It did and it was nice to see how conflicted he was throughout the first movie, but they carried it on for far too long in TLJ. He's definitely the best character from the new trilogy for me. I can't see how his arc will finish though; with redemption, death or maybe even becoming a new emperor?
He’s kind of the best by default though, since he’s the only new character they bothered to give any depth at all. Finn is about halfway there if they’d do something with his Stormtrooper past other than “hey I know where the shield generator is because I was a janitor, that makes sense right?” Rey might as well have been named Ma-rhi Suu, I don’t know what’s going on with Poe other than they decided to make him a complete fucking idiot in TLJ, I keep forgetting Rose even exists and that’s probably for the better, Snoke was little more than a prop, and Phasma is an action figure advert.
I actually didn’t really like Kylo Ren until the beginning of TLJ when Snoke points out how stupid his Vader fixation is, that was mildly entertaining.
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