Gustav for days :lol
Attackers on Atacama Rush, first island: snuck into the top floor of B and just sat there for 10 minutes with a random squad assault guy who was brilliantly topping off my ammo and covering the stairs perfectly. Decided to go arm the crate just to get some heat off A and maybe bring more guys out of cover, and when I crept down there to double check it I saw a full squad milling around the blinking box defusing, it was like Christmas morning! After they exploded, the building caught some more damage and started to collapse, so I sprinted out the back and up to the next block, snagging a double-double kill with a nade and a gustav on possibly the same squad defusing A, oh man I was delirious!
I have 3 hours on the Gustav with half as many shots fired yet 250+ kills, and 8 hours on the AT4 with around 200 kills. It's not even fair, I'm really excited to guide an AT4 round perfectly into a Blackhawk but you rarely get any kills for it. Trace the fuckers or just blindfire with a Gustav and you get a double kill without fail as well as the vehicle destruction. I was pretty happy with my 60% hit rate on the AT4 after 3000 shots fired but I think I'm hanging it up, at least until I platinum this cheeseball
Not quite as good as Apache or C4 beatdown but I'll take it, problem is it only works that well for me on urban map sections, always get overwhelmed in an isolated area of terrain cover versus entrenched positions.
80 flag captures in conquest and 90 trip mine kills later and I'll have all my patches, looks like I need to play some Panama Canal. Finally snagged the damn car kill pin after asking for advice here, definitely thought Seks had the right idea on Arica but people just aren't so newbish anymore and rarely do I see a team who gets flat out ran over (enough to drive a car around their spawn willy nilly) last long enough at the first set of crates to provide my that precious windshield splatter time.
So I kept the patch in mind and right after we took the second set in town I pulled up the Humvee on the hill past the side of the houses, before the railroad tracks, to the left of the construction buildings. My plan was to get some cheap kills on the people who spawn and mill around behind the sandbags by the heavy mg turret on the bridge, but imagine my surprise to see 5 defenders prepping to spawn camp us, rushing up between the construction buildings and the green trailer. I'm pretty sure I literally squeed as I opened up with the turret, snagging all 5 before they could hit cover, watching the points roll in and seeing the last insignia pop