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Biggest bug I've ever seen

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Kuroyume said:
I've come across many on my trips to the Dominican Republic and I've had a few fly into my apartment over the years and I live on the sixth (top floor of the building) floor of a building in Manhattan. The ones that fly and the big ones that don't are terrifying because they're quicker than the smaller ones.

Time to invest in some screens.


Time ta STEP IT UP
Back when I was young, stupid and scared of nothing( at the age of 5), I took a Wolf Spider (with her babies on her back) and put them in a tupperware bin.

I then put the tupperware in the microwave, and put it on POPCORN setting.

Needless to say, the spiders bubbled up just as fast as the tupperware. :( How cruel.

Just goes to show you how much more pussy-like I get with age... If ever saw a Wolf Spider again, I'd probably shit my pants.

O and one time I put a big ass Centipede into one of those Bug Repelant Outdoor Candles. When it fell into the pool of wax you could see it struggle around as the wax was melting all over its body. Horrible.

I often wonder of Jesus, Allah, or Buddha will ever forgive me for such sins.


That is called an "Esperanza".

I remember in high school, sometimes a bunch/plague of "chapulines"(its like a big grasshopper) came to school from time to time. We used to grab them, let them bite our shirts and when they did we pulled them real fast and their heads would come right off and stick to the shirt.


Unconfirmed Member
NLB2 said:
All this talk of cockroaches makes me love the midwest. The worst thing we've got in Illinois are brown recluses.

I caught a spider yesterday that looked suspiciously like one. The thing is is that they are increadibly rare here (and its not the recluse species it is the desert strain). I have surmised that it is not a recluse, but I am taking it to have it identified today :geek:

EDIT: While camping last weekend we went on a night hike. We found this insect on the trail that looked like a black cricket.... but its legs were about three times as long as a regular cricket so its body sat off the ground an inch it was creepy.


Setec Astronomer
Badabing said:
Back when I was young, stupid and scared of nothing( at the age of 5), I took a Wolf Spider (with her babies on her back) and put them in a tupperware bin.

I then put the tupperware in the microwave, and put it on POPCORN setting.

Needless to say, the spiders bubbled up just as fast as the tupperware. :( How cruel.

Just goes to show you how much more pussy-like I get with age... If ever saw a Wolf Spider again, I'd probably shit my pants.

O and one time I put a big ass Centipede into one of those Bug Repelant Outdoor Candles. When it fell into the pool of wax you could see it struggle around as the wax was melting all over its body. Horrible.

I often wonder of Jesus, Allah, or Buddha will ever forgive me for such sins.
What the FUCK?


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
Heh, what is it with kids and cruelty towards insects. When I was a young 'un there were these large leafy plants around my house that catepillers would chomp on and create little rolls within so they could prepare to morph into a butterfly. These suckers were fat green things that looked like they were capable of little more than eating and shooting out little poop pellets. Well, I would rip them our of their leaf-wombs and hurl them into the fan of our outside AC unit, resulting in a generous splattering of bug-gibs. I'd repeat this process about a dozen times until that part of the house and my clothes were covered in bug goo. Man, why can't games recreate that level of joy...
Badabing said:
Back when I was young, stupid and scared of nothing( at the age of 5), I took a Wolf Spider (with her babies on her back) and put them in a tupperware bin.

I then put the tupperware in the microwave, and put it on POPCORN setting.

Needless to say, the spiders bubbled up just as fast as the tupperware. :( How cruel.

Just goes to show you how much more pussy-like I get with age... If ever saw a Wolf Spider again, I'd probably shit my pants.

O and one time I put a big ass Centipede into one of those Bug Repelant Outdoor Candles. When it fell into the pool of wax you could see it struggle around as the wax was melting all over its body. Horrible.

I often wonder of Jesus, Allah, or Buddha will ever forgive me for such sins.

One day the spiders will rise up AND HAVE THEIR REVENGE (on you)


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
We have some creepy things here in Illinois too. My friend's house had these things with a very thin long body (like a Poky or something) and tons and tons of LONG legs. The legs were each like 2-2 1/2 inches and the thing moved really fast. He caught one in a ziploc bag and showed us, it was sooo freaky but he said it was like a baby one. He also said how when he caught it, the bug ran in a circle to the four corners of the bag and stopped when it reached the fourth one--they are intelligent!

I live completely on the other side of town though and haven't seen anything like that. But my house is like 100 years old so we do get water bugs, which arent so bad. They are slow and dumb and stay on the floor, mostly to the kitchen and basement too, and they keep low numbers (you'll never see more than 3, and thats if you get up at 3am and sneak around). And for some reason whenever we start killing them off we get roaches, which are fast and intelligent (react to light), climb walls, show themselves in the day time and multiply like crazy. So I almost think of waterbugs as guardians against roaches now, I just scare them off if I see one.

Traumahound said:
I think it's a Pokemon.


scola said:
I caught a spider yesterday that looked suspiciously like one. The thing is is that they are increadibly rare here (and its not the recluse species it is the desert strain). I have surmised that it is not a recluse, but I am taking it to have it identified today :geek:
have you gotten the results back yet?

Dice: Were do you live in Illinois? I live on Lake Michigan north of Chicago.
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