same peanut gallery that couldnt beat ancient dragon for weeks, when all you had to do was trigger the AI on the foot stomp, easiest, or for a small challenge bait the fire breath then run away?
I never left my game going and always quit completely out and turned off my seems to be better for multiplayer that way. The video was my third try, and I got DESTROYED the first two runs. Obviously I have enaged with him multiple times since, and I have
beat BSB in the dungeons and never had any memory leak BS ever.
especially after patch 1.03. I am not even sure it existed for me TBH because I have never expereienced it. TOo many people treat this game like its real and the monsters are real...they are AI. AI can be manipulated...that's how you beat souls borne in the most fun an intelligent way. If you allow the AI to do what it will get smashed and all kinds of horrendous moves will come out and get you. If you learn what triggers them and dont allow them to materialize they wont come out; or if you get lucky with RNG than hats off to you, but the reason I like souls borne is that the AI is complex, it is not obvious right away usuallywhat the best strategy is (except that if you get behnid the enemy usually works on 95 % of enemies in all the games.) Bloodborne did indeed issue a few bosses that are immune to "getting behnid" Watchdog, Amygdala, Undeda Giant, and Wet Nurse come to mind immediately, but BSB clearly is not one of the ones that cant be destroyed by this strat.
after searching for a couple minutes on the topic I found this:
"...without reading this whole topic and just chiming in, I'm inclined to think the memory leak thing is untrue. I have no way to prove otherwise, so this is purely opinion, but to my eyes it seems like a SUPER convenient excuse for people who keep saying that their particular boss experience was much harder than someone elses.
ENB said something about this in his Youtube channel, about how people have seemingly exclusively different boss battles. He said that generally it depends more on peoples positioning in relation to the boss which governs which moves the boss uses. I'd believe this more to be a reason behind different boss behaviour than some strange unproved deus ex machina memory leak."
If ENB thinks there is no leak I doubt it really exists; other than for some poeple the boss just stands there, which was addressed in the patch notes and apparently fixed with the early 1.03 patch.