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Battlefield Bad Company 2 |OT| See, Spot, Run

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make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
So I tried to get into this a bit yesterday after taking a break (waiting for the lag to get sorted out) and didn't have any friends on at the time, unfortunately.

We're defenders on the first island on Isla... I notice both coms are in good shape but there is no cover anywhere. The whole island, every object, is leveled. Apparently the entire attacking team is recon and they're just mortaring and sniping. As I'm realizing what's going on I get sniped the first time. Spawn and then sniped again. Awesome. Happens two more times, pretty much immediate deaths...

Ok... obviously I have to find a way off the death rock and bring the fight to the campers. Switch to Eng/Uzi. Spawn. Helicopter lands on me.


Rage quit.

:lol :lol :lol

Hopefully I'll have better luck later today. I'm itching to play again.


lol ouch reckless. I noticed that isla is becoming a snipe fest (especially for those lvling up their m95 sa) and it's gotten to the point where defending has become a snore-fest.

Mortar, mortar, mortar, kill sniper, get sniped, mortar, mortar, dodge bullets, someone arms mcom, 46 mortars ensue and mcom still gets diffused, rinse and repeat :|

Never been hit by a helicopter though lol. I'd probably rage quit too :p


1stStrike said:
Yea green, I miss you :(

However, lag is back. Me and a buddy just quit because of how horrid it was. People were floating in the air when I shot them, bullets weren't registering, I ran THROUGH stairs on 3 occasions trying to go up them, one dude teleported behind a rock and it took me 3 tries to get around a corner.

Finally, we were both just like fuck this and left.

With the weekend upon us, EA is going to have a lot of pissed off kids raging outside their doors if this shit keeps up. It's pathetic how bad the servers are. It's obvious that whoever their provider is doesn't have the capability to host a large scale online game.

I'll give it another try in a few hours, but until then I'm gonna relax and play some FF13.

The good news is that i feel almost human again after getting caught up on sleep this week. Honestly didn't realize how shitty i actually felt.

Can't wait to play... but damn i'm gonna be pissed if it's laggy.


Conquest is the game for me, too much damn camping in rush. Especially with the majority of maps being so damn linear. I wish we could get the BC1 maps :/


recklessmind said:
So I tried to get into this a bit yesterday after taking a break (waiting for the lag to get sorted out) and didn't have any friends on at the time, unfortunately.

We're defenders on the first island on Isla... I notice both coms are in good shape but there is no cover anywhere. The whole island, every object, is leveled. Apparently the entire attacking team is recon and they're just mortaring and sniping. As I'm realizing what's going on I get sniped the first time. Spawn and then sniped again. Awesome. Happens two more times, pretty much immediate deaths...

Ok... obviously I have to find a way off the death rock and bring the fight to the campers. Switch to Eng/Uzi. Spawn. Helicopter lands on me.


Rage quit.

:lol :lol :lol

Hopefully I'll have better luck later today. I'm itching to play again.

If i'm playing against a bunch of recons and we come up on defense on Isla, I go recon, spawn quick, go to the far right and beat them to the punch and start counter sniping and calling in strikes on their camping spots.


Violater said:
Conquest is the game for me, too much damn camping in rush. Especially with the majority of maps being so damn linear. I wish we could get the BC1 maps :/

I've actually found conquest worse, because if you don't have a flag to spawn on, your bound to get spawn camped the rest of the match. I can't tell you how many times, I've been dumped into one of those $hitfests by the server. Total BS, and totally annoying as hell. I'm gunning for some 2.0 kills tonight, somehow, I will get about 18 more, LOL.


Cornbread78 said:
I've actually found conquest worse, because if you don't have a flag to spawn on, your bound to get spawn camped the rest of the match. I can't tell you how many times, I've been dumped into one of those $hitfests by the server. Total BS, and totally annoying as hell. I'm gunning for some 2.0 kills tonight, somehow, I will get about 18 more, LOL.

Well that usually is an indicator of skill imbalance. There is never an excuse for loosing the base closest to your spawn. For me the problem lies with the inability to communicate across squads.
Violater said:
Conquest is the game for me, too much damn camping in rush. Especially with the majority of maps being so damn linear. I wish we could get the BC1 maps :/

Really? I only ever hear about camping in Conquest...it's pretty hard to camp in Rush.

EDIT: Oh wait, spawn camping =/= camping. Still, I mean...defenders are sort of supposed to camp. If you don't have a few people camping the MCOM, then that's a bad defense.


I'll prolly try again in a little while. I can only play FF13 so long before the music wears on me. I miss the music from the old FF's. This shit is boring/annoying so far.

I used to play the shit out of conquest, but I got sick of teams doing nothing and getting trapped in the spawn. Or having my team dominating the other and trapping them in their spawn. Both situations are a snore-fest.

At least with rush you can always find some dirty trick to make a come back :p


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
ha, I decided to reinstall it and yeah, I should stick with my squad even if I'm playing alone. Since I have always been playing with my buddies and sticking to your squad was a natural thing, doing the same thing with some strangers wasn't obvious. If you play that way the game is actually enjoyable.


Just to warn you guys that play with Strike. He will tracer-dart your ass when you are not looking. :lol And yes I know how that sounds.
Pandoracell said:
Thanks. I know this is subjective, but would you say it's worth it to have these modes? Do a lot of people play these modes on those maps? I'm not sure how the matchmaking works.
the main problem with NOT having a VIP code is that you get kicked from the server if a map you're "not allowed" to play comes up in the rotation.

you don't even get to see your stats from the previous game.

i wonder when DICE will fix the screenshot function... it's been a few months guys!
So some recent previews of the new Onslaught mode have come out, and have some cool info:


Nelson Bay was hardly recognizable as its Rush mode counterpart, as it travels for the most part through areas of the map previously off limits. Players start in a clearing behind a pair of flares puffing red smoke, which serves as a sort of lobby for players to ready up in before getting started. Players have all of their unlocked equipment from competitive multiplayer available in Onslaught, and points earned in Onslaught also contribute to additional equipment and skill unlocks in all multiplayer modes.

That first part gives me some hope for the conquest version of Nelson Bay--hopefully (if they do convert it to conquest) we'll have some new areas!

Very interesting that points earned in onslaught contribute to your unlocks in multiplayer.

You and your squad are tasked with making your way to specific points while battling AI controlled opponents, which you then have to hold for a specific amount of time. Once you've held a point long enough, it detonates (similarly to an M-Com station in Rush), and a new section of the map opens up with a new point to grab.

Conquest + Rush!

It's at points like these where the Onslaught experience really starts to gel. As things become more hectic and you're yelling out to teammates for ammo resupplies or med kits or sniper or anti-vehicle support, the mode opens up. In speaking with the producers, they've said they intend for Onslaught to serve as a training ground for squads to practice for the challenges of multiplayer at a time where the leaning curve for the online game has become extremely steep, and in that regard it could really work.

Actually kind of excited about Onslaught now...would be nice if it comes to PC :-\

When teammates are killed, they'll respawn just as they do in online multiplayer, as long as one squad member remains alive. If everyone dies though, the game is over.

While things were often a little nuts and teamwork was encouraged, it rarely actually felt like we were in any serious danger.


Valpraiso is a much different experience in the dark. Enemies will rush unseen out of bushes and up the shores of the level from where you can't see them. This often elicited cries of surprise straight out of the movie "Aliens" as we yelled out locations to squad mates, and were forced to use the radar to find pockets of enemy resistance while guiding the tank. The final section of Valpraiso, which sees your squad capping a point out in the open with no cover as enemies parachute in on all sides, feels, dare I say it, new.


The co-op experience offers something that feels different from its presumed competition in the market, and while it's separate from the campaign, there were moments where Onslaught really captured the magic of both the single and versus experiences. Thankfully, EA stressed to me that the difficulty of Onslaught will be adjustable when it releases.


While Valparaiso is a blend of infantry and vehicle warfare, the 'remixed' daylight version of Nelson Bay is much more infantry-focused, with dogged ground warfare placed front and centre featuring "vehicles that you haven't seen in that map" according to Johnsson.

So...anything other than ATV's? :lol

Atacama Desert favours "all-out vehicle warfare" with choppers and tanks available, and the added challenge of sandstorms to battle against. Finally, Isla Inocentes will boast a variety of vehicles including the Black Hawk helicopter and the patrol boat, and be played out against an evening setting. "It'll be twilight combat and very foggy, so you won't have the same visibility you're used to on that map."


I played the mode a couple of weeks back at EA HQ. Even on the lowest difficulty setting my three fellow players and I were absolutely humiliated within seconds of starting our first level. The A.I. is unforgiving.

IGN > Joystiq?

Unlike multiplayer matches, it relies heavily on scripted events and enemy spawning, with some arriving on-board patrol boats, depending on the map.

The release date for the Onslaught DLC is still officially "to be determined," but an EA rep I spoke with said he expects it to hit in early June. Pricing is yet to be decided, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if EA was waiting to see how well Modern Warfare 2's "Stimulus Package" sold at its price point before setting something in stone.


This is, of course, the first cooperative mode to be introduced in a Battlefield title. It works well. Extremely well. The game engine, combat, and objectives all work well with other human players. The difficulty levels offer nice challenges for players of all skill levels.

Hype x10?

The AI is good and will fire rockets at your vehicles, snipe you, and toss grenades. Enemies will drop kits just like in multiplayer allowing you to change your gear on the fly.

The only downsides I saw during my limited session is that the waves of enemies seemed identical between playthroughs and these playthroughs are quick. We were finishing missions in ten to fifteen minutes. Subsequent playthroughs quickly led to predictable enemy patterns, which diminished some of the enjoyment. It would have been nice to throw an element of randomness into the mix, but that would have made the leaderboards invalid. I wonder if EA would have been better served by ditching leaderboards and offering a varying experience.

Players will be able to bring their unlocks into battle, but points earned will not go toward further unlocks, preventing griefing.

Wha? Conflicting info with the other two impressions.

Overall, sounds pretty solid. Suck that they're charging for it. I'm guessing this is the co-op mode they hinted at before the game's release?


So I played a little more. Was still a little laggy but it was better. Then, by the last game we were just like, "please end, please end" because the lag had spiked so hard.

Le sigh.

As for onslaught, I'll prolly end up getting it. It sounds like it might be a nice diversion from rush when shit is lagging or teams are sucking.
The Faceless Master said:
totally not sold on Onslaught mode, and it's not like i'd miss the allards, i've still got 12k

12k? Damn!

Yeah, I'm not sold either. It's a pass for me. Wouldn't wanna waste my 30 allards.
I wish I had had my 360 back when points were given away for free basically. Ah well, I am sure with the summer coming more deals will be had. Plus I have a 20 dollar gcard from wallmart I could subsidize a card with.
Ramirez said:
Why are they wasting time on a Human VS. AI mode? The AI is awful in this game, just give me more Rush maps.

Eh, read the impressions. Seems good enough. I'm not sold on it or anything, but I'm willing to give it a chance.


EuroGamer reports that Onslaught will be released on June 2nd for Xbox 360 and 16th June for Playstation 3. Not details on pricing are available.


If they want to please the community it should be priced 400 ms points or less.

Played for about an hour today and once again shit team week continued. I have played on a teams for probably 4 rounds in total were our team was completely dominate and we faced the shit teams. There must have been an influx of new players on pc because I am seeing a lot of low ranking players on servers.


Spl1nter said:
If they want to please the community it should be priced 400 ms points or less.
I know I'm not buying it if it costs anything whatsoever. Thanks to the millions of people who bought the $15 MW2 packs, everyone thinks they'll be able to charge whatever they want. What happened to free DLC? Lame. I'll just play the MP with hopefully more free maps coming out and wait until Onslaught eventually goes free.
Q&A on PC patch:


Bazajaytee: Nope, we wouldn't release a patch on a Friday. We always do patches early/mid week so we can support them if the worst happens.

Question: What differs between yours QA and for example Valves, since they can release updates more often?

Bazajaytee: Nothing is different really, depends what is changed.We generally do bigger updates with more changes than more smaller ones.

Question: Well someone like me i just want to know how it is going and if it is on track for tomorrow or next week?

Bazajaytee: Dont think it has helped the fact this update includes a lot of features people want like chatting while dead for a start.

Question: May be the patch was announced too early?

Bazajaytee: I agree, well more that we shouldn't have put a date on it but let you all know we are working on the update.

Question: Seriously dude you guys shouldnt have put a deadline on it if you werent going to through with it you lalalad off a lot of PC players.

Bazajaytee: They'd be more annoyed by a game that crashed more frequently by rushing out a patch.

Bazajaytee: I guess I'd be even more concerned if people didn't complain as it'd be a sign they didn't care about what we make

Bazajaytee: Odd that when something goes through QA and takes time people complain and will complain just as hard if it looks like it wasnt in QA longer.

Bazajaytee: We just don't want to release a patch that makes the game unstable. Makes everyone happier in the end

Bazajaytee: We have released more patches on PC with more features than console will ever get so you can't say we don't care about PC.

Bazajaytee: The BFBC2 update will be out when it is stable and ready and not before whether some complain about the delay or not.

No new info, really...just an elaborate "when it's ready" deal.
Ramirez said:
Why are they wasting time on a Human VS. AI mode? The AI is awful in this game, just give me more Rush maps.
because it's something they can sell, while they already said they wouldn't sell maps. same reason it's not a priority for PC, they stand to make less money if people switch servers over from 32 slot Rush/Conquest to 4 slot Onslaught.
Anyone else on ps3 having this strange graphical glitch where your sniper rifle has a long black shadow that juts across the screen and changes in correlation to the sun? Annoying...


So the night/day maps wont be for us VIP members for Rush/Conquest???

How hard is it to make there be an option for that? Not enough maps ffs, they should of provided that day of time thing from day one.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Orangepeel said:
Anyone else on ps3 having this strange graphical glitch where your sniper rifle has a long black shadow that juts across the screen and changes in correlation to the sun? Annoying...
Its a known bug caused by some weapon + attachments combination.
Was fixed in the PC version.


No lag at the moment. Just a healthy dose of me getting my ass handed to me tonight. If I was a tea kettle I'd have been steaming by the end of the last game.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Jesus, Rush is sucking tonight. Too many Magnum ammo fucktards and the tracer buff is horrible.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Wow, switch from BC2 to CoD4 for an hour, reach killstreaks of 5-7 compared to how I generally had to work my ass off for 3's/UAV's when the game was big.

Either the PS3 playerbase has nosedived in skill (and the 360 is holding ground) or BC2's "going cover to cover" helped me out a lot. It also didn't help that CoD4 funneled enemies directly to me in HQ matches.

TheSeks <FN P90> Dude 1
TheSeks <FN P90> Dude 2
TheSeks <FN P90> Dude 3
TheSeks <FN P90> Dude 4
TheSeks <FN P90> Dude 5
TheSeks <Grenade> Dude 6
TheSeks <FN P90> Dude 7


Just... wow. o_O

(Also forgotten how balanced MW1/CoD4 is compared to CoD6/MW2.)

Anyway, got my Engineer Specact emblem today, which leaves me to play Sniper dick in hilariously bad dedicated servers for the PS3 right now. *sigh* So I'm kinda taking a break and playing off/on as I slowly get to the 100 kills for "I AM BAD COMPANY... TOO!" (AKA: All the emblems/pins that are much less insane to get unlike "I AM BAD COMPANY"/BC1's)


are you going to post combat logs from all your games in this topic? :p

And yeah, going back to COD4 is really fun. I dunno, feels right. Like playing Goldeneye.
good games StayUp and somnific!

and remember, spawn rape is DICE approved!

that one game on Arica Harbor... oh man, wow... the US didn't even cap C!

that one medic dude BLAZED down the hill a couple of times and actually got C to blink like twice...
I'm a UK Gaffer, but need some squad mates as I'm sick of these 'sniper' noobs which don't know how to play the game properly.

Level 7 Boss.

Add me, please, pretty please.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Odrion said:
are you going to post combat logs from all your games in this topic? :p

And yeah, going back to COD4 is really fun. I dunno, feels right. Like playing Goldeneye.

Nah, just amazing that I was able to get at a 7 killstreak in CoD4. Generally someone stops me before I even reach 3. Just last night it was crazy. :lol

Faceless said:
hat one medic dude BLAZED down the hill a couple of times and actually got C to blink like twice...

Oh man, I hate being spawn trapped as the US in Arica Harbor Conquest. You can't really do anything to get around the campers as there is no cover and they can see you coming for miels and no flag that's easy to take. RU spawn as a better chance as they have hills for cover and can flank to A/B/C. So unfair.


I borrowed a freind's PS3 copy just to be safe. It's a fun game, but i'm not sure I would spend $40-$60 on it to essentially play one gamemode on four maps. I'll give it some more time.


I just had a crazy game where I went 49 - 28, got an ace pin and somehow carried my team to victory on defense in arica harbor. They were straight up tards letting tanks roam around unimpeded, not taking out snipers, etc. But it's ok, cause I did all of that for them.

There was even one moment of awesomeness where on last stand a tank was rolling in, so I ran around behind them, got on their UAV and blew up the tank with it. :D

The enemy team employed all the lame tactics in the book (blowing up all the mcom's from a distance, sitting off to the side and just letting people spawn on them, hiding in the blue dumpster outside the construction site at last stand and spawning people constantly, etc.)

That blue dumpster thing was funny though. I think I got at least 8 kills there just picking them off as they spawned over and over. :lol

When they were down to 9 tickets left I jumped in the water, swam around and went up the ladder, then proceeded to shoot/stab all their wookies. I got 7 dog tags that match (closing in on 500 dog tags now).

Sadly, I could only do so much attacking and my team couldn't even get past the first set of mcom's. I was cussing at them the whole time on both defense and attack.

It was nice to play a bad ass round like that after the shit-fest I played last night. I was getting my ass handed to me left and right. It got to the point where I just rage quit. Then I took my dog out and while excited he slammed into my knee (I just had ACL reconstruction surgery on it two months ago) and I just lost it and went to bed for the night.

Pandoracell said:
I borrowed a freind's PS3 copy just to be safe. It's a fun game, but i'm not sure I would spend $40-$60 on it to essentially play one gamemode on four maps. I'll give it some more time.

Add me on PSN (Striketh) and I'll show you a good game. Just make sure you have a mic or something.


1stStrike said:
Add me on PSN (Striketh) and I'll show you a good game. Just make sure you have a mic or something.

I don't, sorry. I'm a newish PS3 owner, so I haven't gotten around to getting a mic yet. If I end up getting one, i'll add you, thanks.


Just had a few good games with dreamgazer (aka UAV slut), Fersis and HelvetesApe.

We fought a gung ho team that came at us in a fury. Only one or two snipers to deal with. Lots of fun and we still kicked their asses.

Though, people are starting to get smart about the back way in to the 3rd base on Laguna Presa. I had ape and Fersis with me driving around the back in the jeep and hit a land mine lol. Woops...

This one dude had it out for me too. I knifed him 3 times in one game :lol


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Pandoracell said:
I borrowed a freind's PS3 copy just to be safe. It's a fun game, but i'm not sure I would spend $40-$60 on it to essentially play one gamemode on four maps. I'll give it some more time.

One game mode?


If you're playing something other than "Rush" or "Conquest" YOU'RE DOIN' IT WRONG.


1stStrike said:
Just had a few good games with dreamgazer (aka UAV slut), Fersis and HelvetesApe.

We fought a gung ho team that came at us in a fury. Only one or two snipers to deal with. Lots of fun and we still kicked their asses.

Though, people are starting to get smart about the back way in to the 3rd base on Laguna Presa. I had ape and Fersis with me driving around the back in the jeep and hit a land mine lol. Woops...

This one dude had it out for me too. I knifed him 3 times in one game :lol

I'm getting a mic once my exams are over. Abit laggy games, but really fun to play with a real squad.


TheSeks said:
One game mode?


If you're playing something other than "Rush" or "Conquest" YOU'RE DOIN' IT WRONG.

I'm only playing and will play Rush, which is one gamemode. Unless i'm misunderstanding you?
Just played a few games. The lag this time is absolutely horrible to the point where shit starts appearing and disappearing for no reason. I can't believe DICE is trying to sell us a mp mode when their mp is still broken, no thanks.

Oh and DICE you can make fun of MW2 all you want but until you actually make your playing experience better you're just making yourselves look silly.
TheSeks said:
Oh man, I hate being spawn trapped as the US in Arica Harbor Conquest. You can't really do anything to get around the campers as there is no cover and they can see you coming for miels and no flag that's easy to take. RU spawn as a better chance as they have hills for cover and can flank to A/B/C. So unfair.
i honestly don't know what the other team was thinking that game... we spawned and like 4 of us had a MAD DASH for A. then several others spawned on us during the dash then ran to B. as soon as A was capped, those of us in A ran to B, and B got capped as soon as we arrived, and C *STILL WASN'T CAPPED* so we moved up, killed them, capped C and the chaos began. eventually, we pushed up so much that we were at the top of the hill, outside the gates. it was pretty brutal.
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