The only reason I could think he got the role was Warner was absolutely desperate for a good director for the new Batman movies and JL, and Affleck would only agree if he played Batman.
Reboot as well. The Batman in Man of Steel 2 is suppose to be the one that is going to be apart of the rest of the DC cinematic universe. The Batman reboot is suppose to be apart of that not separate the way the Nolan films were. That's my understanding.
I never wanted to go back to console gaming ..So he never wanted to be a costumed hero again? Must have been blinded by money.
Stoked! Let the record show I called this weeks ago!
Daredevil is Batman... lol smh will wait to fully judge, but smh
Thankfully Cavill is still Supes.
Anybody else relieved its not Karl Urban? That would have been Schumacher level.
The only reason I could think he got the role was Warner was absolutely desperate for a good director for the new Batman movies and JL, and Affleck would only agree if he played Batman.
What's with all the bitching in this thread? I've yet to read a reason why he can't do a good job.
Reposting because this is the CLOSEST I will ever get to prophet status <3
Yes, Ben Affleck in 2003 was shit. No one denies that. But over the course of a decade actors can improve. It happens often.
Also, just sounds like a lot of people are bitter that they didn't get the actor they wanted.
I think people just really hate Affleck for some reason.
Serious question, does Ben Affleck know kung fu? Can't tell from Daredevil.
Love me some Affleck. This movie will no doubt be fantasmically awesome.
Considering he was making shitty romantic comedies before TDK, everyone was doubting.
He had what? 1 film that really showed off potential before TDK? Maybe 2? Don't act like you were 1 of 3 people in the world that was praising his Heath choice before the first trailer. Yeah, a lot of people weren't completely upset but buttholes were exploding of anger when it was announced.
Gotta hope he stays in the suit as much as possible
I can't even begin to imagine him as a decent Bruce.
Hmm, definitely didn't see that coming. I'm positive that no one did.
I hated Man of Steel though, so It may not be Ben's fault if he sucks as Batman :s
Imagine if Marvel recast Tony Stark for the Avengers? The movie loses it's cohesion in the context of being a part of a universe that includes other franchise characters.
WB has no fucking clue what it's doing. Either Bale needs to be Batman in the same fucking universe in a believable way or they should scrap any type of Justice League type cross-overs and stick to their individual films.
This isn't like recasting the Hulk three times. Bale set the standard. Downey Jr. set the standard. You don't kick your quarterback off the team with an hour before game time........
The people that keep saying this must have only seen The Town and Argo. He's still in more bad movies then good in the past few years.i don't see why it's that big of a problem. the guy's come a long way in the last ten years it seems.
Affleck is gonna have to become friends with Cavill quickly in this film, I can't imagine Affleck as Batman beating Cavill as Supes at anything lol
This better not be titled Batman VS Superman
Bale doesn't WANT to do Batman any more.
Affleck is not a bad actor.Disappointed those "old grizzled veteran" rumors didn't come to pass.
Nervous about this, Affleck is not that good of an actor.