I just got a gun from killing Dr. Mercy that has infinite ammo and no reload. Is this glitch or did I get a lucky drop?
I just got a gun from killing Dr. Mercy that has infinite ammo and no reload. Is this glitch or did I get a lucky drop?
I just got a gun from killing Dr. Mercy that has infinite ammo and no reload. Is this glitch or did I get a lucky drop?
Round-robin for normal loot and dice roll for legendaries.
I just got a gun from killing Dr. Mercy that has infinite ammo and no reload. Is this glitch or did I get a lucky drop?
part of a quest...
It's an infinity a legendary and yeah lucky drop.
...or dupe it.
rare legendary drop.
So here, in Gearbox's own words, are why they went with the braindead stupid multiplayer every-man-for-himself loot system:
the fuck?duplicate it.
or duplicate it.
so after farming the warrior until level 38 siren, i hopped into PT2 and now i'm level 40 and am getting my ass handed to me, i'm dieing every few minutes, and i completelty breezed through the first play through the contrast is insane, the badass enemies just seem to tank so much damage even when i'm a level or 2 higher, i feel lame now, after previously feeling like an overpowered badass, so much money down the pani've been going catyclism/motion hybrid thinking of respecting to harmony in hope of surviving a little longer.
This game has an entertaining story? I must have missed that because of the stupid way they tell it.
I don't care what you are talking about when I'm just checking out the new loot that boss dropped.
I just used all my keys, will they drop some more tonight?
so after farming the warrior until level 38 siren, i hopped into PT2 and now i'm level 40 and am getting my ass handed to me, i'm dieing every few minutes, and i completelty breezed through the first play through the contrast is insane, the badass enemies just seem to tank so much damage even when i'm a level or 2 higher, i feel lame now, after previously feeling like an overpowered badass, so much money down the pani've been going catyclism/motion hybrid thinking of respecting to harmony in hope of surviving a little longer.
I'm already stuck going solo atCaptain Flynt
I need friends lol
When you do a quest on PT2 that gives you a skin or head I'm assuming that it is NOT the same skin or head you got on the first playthrough?
I ask because I've apparently lost my Gunzerker's bowler hat head to a glitch or something and I'm wondering if I'll be able to get it again with this character or if I'll have to start a new one and do it again. I think it was a quest reward, not 100% sure.
Quests in PT2 that give skins/head customisations are the same as the first quest playthrough.
so after farming the warrior until level 38 siren, i hopped into PT2 and now i'm level 40 and am getting my ass handed to me, i'm dieing every few minutes, and i completelty breezed through the first play through the contrast is insane, the badass enemies just seem to tank so much damage even when i'm a level or 2 higher, i feel lame now, after previously feeling like an overpowered badass, so much money down the pani've been going catyclism/motion hybrid thinking of respecting to harmony in hope of surviving a little longer.
Just beat it on 3 player difficulty and got shit for loot. All whites with a few greens and a purple. Ugh. On to TVHM.
Quests in PT2 that give skins/head customisations are the same as the first quest playthrough.
It could have easily been a non-issue if they had done what they did with Terramorphous -- after its death animation, its corpse slinks back into the lava and disappears.I'll bet at at least 1 legendary dropped but was under the boss or in the lava so you couldn't reach it.
That boss is seriously broken.
It could have easily been a non-issue if they had done what they did with Terramorphous -- after its death animation, its corpse slinks back into the lava and disappears.
I'll bet at at least 1 legendary dropped but was under the boss or in the lava so you couldn't reach it.
That boss is seriously broken.
the fuck?
I did the secretarea last night, and it was really generous with the drops of the those unique items. I got three skins and the shotgun. Definitely going to hit it up again.Minecraft
Oh OK. I thought it was trash and almost left it on the ground since it said only 1 capacity. Then later I almost sold it. I just said what the heck, let me try it. What are the chances you get one of these percentage wise?
I've been "farming" the gun vendor in front of the bandit slaughterhouse for 20 min now and still haven't seen anything good. I have the bad feeling that when I'll finally see something great I won't be able to afford it... I only have 100k.
if i want to farm the end game boss, do i have to get through hero's pass again?
if i want to farm the end game boss, do i have to get through hero's pass again?
what are you trying to get?
Yeah, but only once. Then you can quit out after each kill and you'll still be in the final boss area.
But once you're there, just kill him, pick up what you want, save --> exit --> continue. you'll be at the vault again and he'll respawn.
A good corrosive assault rifle .
Impossible, there are no good assault rifles.
Impossible, there are no good assault rifles.
Yeah well I hope I'll find one at some point cause I'm blocked right now at 39 and can't do shit anywhere...sigh...
A good corrosive assault rifle .
Impossible, there are no good assault rifles.
Hey guys, what are you doing with E-Tech weapons? Like, they're rare which is really cool, but not always the most powerful guns of that type. I've left a number of them on the ground because there wasn't anything to dump out of my backpack (they would have been downgrades)...and when would I ever use them anyway.
what level are you? I have a number of good ones I can give you.
I've sold all of mine, never found one that seemed even remotely good.
I just had a classic moment last night. Myself and two other friends on PSN were farming Terramophous. Around the 4th kill or so I was like "Son of a bitch, all he ever drops is Tediore and Hypernion shotguns. Why can't he drop a purple Jakobs shotgun?!"
As we were ascending up the stairs I turned to my left and thought "Well I guess I'll go open these two red chest. Doubt it will have anything useful". AS I open the two chest I notice one of them has a Purple Tiered item. I say to my self "Hmm well look we have a purple, I wonder what it.....HOLY SHIT!!!!!"
Low and behold the most badass Jakobs shotgun I have yet to see.
Damage: 8013x18
Accuracy: 23.5
Fire Rate: 11.5
Reload Speed: 2.6
Magazine Size: 8
After getting over my boner I made a copy for my Two Siren friends and enjoyed the rest of the evening shredding everything into fine red mist.