People should actually watch Hollywoodland, which is more about Superman actor George Reeves than it is about Superman. Really great film.
Wasn't there a similar outburst/blow up when Heath Ledger was cast as the Joker.
Affleck might surprise us.
But to be fair, the whole premise of Superman vs Batman is ridiculous to begin with.
Kevin Smith must be losing his mind over this.
So much for the whole "older batman."
People should actually watch Hollywoodland, which is more about Superman actor George Reeves than it is about Superman. Really great film.
ben affleck and bryan cranston were in argo together
bryan cranston is heavily rumored to play lex luthor
this some illuminati shit
Just confuse everyone.
Oh my.This is how it will be when Batman meets Robin
Just confuse everyone.
You know what, this could be good. Affleck is capable of being a good actor. A lot lies in how the character will be written and directed, but I think Affleck can pull it off.
After seeing Ledger as Joker, Hathaway as Catwoman, and Hardy as Bane, I'm not gonna make up my mind until I watch the movie. Man of Steel was excellently cast (some had gripes with the writing and direction, but I think all the actors were fantastic and well-chosen in the flick), so I think Affleck can pull it off.
I think he can pull off Bruce Wayne pretty well.
Just bring Jonah Nolan back to tighten up Goyer's script and write better lines. Man of Steel had almost zero quotable lines which was SO GODDAMN DISAPPOINTING. We need memorable lines, man. I still quote the TDK movies to this day.
The real question is, how the FUCK did Christian Bale turn down 50 million dollars???
He would honestly be great.
I can't see him pulling this off as well as Bale.
Maybe not... but this is an older Wayne, perhaps we're getting Bruce Wayne the Philanthropist, and not Bruce Wayne, the Partyboy?
In fact, since he is older, we're not getting rookie Wayne, but a darker, cynical Batman along with Bruce Wayne as Philanthropist trying to stop the city of Gotham from bleeding itself to death.
He has the look.
Also who cares? Bale was kind of a crappy Batman
Apparently you don't need a good Batman to have a good Batman movie
He has the look.
Also who cares? Bale was kind of a crappy Batman
Apparently you don't need a good Batman to have a good Batman movie
I don't see the big deal.
Affleck should've directed it, and Snyder should've been demoted to playing Bats. Dude would be a perfect Bats. His voice is nasal as fuck.
This isn't a Batman movie though.... arghhh WB! He could be a shitty Batman stuck in what was supposed to be a real sequel to MOS. Supes fucked over some more.
I'm still taking a wait and see approach regarding Affleck.