Hahaha. Faceless just missed an awesome moment on Nelson Bay Conquest.
RU team. We take A/B/D. I'm the only one at D, they're (US/dumbasses) trying to take C. Faceless is over on C up on a rock being a medic spraying death on them.
Three enemies come to D. Kill me. They start to take the flag.
"I ain't having any of that bullshit."
(Spawn: Assault, AN-94 Shotgun, Rex)
Rush toward the B objective of second set on Nelson Bay Rush.
TheSeks <AN-94 ACKBAN> Dumbass1nearCrateB
TheSeks <40MM Shotgun> Dumbass2near1
(AN-94: 0/180)
TheSeks <
Shepard wRex> PersonwhoKilledMeBeforeFloodingIntoD.
Killcam Teabag for good measure after they sat there and didn't notice two people were mown until I opened up on them. :lol
Also taking C, and then using the AN-94 to take down anyone coming down the road from US base OUT IN THE OPEN sort-of was pretty intense.
Man, Nelson Bay taking the flags is intense because the other team will generally be flooding toward that point as soon as they see it start to flash. Makes it hard. Faceless and I were on A and I'm throwing 40MM shotguns down the stairs as Faceless revives me and they are rocketing the roof where we are. :lol
Have I said how much I love the 40MM Shotgun? I haven't used it in months, but I still love it. It's just so...
MANLY. :lol
OJG said:
Or not. Just keep driving straight out of the base and into my mines. I like this part more.
You'd figure they'd wisen up once you reset the mines and do it about three-five times, but nope. They grab the Bradley rush off to try to cap a flag and BLAM. :lol