is it a Nvidia GTX 480 driver issue? I ran FRAPS and compared DX10 & DX11 in the exact same spot (checkpoint load) and the framerate ranges from 56 to 59 fps in DX11 to 96 to 98 fps in DX10.

The thing is I only can see a slight difference in the shadows with DX11 (They're a little softer), But thats it, Or am I missing something?

It's certainly not worth the huge performance hit lol.

I also notice the loading time is about 3x slower in DX11 mode? (wtf).

I of course ran identical graphic settings between both modes (All HIGH / HBAO etc. enabled / 1920x1080 res)

(images resized to 1280x720 for forum)



i7 920 @ 3.36ghz / 6gb DDR 1600 / EVGA GTX 480 / Win7 64bit Ultimate


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
JRW said:

PS3/360 doesn't do DX11 (DX10 started just as the 360 came out? It may have some things the 360 included on launch but never did for most games), does it? I wouldn't be surprised if the game is optimized toward DX10 than 11.

Of course, not a PC gamer, so I can't tell you. *shrug* Just going with "well, technically.."

Toda: Good game tonight. Too bad I got your tank destroyed in the process of laying mines across their base. I hop out after sending you a message to get closer, lay the mines turn around and your tank is destroyed. I'm like "WTF?" (enemy) "Shit--" (BLAMBLAMBLAM) Seks <AK-74U Karankov> EnemythatDestroyedToda'sTank "--explains it, whoops."

Edit: And yes, you need to get on earlier. :p

Oh, and it was nice having someone watching my back. And returning the favor. I hop off as you hop off near B on Panama Canal, see an enemy gunning at you. SPAS-12 TO THE CROTCH!

Another dude coming at you. SPAS-12 TO THE CHEST!

We start running, I see someone start to tag you, SPOT! (SPAS-12 FROM MID-RANGE, SHIT DIDN'T GET HI--) Toda <Pistol/Sniper (forget> SomeDumbass

And we took C all by ourselves. It seems the enemy wasn't expecting someone to slip in. That was pretty crazy, sucked we got wiped out as they came back to take the base, but that seemed to be the push to get some of the team out to other points (even though we still lost. Hate joining in progress of being steamrolled. :/)


sparkle this bitch
Oh, I also finished up Single Player today.

Thoughts on it. Not good. :lol

Bad Company 1 was very fun. It was very sandbox like. Normally given 2 or 3 objectives. Then you can proceed to do whatever the hell you want to accomplish them. This on the other hand was completely linear. Follow the trail, script event, etc. I think I finished it like 3 hours.

Two, the actual premise was lame. It was basically a COD rip off while trying to blend what 1 did. BC1 was simply a bunch of goofs trying to get rich. Now we have all this save the world shit.


Mr. Snrub said:
Are you on the consoles? I only ever hear about these crazy k/d's from console peeps--you very rarely see scores like this on the PC.

maybe vehicles. before the tracer buff I've seen a few guys owning with the attack helicopter
We did pretty good today. I didn't notice I knifed a Gaffer until the end of the match. I won't name who but you know who you are :lol

It was a shame that we lost that match if only half the team went after the M-COMs instead of sitting back. I admit I was part of the problem but I was experimenting.

I'm done for the day if you are reading GAF strike.
JRW said:
Wow is DX11 known to run a lot slower than DX10 with this game, or is it a Nvidia GTX 480 driver issue? I ran FRAPS and compared DX10 & DX11 in the exact same spot (checkpoint load) and the framerate ranges from 56 to 59 fps in DX11 to 96 to 98 fps in DX10.

That sounds like a bug. I'm pretty sure soft shadows are the only perk of DX11, but I don't think it's supposed to have a performance hit that bad.

Having said that, disable HBAO. It's BARELY noticeable, especially given the performance hit.
Speaking of knifing, I have to say it's way more satisfying to kill someone with the knife than it is embarrassing to get killed with the knife. They should balance that somehow. Maybe a "FAIL" notification or something, like they do with suicides. Just saying, the embarrassment on one end should match the satisfaction on the other.


sparkle this bitch
Shai-Tan said:
maybe vehicles. before the tracer buff I've seen a few guys owning with the attack helicopter
I seldom use the Heli.

I haven't played BC2 yet on PC, but from my experience in other BF games. There isn't really any difference between the skill base. I think you experience the difference though since you actively pick servers than getting put into a random one. Popular servers attract a dedicated player base to them. So the skill level you play will be normalized. People find the servers that work best for them. While it's luck of the draw on consoles. It's much harder to get that same organized system/grouping going as on PC. In TF2, I have all the servers on my favorites that offer a solid level of competition. And if it is off balanced...it switches teams up. This does not occur on console. While the random servers on consoles result in some complete lopsided games, or ones where it is balanced...except for you.


i don't get an fps hit w/ fraps if i'm using vsync. quality is awesome. never used xfire, so i can't compare.


Mr. Snrub said:
So I want to record game video. What are the differences between xfire and fraps? Does xfire has a similar FPS hit?

XFire is pretty bad for me when recording video. FRAPS is great.
I'm not sure if this is a bug or just lag but sometime after I reload completely and I try to shoot an enemy but the actually gun wasn't reloaded at all, so it reloaded again after I shot and of course I die.

And no I did not cancel the reload animation.


Ballistictiger said:
We did pretty good today. I didn't notice I knifed a Gaffer until the end of the match. I won't name who but you know who you are :lol

It was a shame that we lost that match if only half the team went after the M-COMs instead of sitting back. I admit I was part of the problem but I was experimenting.

I'm done for the day if you are reading GAF strike.

Haha I think it was me. I was being a dumb recon and looking through my scope for too long. I'm getting torn up online because I maxed out medic and now I'm going through the other classes unlocking stuff. Damn engineers don't get shit to start off with.
YagizY said:
Haha I think it was me. I was being a dumb recon and looking through my scope for too long. I'm getting torn up online because I maxed out medic and now I'm going through the other classes unlocking stuff. Damn engineers don't get shit to start off with.

As someone posted in this thread earlier, you can pick up other kits and the points go to whichever class you spawned with.


sw33tclyde said:
As someone posted in this thread earlier, you can pick up other kits and the points go to whichever class you spawned with.

I feel really dumb for having played this game for 16 hours multiplayer and just now learning that.


It's all right Crak. After we took that break I ended up just going to bed. I need to work on getting my sleep routine back to east coast time anyway :p

And yag, I favor the scar on engineer for leveling up, the SVU on recon and the first assault rifle (slips my mind atm) till you unlock the AN-94.

If you kill someone along the way, grab their kit and use their stuff if it's better. I love killing recons cause it gets me free motion sensors.
YagizY said:
I feel really dumb for having played this game for 16 hours multiplayer and just now learning that.

Actually now that I think about it I'm not sure if that's true. I'd never heard that either until someone posted it and I halfway remember getting points for kits I picked up.. hmm I just lent my copy away or I'd give it a try and confirm. I play on 360 btw, dunno if that has any relevance.
As long as you are playing that class you will get exp. When I maxed out my Recon the only gun I used was the WWII Thompson.

I was watching tv afterwards.


Played with some randoms this morning. I was kicking ass and taking dog tags left and right, but my team(s) still lost most of the matches. Really shows how without teamwork in this game you're screwed.

My k/d ratio even improved :|

Also, last set of mcom's on port valdez. I'm camping A since nobody else was defending. I kill a couple guys and 5 minutes go by; no one has made it up the hill. So, I hop in the blackhawk, two guys jump in as gunners and I take off, swing by their spawn and then, "Alpha has been armed!"

Wtf... I leave for 10 seconds and they fucking arm it. So I fly back, my gunners are gunning and... Boom. Nobody on the fucking team went to disarm so we lost.

This game is going to give me high blood pressure.
1stStrike said:
Played with some randoms this morning. I was kicking ass and taking dog tags left and right, but my team(s) still lost most of the matches. Really shows how without teamwork in this game you're screwed.

My k/d ratio even improved :|

Also, last set of mcom's on port valdez. I'm camping A since nobody else was defending. I kill a couple guys and 5 minutes go by; no one has made it up the hill. So, I hop in the blackhawk, two guys jump in as gunners and I take off, swing by their spawn and then, "Alpha has been armed!"

Wtf... I leave for 10 seconds and they fucking arm it. So I fly back, my gunners are gunning and... Boom. Nobody on the fucking team went to disarm so we lost.

This game is going to give me high blood pressure.
I love when defenders waste their time in the helo on that part of the map.


Gold Member
Arica harbour defence is a great time when the team understands that controlling the enemy armour with constant tracers and rockets is a pretty major key to success on the first set of Mcoms.

Just had a game as an engineer, stopped the attackers at the first mcoms, ended the round with 4/5 k/d, 13 dead tanks to my name and numerous tracer plants. Finished top of the table despite k/d ratio. thank god for competent assaults, Carl and explosive dmg booster.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
The Faceless Master said:
yes. drop an ammo or health kit in the flag area and get one of your squadmates to use it (which is automatic really). with a defend order, the enemy has to be in your flag area and your flag bar has to be going down, but not at neutral yet. basically, it has to be a flag your team has capped that is now being contested. then you have to mark it. then you have to get the squadmate to use the health/ammo (or kill someone, but that's harder) before the flag goes to either neutral or full.

Thanks for the reply Master.

I've got it yesterday after posting my last post. This is how I did it.

Enemy flag > Pointed and issued attack order myself > got there, captured it > got squad attack order bonus points
Blinking flag (was ours) > Pointed and issued a defend order myself> got there, someone killed a guy trying to capture it > waited for flag to stop blinking > got squad defend order bonus points + pin.


The Faceless Master said:
did usage drop off a cliff or something?
Not sure, I just know a lot of people have been complaining about the M95 being inferior to the other bolt actions now and Kertz has been having to field questions about it all day. He says that Recon is still too popular and "doesn't need another boost, quite the opposite".


Wthermans said:
Not sure, I just know a lot of people have been complaining about the M95 being inferior to the other bolt actions now and Kertz has been having to field questions about it all day. He says that Recon is still too popular and "doesn't need another boost, quite the opposite".

Pretty much 90% of my deaths are from wookies. Every game I was in today I had to constantly dodge them as there were at least 3 or 4 on every team. One team was even all recon on isla. I was raging hard at all the crap going on today.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
1stStrike said:
Pretty much 90% of my deaths are from wookie fags.

I seriously, seriously hope you read the rules before you made that post...
Wthermans said:
Not sure, I just know a lot of people have been complaining about the M95 being inferior to the other bolt actions now and Kertz has been having to field questions about it all day. He says that Recon is still too popular and "doesn't need another boost, quite the opposite".
i blame the killcam. BC1 had way less recons. people didn't know where to hang out, they just died. now, they see where the recon that killed them was and switch to recon to counter snipe. then later they decide to try the spot out...


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
The Faceless Master said:
i blame the killcam. BC1 had way less recons. people didn't know where to hang out, they just died. now, they see where the recon that killed them was and switch to recon to counter snipe. then later they decide to try the spot out...


(Though, honestly I prefer the killcam being on. I hated being sniped and only pointed at the general direction of my killer)
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