i'm on a bit of a Blade runner buzz right now because I missed Blade Runner 2049 when it came out in 2017.
So I watched the original Director's Cut, then I watched 2049... It was really great. Loved every moment of it. I love the Blade Runner universe and it's cyberpunk aesthetic. Then I remembered a Blade Runner game came out in the 90s that was very highly regarded and decided to look into playing it.
Turns out it was developed by Westwood Studios and there is no chance of a version ever being remastered and released on modern platforms due to the source code going missing when (you guessed it), EA purchased Westwood Studios and folded the studio into their LA operations. EA also own the rights to the game too and possibly still hold the rights to produce any games in the franchise.
Of course, source code goes missing all the time, but it's a real fucking pain the butt how EA's greasy mitts seem to get in the way of so many potentially great things.
Yeah, this might seem like a stealth #FuckEA thread, that's cos it mostly is... FUCK EA.
So I watched the original Director's Cut, then I watched 2049... It was really great. Loved every moment of it. I love the Blade Runner universe and it's cyberpunk aesthetic. Then I remembered a Blade Runner game came out in the 90s that was very highly regarded and decided to look into playing it.
Turns out it was developed by Westwood Studios and there is no chance of a version ever being remastered and released on modern platforms due to the source code going missing when (you guessed it), EA purchased Westwood Studios and folded the studio into their LA operations. EA also own the rights to the game too and possibly still hold the rights to produce any games in the franchise.
Of course, source code goes missing all the time, but it's a real fucking pain the butt how EA's greasy mitts seem to get in the way of so many potentially great things.
Yeah, this might seem like a stealth #FuckEA thread, that's cos it mostly is... FUCK EA.