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Ben Affleck Is The New Batman

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Affleck should've directed it, and Snyder should've been demoted to playing Bats. Dude would be a perfect Bats. His voice is nasal as fuck.

There is hope that he will direct the solo films. Snyder/Goyer will most likely fuck it up and Affleck will hit it out of the park when he directs the Batman films.
I'm so glad WB made their own decision instead of caving into fans demands. If Internet nerds made the call the market would be over saturated with Nathan Filion and Idris Elba movies.


Call me crazy, but I think he can pull it off...

Bale was/is the only right choice, but with all the names being thrown around Affleck was completely off my radar. And out of all the names I thought Jeffrey Dean Morgan was an ok choice I guess for the rumored grizzled Batman. But ultimately he probably wasn't a big enough name or star, same with Caviezel.

I think after the Nolan trilogy, and Bales as Bats, WB needed a big name to fill the role and Affleck is certainly that. I think they were hard pressed to cast an unknown (or in the case of morgan and caviezel, not big enough name) in a team up movie, or go with a fresh faced youngster for another reboot.

As mentioned before, Keaton and Ledger were both questionable castings at one point. And they could have made an even bigger WTF move by casting Gosling or some other pretty boy who isn't right for the role at all.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Yeah, but Man of Steel was good.

Eh, I like Batman, so I'm not that upset.

I kinda just wanna see Batman punch Superman's face in (before they inevitably set aside their conflict to take out whoever is being the bigger asshole.)

I like Batman as well. I just wanted Supes to have his own trilogy or at least hold Batman till the final film. Oh well.


I wonder if there's more to it than just playing Batman. Did Affleck agree to direct a Batman solo series as well? That makes more sense, he could help craft this version of Batman for this movie and the following movies that he would make.


Is Ben Affleck a bad actor or something? I'm really confused by these negative posts. :/
Geeky fans/comic book fans are more concerned about looks than anything. I've seen GAF criticize Chris Hemsworth/Chris Evans as not being big enough for Thor/Captain America, as an example.


Well at least we know his Batman voice can't be worse than Christian Bale's, so that's something ...

But yeah, I don't think this is good casting at all. He still looks too young and boyish. He's able to play the role of a rich playboy, because that's kind of what he is normally. But I have extreme doubts about his ability to truly sell me on the fact that he's a devastating fighter that strikes true fear into his foes. Christian Bale, I could believe that. American Psycho is all you had to see, and the guy is a physical specimen, super ripped. Affleck just doesn't have the face to be scary, the physique, and I can't picture a single role he's been in that he was intimidating in, in any way.

He's not a bad actor, but he's not a good fit for this at all. Almost makes me think he'll be the comic relief in the film, and we'll see a softer Batman than the Dark Knight trilogy. Because there's no way he's going to be darker than Bale's Batman.

Jon Hamm would have been better for Bruce Wayne, but he probably couldn't pull off the physicality of Batman either. But at least he can look angry.

This was just a really bad call. It's right up there with George Clooney and Val Kilmer.


Shit's gonna be so cash.

'Justice is blind so it won't see me throw you in front of this train while I grit my teeth in sadistic pleasure'

Oh wait, that was that other superhero Asslick butchered.

In reality, I think this will all turn out more or less fine..
Affleck is an amazing director but he is a pretty poor actor.

will be interesting.

its not like Batman has had some great actors in the past.


I wonder if there's more to it than just playing Batman. Did Affleck agree to direct a Batman solo series as well? That makes more sense, he could help craft this version of Batman for this movie and the following movies that he would make.

He was one of WB's first choices to direct Justice League. Maybe that's a part of this as well?


I dont care what anyone says, i loved Daredevil. Fuck the haters, i'll give him a chance. I wonder how the internet of today would have reacted to michael keaton being cast as Batman?


He was one of WB's first choices to direct Justice League. Maybe that's a part of this as well?

That's very possible, but I assumed that Snyder would be directing that as well. After watching The Town, Affleck is definitely capable of making a good Batman flick.


Good god!

I....just can't even picture it.

They should've gone with a more buff and tougher looking Batman since it's not gonna be realistic like Nolan's version.


I dont care what anyone says, i loved Daredevil. Fuck the haters, i'll give him a chance. I wonder how the internet of today would have reacted to michael keaton being cast as Batman?
Couldn't be worse than Adam West.

I'd pay good money to see this happen.
Bale had to pull off an American accent for Batman.

Please. Let Ben keep his.
I like how the early pages are filled with people who are absolutely disgusted and people who are probably acting super enthusiastic so if it turns out well they can brag about liking it. On that note, I don't see the problem with Affleck. Really liked him in Argo.


He was one of WB's first choices to direct Justice League. Maybe that's a part of this as well?

He was also supposed to play Batman in that too.

I do find it hard to believe that the deal is just to be Batman, since he doesn't usually act in things he doesn't direct anymore (with exceptions made for guys like Fincher, which is not a group Snyder belongs in :lol). So my guess is he's either using this as a stepping stone to direct some other DC thing (Justice League? solo Batman movie?), or more likely, basically doing this for WB in exchange for free reign on all future directing projects like Nolan.

The only reason I wouldn't automatically think it's the latter is because Affleck just won fucking Best Picture and if that doesn't get you carte blance then what the fuck does.
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