First of all, I REALLY dug the Giffen/Maguire/Dematteis Justice League books in the late 1980s and their whole Blue Beetle/Booster Gold dynamic. It was such a breath of fresh air and just hilarious and fun. I never had any idea about the character prior, or since actually. But if they ever managed to capture some of that magic in cinematic form, I'd be very interested to investigate that, certainly.
But this? I dunno who asked for this - Blue Beetle as a character/concept is fine, I suppose, one of those canvases where you can (obviously) plug so many general ideas into, and this trailer is proof of that. I enjoy Cobra Kai, so it's nice to see Mig getting some bigger-budget work to up his profile. But overall, this trailer shows absolutely nothing that we have seen that hasn't been done many, many times before. It's just a basic trailer, that doesn't mean the film won't necessarily go to some weird/interesting places, but another "bug hero in a futuristic/alien cyber-suit" just feels so extremely passe at this point that it is hard to really want to even watch something like this for free.
But sure, let them keep pumping these out, and eventually maybe it will start getting really tired for real and they will cool their jets on shoveling these out - or at least, without putting something genuinely interesting into them.