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Boxing Discussion

gollumsluvslave said:
Super Six starts this Friday.


I pick Arthur Abraham and Frochy to win, although Dirrell seems fairly confident:-


:lol :lol :lol

Let's see if Dirrell can walk the walk, this could seriously backfire, as tho Froch can be mouthy at times, he can certainly back it up in the ring.

Probably the best evening of boxing I can remember for a while!

I'm so excited about the super six. Dirrell is my outside bet for the tourney, trying to decide who to pick as favourite between AA and Kessler. I'll probably end up sticking my money on Dirrell and Kessler.

Froch will actually need to use some boxing skill against Dirrell, which he does have but doesn't seem to use that often. If Froch doesn't KO Dirrell, I wouldn't be surprised to see Dirrell get a decision. One thing's for certain and that is that Froch will have to improve his defence or I can see him getting Ko'd at some point in this tournament
So, so, sooooo pumped for the start of the Super Six.

Jermain Taylor could be a sleeper...this is his last shot at any sort of relevance.

Dirrell should school Froch, so naturally Froch will more than likely catch him and put him to sleep.

Either way, this is the best thing to happen to boxing in a long time.
xPowerPadDeathStompx said:
So, so, sooooo pumped for the start of the Super Six.

Jermain Taylor could be a sleeper...this is his last shot at any sort of relevance.

Dirrell should school Froch, so naturally Froch will more than likely catch him and put him to sleep.

Either way, this is the best thing to happen to boxing in a long time.

I think Taylor's got best chance of the Americans in the first round. Abraham doesn't exactly set a frenetic pace so maybe Taylor's stamina won't let him down this time. Having said that I think it'll be pretty hard for him to get a decision in Germany and I wouldn't be too surprised to see Taylor outbox AA for the majority of the fight only for AA to get a hotly disputed decision or Taylor to outbox AA for most of the fight until his stamina lets him down again and AA finishes it, in round 10 or 11.

The latter scenario is similar to how I see Froch - Dirrell. Dirrell is certainly slick and in theory should be able to outbox Froch but he's still untested at this level. He looked pretty nervous to me in the press conference here (kind of reminds of a kid chatting shit before a fight that he knows he might get his arse whopped in) but maybe those nerves will calm down on fight night. Either way, I see Froch winning by mid to late KO.

Also if you missed it, the Showtime buildup show was quite interesting.
Oh and for any of my fellow Brits out there who are interested, teh Arthur Abraham - Taylor and Froch - Dirrell fights are rather disgracefully not being aired on any of the normal channels but instead on a hastily set up PPV channel, only available on Sky channel 480. Virgin media customers won't be able to order it but you can pay for a high quality stream from the channels website

While I think it's disgraceful that no other channel picked this up (Froch's promoter should also share some of the blame), I can't complain about £13 for a top night of boxing. I cancelled my Slysports sub ages ago so £13 - 15 every now and then to see a quality fight isn't too bad.
Atrophis said:
Yeah it sucks.

Im not about to pay £13 for awful looking non HD coverage with sod knows who commentating.

They seem to have a good team on board

I'm getting the webstream, just hope itr all goes smoothly. From what I understand upon further reading, Primetime was in the process of being setup but was bought forward to accommodate this fight. I guess that explains the teething problems.
gollumsluvslave said:
comment on AA - Taylor fight.

You might want to spoiler that as it's being shown on a delay in the States.

Warning: AA - JT fight result:

Absolutely fucking brutal straight right from AA though, beautiful. I can't believe the ref even bothered counting after JT's head bounced off the canvas. I'll be surprised if JT stays in the tourney after that, another 12th round KO must be heartbreaking
Dirrell had only himself to blame. He landed more, but ultimately he made the Calzaghe who showed vs Hopkins look like a murderous prime Foreman. All of the hugging and falling on the floor from the second or third round onwards really didn't endear him to the ref or judges.
BakedPigeon said:
Highway robbery. 115 to 113? The fuck ever.

Nah, no robbery regardless of what Showtime say. A lot of the early rounds were tough to score - Dirrell was landing, but with no conviction. Even though someone like Calzaghe lands pitter-pat punches he lands them in bunches, lets the judges KNOW they're scoring. Dirrell landed, for the most part, single shots with just nothing behind him, borderline punches, while Froch stalked him, actually wanted to fight.

The thing is, even Dirrell's lame offerings probably would have been enough to win him the fight if he hadn't decided to hold and fall over constantly. If he'd thrown more punches instead of behaving like a scared child whenever one of Froch's wild blows missed the target, he'd have won the fight. If he'd opened up like he did in the 10th and 11th he'd have probably - likely - have stopped Froch.
Dirrell had only himself to blame. He landed more, but ultimately he made the Calzaghe who showed vs Hopkins look like a murderous prime Foreman. All of the hugging and falling on the floor from the second or third round onwards really didn't endear him to the ref or judges.
Today 02:34 AM

This - Dirrell obviously has the skills, but as Froch said, he was never going to steal a title with such a negative display. I hope he learsn from this, because after he had a point deducted he won the next 2 of the following 3 rounds with much better workrate and counter-punching, and made Froch look clumsy.

The fight was hard to score, but Dirrell was penalised for his negativity.
Ugh, what a horrible, ugly fight. I actually had it scored a draw but if Dirrell had let his hands go more often he would've clearly won it and left no doubt. Dirrell could've actually had Froch out of there in 11 (i think).

Kessler will finish Froch within 8.
TheDrowningMan said:
Nah, no robbery regardless of what Showtime say. A lot of the early rounds were tough to score - Dirrell was landing, but with no conviction. Even though someone like Calzaghe lands pitter-pat punches he lands them in bunches, lets the judges KNOW they're scoring. Dirrell landed, for the most part, single shots with just nothing behind him, borderline punches, while Froch stalked him, actually wanted to fight.

The thing is, even Dirrell's lame offerings probably would have been enough to win him the fight if he hadn't decided to hold and fall over constantly. If he'd thrown more punches instead of behaving like a scared child whenever one of Froch's wild blows missed the target, he'd have won the fight. If he'd opened up like he did in the 10th and 11th he'd have probably - likely - have stopped Froch.

I think what bothered me the most was the fact that Froch got away dozens of times with punching behind the head without a point deduction. Pretty bullshit in my opinion. There was no way the judges were going to give this fight to Dirrell I think we all know that.
I'd say Dirrell was robbed.

He lacked conviction early on and landed sparingly but Froch couldn't touch him. Plodding forward and hitting air doesn't (or at least shouldn't) win you rounds. After Dirrell got over his nerves a bit and committed to his punches a bit more he demonstrated his superior skill level. He definitely ran too much for my liking but I thought Dirrell had the fight won 8-4, or 115-112 after factoring the point deduction.

One thing is for sure, anyone w/ side to side movement and more conviction (than Dirrell) behind their punches is going to give Froch big problems given his slow feet/hands and bad footwork.
Bauer Action Hour said:
I'd say Dirrell was robbed.

He lacked conviction early on and landed sparingly but Froch couldn't touch him. Plodding forward and hitting air doesn't (or at least shouldn't) win you rounds. After Dirrell got over his nerves a bit and committed to his punches a bit more he demonstrated his superior skill level. He definitely ran too much for my liking but I thought Dirrell had the fight won 8-4, or 115-112 after factoring the point deduction.

One thing is for sure, anyone w/ side to side movement and more conviction (than Dirrell) behind their punches is going to give Froch big problems given his slow feet/hands and bad footwork.

I don't think he opened up enough and that cost him. Personally I don't think either of them deserved to win. I hope they both get Ko'd in their next fights after making me pay for that shite.
J Tourettes said:
I don't think he opened up enough and that cost him. Personally I don't think either of them deserved to win. I hope they both get Ko'd in their next fights after making me pay for that shite.

I agree that's what cost him, and it was an ugly and fairly boring fight to watch, but the judges should score what's happening in front of them and I thought it was fairly clear that Dirrell won. He landed the crisper, more damaging shots and avoided taking damage brilliantly w/ his outstanding reflexes (though part of that is due to Froch's poor handspeed and telegraphed power shot attempts).

I certainly don't disagree w/ your latter sentiment.
Prob the worst thing that could have happened on the 1st night of the tourney.

Jermaine Taylor will more than likely drop out. If he stays in who even takes him seriously, he looked like crap.

Dirrell gets robbed.

Yay Boxing.

Andre Dirrell vs. Arthur Abraham
Mikkel Kessler vs. Carl Froch
Jermain Taylor vs. Andre Ward

Andre Dirrell vs. Andre Ward
Carl Froch vs. Arthur Abraham
Mikkel Kessler vs. Jermain Taylor

So far scores read..
Arthur Abraham: 3 points
Carl Froch: 2 points
Andre Direll: 0 points
Jermain Taylor: 0 points


Got to catch second showing last night and wow. Poor Taylor LOL. WTF at AA trunks falling apart as well. "This is turning into an R rated boxing match" LOL.

Andre was robbed. Froch landed shit all night. A couple solid shots didn't even phase Andre. Froch is the shittiest of this tourney by a long shot.
Andre was robbed. Froch landed shit all night. A couple solid shots didn't even phase Andre. Froch is the shittiest of this tourney by a long shot.

There was no robbery - as I said above, in the 1st 9 rounds Dirrell was too busy running, with maybe a single counter then holding and complaining to have got any of those rounds - they were difficult to score and very close so of course the champion will get the nod.

Dirrell was the challenger but it wasn't until he got deducted the point that he actually started challenging Froch - he won the last 3 rounds easily IMO, but it was too little too late.

If Andre had been less negative earlier and showed some desire to actually win the title I think he would have got the decision.

One thing though, props to Dirrell for his after fight interview - quite humble and I think he will learn a lot from this fight.


gollumsluvslave said:
There was no robbery - as I said above, in the 1st 9 rounds Dirrell was too busy running, with maybe a single counter then holding and complaining to have got any of those rounds - they were difficult to score and very close so of course the champion will get the nod.

Dirrell was the challenger but it wasn't until he got deducted the point that he actually started challenging Froch - he won the last 3 rounds easily IMO, but it was too little too late.

If Andre had been less negative earlier and showed some desire to actually win the title I think he would have got the decision.

One thing though, props to Dirrell for his after fight interview - quite humble and I think he will learn a lot from this fight.

I read what you said before. You just tend to overlook the shitty/frustrated tactics Froch resorted to throughout the fight from round 3 and on. Andre was robbed, because Froch didn't even land anything convincing the whole fight. How the hell anyone can give Froch more rounds is laughable. I was even trying to be generous to Froch throughout fight.
Quazar said:
I read what you said before. You just tend to overlook the shitty/frustrated tactics Froch resorted to throughout the fight from round 3 and on. Andre was robbed, because Froch didn't even land anything convincing the whole fight. How the hell anyone can give Froch more rounds is laughable. I was even trying to be generous to Froch throughout fight.

I had it 114 apiece with Dirrell's point deduction. There were quite a few rounds that were close with hardly any action and as 10 - 10 rounds are rarely scored, I tend to give the benefit of the doubt to the champ. The fact remains that if Dirrell had fought like he did in the last 3 rounds for the duration of the fight we wouldn't be having this debate right now. Instead he resorted to hugging, moaning and falling to the canvas.

He had the skills to totally do a number on Froch yet chose to fight far too negatively. I have no problem with the sweet science of boxing (hit and don't be hit) but far too often in the fight Dirrell concentrated only on the latter when he could've been countering the shit out of Froch's looping punches.


As a huge Froch fan (born and live in Notts, what can i say?) its pretty obvious Dirrell should have won that quite easily...IF he actually boxed rather hugged and sat his way through 12 rounds. Froch looked embarrising quite a few times when he was getting frustrated at not being able to hit Dirrell.

He only has himself to blame.

As it was I only had Dirrell wining a couple rounds and had the rest to Froch.

After seeing Abraham for the first time i think we'll have a great fight when he and Froch meet.
Atrophis said:
As a huge Froch fan (born and live in Notts, what can i say?) its pretty obvious Dirrell should have won that quite easily...IF he actually boxed rather hugged and sat his way through 12 rounds. Froch looked embarrising quite a few times when he was getting frustrated at not being able to hit Dirrell.

He only has himself to blame.

As it was I only had Dirrell wining a couple rounds and had the rest to Froch.

After seeing Abraham for the first time i think we'll have a great fight when he and Froch meet.

I think Froch will more than likely be Ko'ed by both Kessler and Abraham but the fights will be a lot more entertaining than the Dirrell one. Froch's face first defence is going to be his undoing at world level as Dirrell had him a little wobbled and Taylor had him on the canvas. You can only take so many flush shots before your chin is cracked for good.

Before the tourney began I thought it would be a toss-up between Abraham and Kessler with Ward and Dirrell being my outside picks. I've still not seen anything to change my mind.
I had it 114 apiece with Dirrell's point deduction. There were quite a few rounds that were close with hardly any action and as 10 - 10 rounds are rarely scored, I tend to give the benefit of the doubt to the champ. The fact remains that if Dirrell had fought like he did in the last 3 rounds for the duration of the fight we wouldn't be having this debate right now. Instead he resorted to hugging, moaning and falling to the canvas.

He had the skills to totally do a number on Froch yet chose to fight far too negatively. I have no problem with the sweet science of boxing (hit and don't be hit) but far too often in the fight Dirrell concentrated only on the latter when he could've been countering the shit out of Froch's looping punches.

Spot on, agree entirely.

One thing is for sure, anyone thinking now that Froch had any chance against Calzaghe is bonkers, and Kessler will prove it - regardless of his result with Ward (I think he'll win, but Ward is a dark-horse), he will spark out Froch IMO - Froch's defense is simply too porous, and he is too clumsy and innacurate going forward.


I scored that embarassingly wide for Dirrell (like USAToday-wide) and didn't even blink when Froch was announced the winner.

The judges are supposed to decide it one way (the four criteria are defense, ring generalship, effective aggression, and clean punching) and by the book, it's hard to find even four rounds for Froch.

But in reality, judges are judges, boxing is boxing, and there's no room for doubt.

For too much of the fight, Dirrell fought like he didn't want to know. For too much of the fight, Froch fought like he doesn't know. It was pretty bad.
cthoaa said:
I scored that embarassingly wide for Dirrell (like USAToday-wide) and didn't even blink when Froch was announced the winner.

The judges are supposed to decide it one way (the four criteria are defense, ring generalship, effective aggression, and clean punching) and by the book, it's hard to find even four rounds for Froch.

But in reality, judges are judges, boxing is boxing, and there's no room for doubt.

For too much of the fight, Dirrell fought like he didn't want to know. For too much of the fight, Froch fought like he doesn't know. It was pretty bad.

The best short summing up (other than 'Complete shite') I've read regarding the fight.

gollumsluvslave said:
Spot on, agree entirely.

One thing is for sure, anyone thinking now that Froch had any chance against Calzaghe is bonkers, and Kessler will prove it - regardless of his result with Ward (I think he'll win, but Ward is a dark-horse), he will spark out Froch IMO - Froch's defense is simply too porous, and he is too clumsy and innacurate going forward.

I never rated Froch's chances against Calzaghe much anyway but I'm sure this fight will silence some of the doubters.

Did you watch on a dodgey stream or the official primetime one? How was your experience with Primetime if it was the latter?


From fightnews:


Fight came down to the championship rounds on two cards. (Barring knockdowns or deductions, the Belgian judge had a decision after the ninth.)

Only four rounds were scored similarly: three consecutive in the middle for Froch and the tenth for Dirrell, a 9-9 round after the point off.


BAD tonight!

October 23
At Laredo, Texas (Showtime): Freddy Hernandez vs. Damian Frias, 10 rounds, welterweights; Victor Fonseca vs. Al Seeger, 10 rounds, junior featherweights; Hector Ferreyro vs. Zack Page, 8 or 10 rounds, heavyweights; Abraham Lopez vs. Arturo Herrera, 6 rounds, featherweights; Archie Ray Marquez vs. Jovann Jones, 8 rounds, featherweights; Gary Russell Jr. vs. Noe Lopez, 4 rounds, featherweights; Gino Escamilla vs. Jorge De Leon, 4 rounds, junior featherweights; Lanard Lane vs. Quinton Whitaker, 4 or 6 rounds, welterweights

Showtime 11EST.


“In a year I could fight the Klitscho brothers for the world championships. I'm not afraid of anyone. I was offered a chance a few weeks ago. But, that was three weeks before this match and I won't enter a ring when I am unprepared, just to earn a bit of cash,” said Adamek.
“I hope I proved tonight to everybody, that I can be 215 pounds and be effective as a heavyweight. But my foes in the cruiserweight division should not be too happy yet. If the major television outlets will offer great fights, I will be back and knock out those guys too.”
I agree Adamek should stay down, but I think he can stay with and even beat the bottom half of the division's top ten. It's just that his style could have him eating lots of damage against those fighters and much worse against the guys who are really good.

Maybe one decent fight at heavyweight and then assess his available options. If he could parlay that win into a high-profile eliminator with someone like Chambers (small heavy, basically a cruiser) or a title fight against a victorious David Haye (would be two fights removed from cruiserweight), it would be worth it to find out how far he can go.


Pacquiao calls out Mayweather

Manny Pacquiao believes the biggest potential fight in boxing will never happen because Floyd Mayweather Jr. wants no part of him.

Pacquiao is training in Hollywood for his meeting with Miguel Cotto on Nov. 14 in Las Vegas, but the pound-for-pound champion spared a moment Thursday to evaluate his chances of fighting Mayweather, the unbeaten pay-per-view king. Although the matchup almost certainly would be a financial bonanza for both fighters, Pacquiao thinks fans shouldn't hold their breath.

"I don't think it's going to happen," Pacquiao said. "I'm sure he doesn't want to fight."

Mayweather has been circumspect about his plans for his next bout, saying only that he has never ducked anybody and would consider any opponent.
In his comeback bout from a 21-month layoff, Mayweather demolished Juan Manuel Marquez on Sept. 19 in a fight that generated more than 1 million pay-per-view buys.

Mayweather's advisers claim they haven't ruled out a bout with Pacquiao, likely among the world's few fighters who could match Money's speed. But the Filipino champion has surprisingly strong opinions about why it won't happen.

"Boxing for him is like a business," Pacquiao said. "He doesn't care about the people around him watching. He doesn't care if the fight is boring, as long as the fight is finished and he gets [plenty of] money. ... I want people to be happy. You have a big responsibility as a boxer."

If Mayweather and Pacquiao don't make a deal, Sugar Shane Mosley has been outspoken in his desire to fight Mayweather, even calling him out in the ring moments after his victory over Marquez.
Mosley is slated to meet welterweight champion Andre Berto in Las Vegas in January.

After arriving in California last Saturday, Pacquiao has been ramping up his training regimen this week while also battling jet lag that forced him to sleep for about 20 hours on Wednesday, wiping out a day of training. Because of tax issues, Pacquiao's camp began in Manila and moved to Hollywood later than trainer Freddie Roach usually prefers.

"I'm not worried about it, because he's always known how to block everything out," Roach said. "If anybody can do it, he can."

Pacquiao looked fairly sharp while sparring 11 rounds Thursday at Roach's Wild Card Gym in front of a small group of spectators including Los Angeles Lakers forward Ron Artest and his father, Ron Sr., both avid boxing fans and Pacquiao admirers.

Pacquiao will spar 12 rounds on Saturday before gradually scaling back in preparation for his trip to Las Vegas to meet Cotto, the once-beaten welterweight champion whose combination of size and strength will be unlike anything the former flyweight champion has faced. Cotto is in camp in Tampa. Fla., before traveling to the West Coast next week.

"I consider this one of the hardest fights in my boxing career," Pacquiao said.


October 31
At Las Vegas (Showtime): Joseph "King Kong" Agbeko vs. Yonnhy Perez, 12 rounds, for Agbeko's IBF bantamweight title; Antonio DeMarco vs. Jose Alfaro, 12 rounds, for vacant WBC interim lightweight title; Ray Austin vs. DaVarryl Williamson, 12 rounds, heavyweights; James De La Rosa vs. Lenin Arroyo, 10 rounds, welterweights; Bermane Stivern vs. Jerry Butler, 8 rounds, heavyweights; Nelson Linares vs. Archak Termeliksetian, 10 rounds, junior middleweights; Angelo Santana vs. James Hope, 6 rounds, lightweights; Marvin Quintero vs. Walter Estrada, 6 rounds, junior lightweights

Demarco fighting now. But this is Agbeko's first fight since the win against Darchinyan


Well I agree with the outcome of the fight. I had Perez up by 2 at end. Hope for a rematch. DeMarco looked great tonight as well. Good luck against Valero I suppose.


I'm sure everyone here is excited about Pacquiao-Cotto. I respect Freddie Roach more than most trainers in the business...he seems to understand fighters strengths and weaknesses. But what is with his prediction of a first round knockout? I'm not sure where I read that...but previously I had read 9th round knockout for his prediction.

In boxing or MMA, one punch can mean "lights out" for any fighter but I don't think Cotto is going to be that willing to take shots, regardless of his size/strength advantage. He is a fighter that can be hit but I don't think he's going into the fight thinking he's going to manhandle Pac Man. Thoughts?


Passing metallic gas
see5harp said:
I'm sure everyone here is excited about Pacquiao-Cotto. I respect Freddie Roach more than most trainers in the business...he seems to understand fighters strengths and weaknesses. But what is with his prediction of a first round knockout? I'm not sure where I read that...but previously I had read 9th round knockout for his prediction.

In boxing or MMA, one punch can mean "lights out" for any fighter but I don't think Cotto is going to be that willing to take shots, regardless of his size/strength advantage. He is a fighter that can be hit but I don't think he's going into the fight thinking he's going to manhandle Pac Man. Thoughts?

bad matchup for cotto imo...i dont see it going much better for him then it did for hatton..manny hits like a little truck..and he is way too fast for cotto..freddie is a great trainer and manny has been listening very well lately
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