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Battlefield Bad Company 2 |OT2| See, Spot, Run

UFRA said:
Of course it's about teamwork, but racking up kills is also a good feature for the team too. My squad score shows I'm a good team player as well, so I guess I'm fortunate that I can do team objectives while still doing great KDR-wise as well. :D

Don't get me wrong. As long as your points are on the top of the list at the end of the game, that's all that matters to me. I don't care how many times you die as long as you're helping the team. If you can do both, then more power too you. I'm just pointing out that one of the best things about this game and why I love it so much is that K/D ratio means nothing and I like that they give you more points for helping your team than they do for killing the other guys.

Cornbread78 said:
I'm with you there brotha. I could care less about my K/D in thsi game, besides, I spend way too much time killing myself with C-4 to care either, LOL. I'm a team guy like yourself and will be the bait if needed.

I blow myself up with C4 all the time since I plant it on a tank and I know I can't get far enough away without being shot and hence, not setting it off so I just blow it up right in my face. I may lose -10 for the suicide but I gain like 500 points from blowing up the tank with a couple of dudes in it and help my team.


OldJadedGamer said:
I blow myself up with C4 all the time since I plant it on a tank and I know I can't get far enough away without being shot and hence, not setting it off so I just blow it up right in my face. I may lose -10 for the suicide but I gain like 500 points from blowing up the tank with a couple of dudes in it and help my team.
I do this too. I just wish the C4 would stick to your body. Suicide bombings an objective/tank be effective and hilarious. :lol


i jumped off a roof on panama canal, parachute'd, shot a rocket at a tank as he shot a tank shell at me. he killed me but I took him out also. felt good.

panama canal has also become my favorite map


OldJadedGamer said:
I blow myself up with C4 all the time since I plant it on a tank and I know I can't get far enough away without being shot and hence, not setting it off so I just blow it up right in my face. I may lose -10 for the suicide but I gain like 500 points from blowing up the tank with a couple of dudes in it and help my team.

Not only that, but it also creates some of the funniest explosions in the world...

"Cornbread, your body just did a 1080 through the air!"
The Faceless Master said:
when you throw the final C4, wait until the animation completes before entering a vehicle. if you enter a vehicle and cancel the final animation, you aren't guaranteed to get that C4 to blow up.

Ahhh this makes sense, as I was rushing to toss all 6 and hop in the choppah before someone took it from me. Thanks for the info sir.

@Pete Rock: you still play any? I'm going to play a bunch today/tomorrow before school starts back.. and I just got a job so it's sort of a last ditch gaming session for me. Gotta beat Alan Wake before the weekend as well.. shieeet.
Yesterday they tried so hard to kill us in a tank but we bailed out for every C4 :lol

Yeah my KDR has been spiking up as well. It's thanks to vehicles since I'm mostly the gunner now. I'm sitting at 2.57. The first month of the game I sat on 1.60. Win ratio of 4.12.


Crakatak187 said:
Yesterday they tried so hard to kill us in a tank but we bailed out for every C4 :lol

Yeah my KDR has been spiking up as well. It's thanks to vehicles since I'm mostly the gunner now. I'm sitting at 2.57. The first month of the game I sat on 1.60. Win ratio of 4.12.
I like doing this too. I can't stand flying choppers and tanks and just cumbersome. If I can just sit there and gun, I can pile up so many kills. If I've got a good driver/pilot it makes me an even more effective gunner.
I'm getting pretty good at it. When I actually drive I don't actually have good tactical uses, so I always have the master of Vehicles JM drive it while I'll be the gunner as an Engineer with Armor vehicle spec.
OldJadedGamer said:
No, consoles. But when getting my bronze stars on all weapons I did use the Type 88 like it was an assault rifle and it works good cause it's more powerful but yeah, it does fire slowly. I am playing hardcore but not sure it would matter. Again, try this set up. It feels no different than having an uzi in your hand. I wouldn't doubt that some people think I hacked it and gave my recon a sub machine gun.

VSS Snaiperskaya special with red dot and magnum

I'll try it out next time I play.

So do you aim for every encounter? I'd imagine since the VSS Snaiperskaya special is automatic that you can just hold down the fire button while aiming from the hip to find the target like I do with an smg but again, that has crosshairs.

I'm really curious about how all of you approach shooting and whether I'm doing something wrong or there's just several ways to go about it.

Like I said before, shooting from the hip really opened up my game, and it was when it "clicked" for me. Especially for pistols. My god, the kills I racked up with pistols once I stopped aiming with them. Even if the enemy is at long range and all I have is a pistol, I still shoot from the hip with it, albeit crouched.

Before, and to some extent still, my shooting "mechanics" were slow and cumbersome. I wasn't getting very many kills and being killed a lot.

My approach was basically:
-Put the target in the crosshair
-(sometimes crouch)
-aim button

That was fine if the target was at medium to long range, but I used that approach for every encounter, even turning a corner and finding an enemy right in my face. :lol

obviously, they were much quicker to the draw and I was dead. That was a quick fix though, just don't aim at close range.

Now, I'm wondering if I should even bother spotting.

Spotting, to me, is like insurance. It's almost like, "I know I'm not going to be able to kill you, so let me spot you first and then hopefully my teammates can come and mop my shit up for me."

And it's true, nothing is better then spotting a guy, not being able to kill him, he kills you, and then you watch the kill cam as bullets just start raining down on him.

But lately, I'm killing the guy now. So I think i'm going to drop that habit and shave the fraction of the second it takes to move my thumb from the stick to the back button.

(Also, nothing is worse than playing with dumb people who not only don't spot but don't shoot at your spots, even when they're right in front of them!).


The Faceless Master said:
why do people use lightweight? i noticed a lot of people running with lightweight in Nelson Bay Conquest
i only use it for that set up, to get away quickly from the C4 i plan on tanks.

my normal shotty set up is slugs/magnum
The Faceless Master said:
why do people use lightweight? i noticed a lot of people running with lightweight in Nelson Bay Conquest
I use it a fair bit if I'm gong with a close-range setup. So if I'm playing a recon with an 870MCS I'll take lightweight and extra shotgun capacity.

In general it's also very useful for flanking and for running through "out of bounds" areas. I have a friend who has over 6000 dogtags and he always uses lightweight so that he can get around behind enemy lines (usually down the flanks of course) as quickly as possible. Then he starts knifing the entire enemy team in the back, one at a time. At the moment his record is 42 dog tags taken in a single match.

Speaking of lightweight, is it just me or do the different classes run at different speeds? Would love to see that on the next BFBC2 mythbusters.


endlessflood said:
I use it a fair bit if I'm gong with a close-range setup. So if I'm playing a recon with an 870MCS I'll take lightweight and extra shotgun capacity.

In general it's also very useful for flanking and for running through "out of bounds" areas. I have a friend who has over 6000 dogtags and he always uses lightweight so that he can get around behind enemy lines (usually down the flanks of course) as quickly as possible. Then he starts knifing the entire enemy team in the back, one at a time. At the moment his record is 42 dog tags taken in a single match.

Speaking of lightweight, is it just me or do the different classes run at different speeds? Would love to see that on the next BFBC2 mythbusters.
6000? Holy shit. :lol


i was so close to sending rage mail before. this fucking guy was doing the typical recon shit and i was raging like a mother fucker. i eventually lit him up with tracer darts to vent. i dont know why i got so angry when it happens so frequently.

will post video later
I do rage a lot but it's usually towards recons. Recons can't snipe for shit. I just breezed through the 500 Snipe kills. Recon on Recon warfare is easy.


Good games tonight with danthaman earlier and then with renderman. I think we won all the games except for one in Arica where our team just gave up for some reason.


Actually had a game tonight where both defending teams held White Pass. The team i was on held it on the first set of M-coms. It was crazy. Really intense matches too.
Def good run tonite with Olimpia. It sucks when it happens. But when it's only us two actually doing a lot of the work, it's pin city. So a different tactic i'm seeing today. Pretty much the other team just bombarded the B flag on Arica Harbor and/or camped in the garage of A and B.
Crakatak187 said:
I do rage a lot but it's usually towards recons. Recons can't snipe for shit. I just breezed through the 500 Snipe kills. Recon on Recon warfare is easy.

I don't rage at the noob wookies anymore. They can't help it, they just don't know how to play and don't know any better. Would you yell at your dog for shitting on the floor when he was sick?

These poor kids are just coming from the broken MW2 and that's all they know is camping so I just give them some time and move on. But with my new current play style of being a recon with a sub machine gun, I'm glad people think I'm a noob. Makes it easier to shot them in the liver when they underestimate me.
Marvie_3 said:
Actually had a game tonight where both defending teams held White Pass. The team i was on held it on the first set of M-coms. It was crazy. Really intense matches too.

Played it for the first time today, defense first and it was pretty easy to defend (1st set). I didn't even die once which is pretty rare for me. I guess I'll just attribute it to not playing against a very good team. They didn't try to crate bash though, standard arming.

Once we got on offense though, jeez! I had people on my team that were c4 uav-ing. When your on a team with crate bashers the object of the game is no longer to beat the other team, but racing to destroy the mcoms first. I used Faceless' tip of dropping c4 from the roof. I was surprised at how easy I got on the roof because the other team didn't even get in the building for longer than 5 seconds.

OldJadedGamer said:
I don't rage at the noob wookies anymore. They can't help it, they just don't know how to play and don't know any better. Would you yell at your dog for shitting on the floor when he was sick?

These poor kids are just coming from the broken MW2 and that's all they know is camping so I just give them some time and move on. But with my new current play style of being a recon with a sub machine gun, I'm glad people think I'm a noob. Makes it easier to shot them in the liver when they underestimate me.

Used your sniper setup today. Definitely better than the type 88. I liked using motion mines in an advancing position instead of hanging back like I usually do as a recon. racked up a bunch of motion mine assists.

Only thing I didn't like is that it only has 20 bullets. I chewed through the ammo quick.

EDIT: Had an absolutely humiliating game on Isla Innocentes. Managed to get to the last set thanks to the aforementioned C4 uav-ers (Don't know why they stopped). On the last set they held us at our spawn. Since I've been playing this game, not once, ever, have I seen that. Offense or defense. They had snipers on the roofs of the houses just before the hill. Medics and assaults on the flanks, set up on the ridges to the left and right. Also a few on the top of the hill.

After about the 4th time I died without even making it to the hill, I realized why. I don't know what it is about choppers that suddenly turn half the team into fucking Captain Ahab chasing Moby Dick. At least 5 people including all my squad mates were at the back of the spawn by the uav station trying to shoot this thing down instead of, you know, going after the fucking crates. Finally, I got in the Bradley and floored it through their defenses. One of my squad mates with half a brain spawned in the gunners seat (probably by accident). I managed to arm A and was heading towards B and died. Never made it back.

Had to turn off the xbox at that point. Absolutely embarrassing.
hot new tip! on the ground floor, right below the crate on the 2nd floor, is a generic stack of lumber. you can stand on that and stick the C4 onto the roof above you, aka the floor below the 2nd floor crate.


this only really works if the people on the other team are either retarded or the ground floor crate is already lost and they're concentrating on everywhere else and just don't notice anyone directly underneath them.


OldJadedGamer said:
I don't rage at the noob wookies anymore. They can't help it, they just don't know how to play and don't know any better. Would you yell at your dog for shitting on the floor when he was sick?

These poor kids are just coming from the broken MW2 and that's all they know is camping so I just give them some time and move on. But with my new current play style of being a recon with a sub machine gun, I'm glad people think I'm a noob. Makes it easier to shot them in the liver when they underestimate me.

:lol This is so true.

I find them annoying at times, but for the most part they're a great source of easy knife kills, or easy headshots.

Whenever we start having issues with a team of snipers, I just play as a counter-sniper with my GOL. 90% of the time I'm a better sniper than any of the guys who camp in one spot all day. Usually since I'm on the move a lot.

Once on Arica Harbor Rush I took out 4 enemy snipers, ALL who were trying to kill me, and ALL who were sitting still with their heads poking up over a ridge. I simply used the crouch button to quickly pop up - spot them - then sit down, adjust my crosshairs, move a bit to the left, pop up - headshot - rinse, repeat until they were all dead. Only once did they hit me but it wasn't a killshot so I finished them all off. It was one of my favorite counter-sniper events ever while playing BC2. :lol


I finally made my KDR go up to 1.00 :lol
Not bad considering my suicidal type of play and considering this is my first FPS game since the N64 days. My KDR for the first month when I got this game was probably 0.00001, I just didn't care if I died or not :lol


Pete Rock

sw33tclyde said:
you still play any? I'm going to play a bunch today/tomorrow before school starts back.. and I just got a job so it's sort of a last ditch gaming session for me. Gotta beat Alan Wake before the weekend as well.. shieeet.
Been slammed since getting back from a short vacation, had to wrap up Crackdown 2 the last time I turned on my box, now I'm back to the Battlefield. Hopefully I'll have some time this weekend, need to finish all my bronze stars and only have a few odd wookie rifles left to go. Pretty sure we also need to ghostride a quad with 18 sticks of C4 into some fools again :lol


Best kill yet, Blackhawk keeps killing me over and over, I am an assault class, I say to myself "F this I am taking this SOB out", the chopper decides to fly low to let some of the people out, a couple people jump out, just as this guy exits the chopper I let off an underslung grenade from about 30 feet away and headshot one of the guys in the face, but somehow I also destroy the chopper along with everyone else inside, netting me 5 kills. Run on sentence........


olimpia84 said:
I finally made my KDR go up to 1.00 :lol
Not bad considering my suicidal type of play and considering this is my first FPS game since the N64 days. My KDR for the first month when I got this game was probably 0.00001, I just didn't care if I died or not :lol


I had to work up from 0.8 from the first weeks (not sure how much was being too suicidal or graphics set too high). It's kind of fun tracking KDR and SPM over time but it's also fun to play with different weapons. Some are using only one or two weapons for every class which are better than some of the random weapons. Too boring for me doing that. I'd rather run around shooting snipers with an m1
Pete Rock said:
Been slammed since getting back from a short vacation, had to wrap up Crackdown 2 the last time I turned on my box, now I'm back to the Battlefield. Hopefully I'll have some time this weekend, need to finish all my bronze stars and only have a few odd wookie rifles left to go. Pretty sure we also need to ghostride a quad with 18 sticks of C4 into some fools again :lol

Sweeeeeeet. I've got a friend who just got BC2 so I likely be playing with him, so it'll be nice to have someone who isn't a complete nub to help me show him the ropes. :)


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Ok, gotta admit it: I suck lemons as Recon... going back to Assault and Engineer
olimpia84 said:
I finally made my KDR go up to 1.00 :lol
Not bad considering my suicidal type of play and considering this is my first FPS game since the N64 days. My KDR for the first month when I got this game was probably 0.00001, I just didn't care if I died or not :lol



Fersis said:
Ok, gotta admit it: I suck lemons as Recon... going back to Assault and Engineer

No, stick with it! I thought the same things. Once you get the mortar strike and the 12X scope, things start to pan out. And by that time, you get the timing and reloading down. Your intel alone and ability to reach out and touch someone via mortar strike are powerful tools in this game. I just strated playing Recon last week and thought EXACTLY as you did. But it's like once I put some time in and unlocked some of the usefulness of this class, I really enjoy playing.



Kills with Bolt-Action Sniper Rifles: ~5000
Avg Life Time: 69 Seconds

Score per minunte: 335
Ace Pins: 250

Wookie Domination

My friends ruined my ratios after a week of horrible play on my account, but so be it. More incentive to play I suppose.

:lol @ my M60 whoring (;



With the reveal of BF3 coming to PC & Consoles, I have no idea what I'm going to do...

I <3 BC2 PS3 GAF too much to leave them.
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