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Biggest bug I've ever seen

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I got one of these hanging out outside my door.

It's about as big as a can of soda. I know it must be harmless, but it's creepy as hell. I've never seen a bug that big. I hate Florida.

White Man

It may be bigger, but it's nowhere near as nasty as some of the big cockroaches I saw in North Carolina.

EDIT: I am convinced that my life was calm and blissful up until the time I learned that cockroaches could fly. It's been fear and terror ever since.
thats a cool bug, the kinda bug you cud sit down and talk about crap with, he looks like the nerdy type but will always b there when u need him. He's like the opposite of a cockroach. Give him jam!


Oni Link 666 said:
I hate Florida.

Man wasn't meant to live in such an inhospitable place.

True story: Florida's population didn't truly start to grow until the invention of air conditioning.
Flynn said:
Man wasn't meant to live in such an inhospitable place.

True story: Florida's population didn't truly start to grow until the invention of air conditioning.

Same with Texas and Arizona, whats your point?


Setec Astronomer
Asian Cockroaches fly, and they fly AT YOU. My dad has a few tales involving them and a baseball bat when he lived in the Phillipines.

White Man

Not all could fly. Our weakling northern US cockroaches can't do it, as far as I know. When you go further south though, and meet the guys that could be measured in inches. . .they could at least glide, I guess sort of like flying squirrels.

I have, however, heard nightmare stories concerning flying asian cockroaches. And most terrifying of all. . .the hissing cockroach of madagascar. It's only 2 inches long (and wingless), but the whole hissing thing gives me the willies.

Cockroaches are also horribly fast. And my late brother, an entomologist, used to traumatize me with tales of 6-8 inch long cockroaches in Ecuador. I hope he was kidding.


I've come across many on my trips to the Dominican Republic and I've had a few fly into my apartment over the years and I live on the sixth (top floor of the building) floor of a building in Manhattan. The ones that fly and the big ones that don't are terrifying because they're quicker than the smaller ones.


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Wolfy said:

I went for a holiday in Australia and had to sleep in my mates kitchen while there, I thought there was a rat under the fridge that used to keep me awake at night, no biggie, till my friend says "Nah, cockroach" Then I saw one of these cockroaches fly out the window. Big as my farking hand.


See, that leaf bug doesn't bother me, but cockroaches and insects with abnormally long and numerous appendages that are brownish and have nasty heads really gross me out. Like really HUGE praying mantises - ick!! The small green mantises are cool, but my grandparents one time had this huge brown and thick one that had taken up residence on the outside of their front door screen that was just NASTY!!!

Oddly enough I have no problems with tarantulas though.


Count of Concision
That first critter is awesome-- nature's fascinating that way. :)

About the flying cockroaches, well, they're rare in NY, but they do exist, and are frightening to say the least. At the restaurant I worked at, in the summer we'd keep the doors in the dining room open (swinging window-type doors) and had some seating outside under the awning. Well, after one torrential rainfall (the doors were open because we had the awning so it didn't matter), this freaking HUGE flying cockroach or waterbug or whatever descends from outside and flies behind this lady sitting on the banquette along the wall, causing her and her friends to gasp and exclaim to me, "kill it!"; with a look of incredulity on my face from her clearly insane request, I said, "that thing'll kill me", and proceeded to fetch my fellow waiter, who's not nearly as much of a girly-man as I am when it comes to insects. :p


Lambtron said:

Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww :<

I had one of those fall from the ceiling of my washroom and without me knowing. It bit me on my knee and i didn't know. I found it right next to my ass in the tub while taking a bath. I freaked out and jumped right out. I was only 9 or 10. And as for cockroaches, My uncle's apartment in a 6 floor building had a shitload of them. His apartment was on the 6th floor. Me and my cousin's played hockey with them. It was fun. Until we killed them all.


the stone wall around my grandma's house in hawaii get's practically covered with cockroaches when it gets dark. they're all pretty big too.


All this talk of cockroaches makes me love the midwest. The worst thing we've got in Illinois are brown recluses.

which make this happen

Yeah, the spider itself is pretty cool looking, not nasty The bite on the other hand...


Yeah here in Aus we have a spider (white tail spider, evil looking thing) that has a bite to similar effect, it's not real large though.

Heaps of them were in the holiday house O_O


Grandma's Chippy
When I went to Cancun once I saw the huge ass grasshoppers they have there...man those things freaked me out when one landed next to me. I thought someone had thrown a stick at me it was such a lound thud...I mean the thing was like 4-6 inches long!

I remember one flew onto my wife and she said she could feel it pinching her with its legs. The power of the "grip" freaked her out a bit... then it flew over to a nearby table full of ladies and they all ran away screaming.


My uncle lived in Libya for a while with his family. The story there is that they apparently had to shake out their shoes in the morning in case of scorpions.


Sometimes I like living in the north :)



-=DoAvl=- said:

I see strings! this "flying" cockroach is obviously fake.

Those cockroaches actually fly, the string is tied because the dude that held it did't want it to get away? It's not something you want flying around your house.


ConfusingJazz said:
Same with Texas and Arizona, whats your point?

It takes a certain massochism to live in such a place. I found I was lacking said need for self-abuse and left.


-=DoAvl=- said:

does this bug remind u of a girl thingy? I'm gettin slightly aroused..... is that wrong?

what kind of messed up girls with eyes around their vagina do you hook up with???


I like the ones that jump at your face when you try and squash them. I used to have those in my bathtub every morning when I went to take a shower. If, God forbid, you didn't kill them with your first shot, you could count count on a face full of cockroach.


Yeah, those leaf-type bugs are cool. I see them here in NY on occasion but not nearly that big. They sort of flick themselves up at times (sort of like those "click" bugs - where you press down on it and it flings itself upward)
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