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Battlefield Bad Company 2 |OT| See, Spot, Run

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Played a few matches earlier and was glad to see no lag.

Haven't played with gaffers in awhile. Anyone on around 11 tonight feel free to add me.

PSN: MarvelAssassin


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
olimpia84 said:
Anybody up for some Conquest or Onslaught action tonight? (PS3)
No_Style said:
I guess you're playing now, Olimpia?

I was going to throw in a bit of Bayonetta (360), but I guess I'll join now.

What are your PSN names... I forgot them. Need to add you guys.
any 360 gaffers wanna get their Hardcore Onslaught achievements, hit me up!

i gotta get my 800 points worth out of this thing!

and a big shout out to my boy FK1983 for getting me thru Hardcore, especially Isla Inocentes.
Dang I went on to play Demon Souls and got an invite. I cheated on my BFBC2 break. My bad TK didn't notice and it was too late by then.

I'm back on break until Monday.


Good effort on trying to get that private match balanced out. Not sure why it was always unbalancing though.

Good games all around though.

That last Conquest Atacama game was interesting to say the least. Enemies repeatedly going back to their favorite spots and spawning on one another. It was like Whack-a-mole or some kind of virus that just wouldn't die.

I didn't have my headset on right away and my bro heard Strike. He pointed out an interesting observation about how Strike replaces "Ummm..." with "Fuckin'". Now I'm mentally doing the opposite. :lol

Having gone against some GAF folks, I've got some kudos to share:

Strike - Damn quick on the draw; got me plenty of times when we turn corners and face each other.
Olimpia - Cuts me off all the time. Our tactics are too similar. :lol
Todahawk - Your UAV work didn't go unnoticed

Everyone else was pretty damn solid with lots of teamwork going on.


Yea, I blame my 6 years in the military for that, No_Style :lol When I'm pissed off, or playing the game and not really paying attention to what I'm saying, it's "fucking this and fucking that" lol.

And, thanks for the kudos. Everything was just clicking well for me in that match. When we lost the second match on white pass it's a good thing you weren't on my team, cause I was pretty much yelling and screaming the whole time. It's a good thing Razor wasn't on my squad either :lol

Yea, that other team on Atacama was fucking pissing me off. They were on the very top of the oil rig and I kept sniping/mortaring them, but one guy was hiding and so they kept spawning on him, and I kept killing them, and they kept spawning, and I was fucking raging by the time it ended. God damn cockroaches.

Also, for you xbox/pc guys: Yes, that's right, we had a 6 vs 6 private match tonight with all gaffers. <3

Instead of kudos, I present the annoyance awards.

Todahawk: Fucking UAV. Every god damn time I got in a vehicle...

Evolved1: Stop 40mm shotgunning me bitch.

Sekoku: Must you fail C4 everything? I saw you crash the helicopter into the ground, miss the MCOM, get out and try to blow it, die, and then the other team takes the chopper.


Anyway, good games tonight. I'll be back on tomorrow.

Crak: You know you want to come back to us. Btw, you're rusty. I've never killed you that many times in a match EVER. :D
I'll be back on Monday. You kicked my ass there :lol I won't make any excuses there you earned it buddy. I don't know that map well. TKawesome also kicked my ass in a rush map at the start.

This week I don't feel like playing games much, I just want to get my Infamous back so I can replay it.


The Faceless Master said:
6vs6 in Atacama?

isn't that a bit barren?

Edit: Oh yea, we started with squad rush, but then we went to conquest after that.

No, we were back to pub by then cause some people dropped. We were playing 6vs6 in white pass.

Crak: I won't lie. It felt good. :lol

Evolved1: It's all right, I got you back plenty of times AND teabagged you. Though, I ended up getting shot by TK because I was right out in the open. It was WORTH it though :lol


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
One thing that made me really enjoy tonight (aside from having a major GAF presence) was that I seemed to get a handle on my pistol skills again. I was snapping with the revolver by the end of the night.

I'm fucking playing all day tomorrow. No work, no school, no obligations but BFBC.


Knocked out all the achievements with a group of friends tonight in Onslaught. Good fun and a few spots that were a challenge but overall it was very short as far as DLC goes. I do wish they had more detailed stats kept for onslaught however.
recklessmind said:
One thing that made me really enjoy tonight (aside from having a major GAF presence) was that I seemed to get a handle on my pistol skills again. I was snapping with the revolver by the end of the night.

I'm fucking playing all day tomorrow. No work, no school, no obligations but BFBC.
is it that or is it just the lack of lag? shotgun performance for me has been awesome for me since the latest update.


That Conquest-Private match session was awesome, we managed to get a 6 vs. 6 GAF match and I ended up Ace in both matches (don't mess around with me in Conquest games) :D

All gaffers played very well and it was interesting to see different tactics and approaches.

No_Style said:
Olimpia - Cuts me off all the time. Our tactics are too similar. :lol

That's because we've been playing Conquest together since the game launched. We know our tactics too damn well by now :lol


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
The Faceless Master said:
is it that or is it just the lack of lag? shotgun performance for me has been awesome for me since the latest update.

Lack of lag helps a lot. Shotgun is my best weapon statistically. For me the revolver is a similar weapon; one to two hitter quitter.
I haven't been playing much lately but for one thing I'm glad that PS3 GAF is back. I'm done with Demon Souls kind of but I'm playing Sims 3 for a bit.


Honestly, I don't really have tactics in conquest. I just try to cap all the flags, and then run back and forth and mow down anyone in my way. I got a lot of satisfaction out of repeatedly blowing up your tanks with the stationary AT. :D


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Is it possible to change your PSN username without losing all your trophies and stuff?
Crakatak187 said:
If it was I would have done it a long time ago to get rid of the 187 on my PSN.
why would you do that?


The matchmaking in this game is a joke late at night (on 360 anyway). I realize there aren't as many people on, but instead of having fewer, full games, all I get for Conquest/Rush are games of 5v4, 2v3, 4v4 ect. I wanted to play some more but it's impossible to get a semi-full game.
digita1alchemy said:
The matchmaking in this game is a joke late at night (on 360 anyway). I realize there aren't as many people on, but instead of having fewer, full games, all I get for Conquest/Rush are games of 5v4, 2v3, 4v4 ect. I wanted to play some more but it's impossible to get a semi-full game.
I played like 7 vs 1 conquest w/ (I think) The Faceless Master in my squad. I was surprised the guy didn't quit.
bean breath said:
I played like 7 vs 1 conquest w/ (I think) The Faceless Master in my squad. I was surprised the guy didn't quit.
that guy had heart, he kept shooting down my UAV, delaying my air platinum, but i stuck it out. i only had 9 kills to go so i was uav whoring every chance i got those few games. that extra 10k points inches me even closer to 46!


No, you wasted too much time in getting me to try and balance the teams. "HAY STRIKE, SENDS ZEE MESSAGE TO TELL THEM TO INVITE PEEPS!"

Me> "Uhh... okay..." *gets shot while sending the message* "GOD DAMN IT!" :lol


No_Style said:
Good effort on trying to get that private match balanced out. Not sure why it was always unbalancing though.

Good games all around though.

That last Conquest Atacama game was interesting to say the least. Enemies repeatedly going back to their favorite spots and spawning on one another. It was like Whack-a-mole or some kind of virus that just wouldn't die.

I didn't have my headset on right away and my bro heard Strike. He pointed out an interesting observation about how Strike replaces "Ummm..." with "Fuckin'". Now I'm mentally doing the opposite. :lol

Having gone against some GAF folks, I've got some kudos to share:

Strike - Damn quick on the draw; got me plenty of times when we turn corners and face each other.
Olimpia - Cuts me off all the time. Our tactics are too similar. :lol
Todahawk - Your UAV work didn't go unnoticed

Everyone else was pretty damn solid with lots of teamwork going on.

Ah, thank ya... my headset wasn't working for most of the night (forgot to plug USB in).
Yeah, I saw teh Bradley roll up on B and it didn't look like we had any engies out so I snagged the UAV and worked for the ass shot.

I heard someone warn me that i had company coming (you?) so I bailed out only to get disoriented and get a payback from Strike. :lol

Too much fun. It was like a big family reunion last night.

FYI: Seks won't be responding quite yet. He's at the tail end of a 2 week ban.


Eternal Sleeper said:
In my defense, I wasted too much time trying to make the team balanced + was away for 5-10 min + lost all my points from switching teams.


I wonder why the game kept messing up the teams. It's not like the game was trying to balance them since it set us on a 2 vs 7 match at one point...


Sorry Striker for not having a Mic. When its super late 12AM+, I cant use it since Ill wake my family lol.

Also I fucking hate the audio glitch. Fucking DICE wont fix that shit. Its so annoying since everything audio-wise is muted. So I could still play but wont be able to tell where where people are coming from, shots etc. So I had to quit between a game and join back.

Playing alot of GAFers is cool. I got to mow down alot of you in the first match I got in...LOL. 2nd match I had to quit midway and 3rd match everyone bailed out. Ill be on today if you guys wanna play again, just let me know.


Cruzader said:
Sorry Striker for not having a Mic. When its super late 12AM+, I cant use it since Ill wake my family lol.

Also I fucking hate the audio glitch. Fucking DICE wont fix that shit. Its so annoying since everything audio-wise is muted. So I could still play but wont be able to tell where where people are coming from, shots etc. So I had to quit between a game and join back.

Playing alot of GAFers is cool. I got to mow down alot of you in the first match I got in...LOL. 2nd match I had to quit midway and 3rd match everyone bailed out. Ill be on today if you guys wanna play again, just let me know.

Hey, no biggie on the mic, Strike doesn't stop talking enough to listen to anyone :p

Yeah, I don't think i'd play much with you before, i know we traded kill cams on White Pass a few times though.


Anyone else having problems with Onslaught matchmaking? Seks and I tried joining each others private matches and it wouldn't go. We both tried joining each others public matches and still nothing.


lol seks is banned? Nice. After he warned me about getting banned, he ends up getting the boot himself. :lol

And, yea, I do talk a lot, and I do tend to call out orders, but it's only when shit isn't going well. When things run smoothly, I'm actually pretty quiet. So, stop sucking and I'll shut up :lol

We've been playing all morning. Been a lot of fun. I'm taking a little break since my game froze at the beginning of a conquest match (someone blew up a wall and zzzzt game comes to a halt).

But, I'll be back on soon.


1stStrike said:
lol seks is banned? Nice. After he warned me about getting banned, he ends up getting the boot himself. :lol

And, yea, I do talk a lot, and I do tend to call out orders, but it's only when shit isn't going well. When things run smoothly, I'm actually pretty quiet. So, stop sucking and I'll shut up :lol

We've been playing all morning. Been a lot of fun. I'm taking a little break since my game froze at the beginning of a conquest match (someone blew up a wall and zzzzt game comes to a halt).

But, I'll be back on soon.

Yeah, but it was for dropping and f-bomb in the left handed thread... only 2 weeks and not a perma ban.
we love ya Seks, don't yell at me!

Dude, sounds like you're calling me out... I think you need another UAV enema. :lol

I have a screaming headache so I'm drinking some mt. dew & taking some aleve. i have nothing going on this weekend so i'll be on later.

eternalLightness said:
I played pretty bad last night. That match on White Pass, I went 15-27 lol. My head was pounding though so I had to leave.

What's yer PSN? I have trouble connecting all the GAF ids with their PSN/GT ids. i was todahawk last night. i think i sent FL request to everyone in the lobby i didn't recognize. :D


Mountain Dew? Yea, pure sugar will totally help your headache. *rolleyes*

I'm probably going to write a little bit, maybe take a nap (killing all those bitches makes me tired), and then I'll be back on.

Oh, and you're my bitch whenever I'm not in a vehicle toda :D

Once I get in a bradley it's like "durrr, how do i drive this thing?" *crashes into everything* :lol


1stStrike said:
Mountain Dew? Yea, pure sugar will totally help your headache. *rolleyes*

I'm probably going to write a little bit, maybe take a nap (killing all those bitches makes me tired), and then I'll be back on.

Oh, and you're my bitch whenever I'm not in a vehicle toda :D

Once I get in a bradley it's like "durrr, how do i drive this thing?" *crashes into everything* :lol

:p It's DIET Mt. Dew, the caffeine and aleve work on the blood vessels... knocks out headaches quick. *SMH*

But I think you have selective memory about last night, I recall shooting you in the face more than once with my NS2000. I know you're a couple of states east of me I'm pretty sure I heard you whimpering...
i know, i know. You had like 3500 pts that match

@ELightness/Marvel: ahh ok, thanks. I need to make a chart or cheat sheet to keep everyone straight. :lol


Gowans007 said:
Onslaught worth the money guys?

Had a little trouble with inviting and joining friends last night but seems cool so far. Two maps have choppers in them, the Apache on Atamaca and a Blackhawk on Isla Innocentes. For me, I can now setup a private match on easy and practice my chopper skills.

I like it so far. A fifth map would've made it easily worth $10. Still, i'm sure i'll get my money out of it. If no one from GAF is on or the server is full this will be a nice way to play without having to deal with random pubs.


greenjerk said:
:p It's DIET Mt. Dew, the caffeine and aleve work on the blood vessels... knocks out headaches quick. *SMH*

But I think you have selective memory about last night, I recall shooting you in the face more than once with my NS2000. I know you're a couple of states east of me I'm pretty sure I heard you whimpering...
i know, i know. You had like 3500 pts that match

Oh, I remember that. Don't worry. I die a lot, but I kill a lot too. :lol

I was going on 3 - 5 man sprees before getting taken down by someone (just missed out on that pin).

I was getting 2:1 or higher ratios all last night. I've really come into my own as an assault... and it's all Crak's fault for introducing me to the AN-94 :lol


I bought BC2 through the EA Download Manager and was wondering what the best method is for burning the game on discs. I don't have a Dual-Layer DVD burner so I can't fit everything on one DVD. How would you guys recommend I split the files?


Pankaks said:
Decided to come back to this game after a few months of lag/online problems and to my surprise still can't join a game :( (360). Anyone else having troubles or is it just me?
None for me. Download updates?


No_Style said:
Good effort on trying to get that private match balanced out. Not sure why it was always unbalancing though.

Good games all around though.

That last Conquest Atacama game was interesting to say the least. Enemies repeatedly going back to their favorite spots and spawning on one another. It was like Whack-a-mole or some kind of virus that just wouldn't die.

I didn't have my headset on right away and my bro heard Strike. He pointed out an interesting observation about how Strike replaces "Ummm..." with "Fuckin'". Now I'm mentally doing the opposite. :lol

Having gone against some GAF folks, I've got some kudos to share:

Strike - Damn quick on the draw; got me plenty of times when we turn corners and face each other.
Olimpia - Cuts me off all the time. Our tactics are too similar. :lol
Todahawk - Your UAV work didn't go unnoticed

Everyone else was pretty damn solid with lots of teamwork going on.

Of course, you guys were playing against a team that I happened to be on, so we had no chance :(

I am the worst BF2 player ever


Nah, you're not too bad enron. I've seen the worst gamer ever, and he looks a lot like this:


So, unless you look like that, then you're safe! :lol
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