Windom Earle
Goddamn that LE box is straight up NFSW. Just picked mine up. Now if I only had time to play it...
Are people not phased by Lord Ghirahim's collection XD?
Got my copy finally. Have to say, shitty figure aside, i'm quite happy with the CE, the box is huge and the artbook is nice too.
Are people not phased by Lord Ghirahim's collection XD?
Here's the link
The artbook you can't really judge the scale but it's around A4 in size.
We've got confirmation on who voices Agnès Obilge, so as I kind of suspected, I'm sure localisation was done by Square-Enix NA's team, instead of NoE:
We've got confirmation on who voices Agnès Obilge, so as I kind of suspected, I'm sure localisation was done by Square-Enix NA's team, instead of NoE:
Huh why not NoA?It would make sense as it's part of Nintendo publishing schedule. Other option is SE did the localization internally and Nintendo took care of marketing and publishing but I doubt it.
Those are just more or less useless items. It's really not worth the hassle if you already own the game, especially because the demo's quite long (to unlock all bonuses you'd need to play for roughly 5 hours?) and not part of the man game.
I'll open one later. Tired now.
Wow. How come you've bought three copies?
Guessing Treehouse was too busy to work on it; they aren't a huge team. Might be Nintendo contracted Square Enix's localization department. Orrr they might've split the cost, somehow. Square Enix is using the localization in the Japanese release of FtS after all, which they are publishing themselves.
Download started at 352pm. Let's see how long this takes.
I thought it'd be less poopy. I may have to get rid of one, dunno yet.
Even if they were amazing, I could understand one to open and play and one to keep sealed. Third one for selling?
Never mind the statue, why is no-one moaning about the FUCKING SOLICITATION SHEET on the CE?
Do I keep it and be massively inconvenienced for the rest of my life or throw it away and spend the rest of my life living under a cloud because I have a 'collector's' edition without the complete original packaging?
Bravely Default Deluxe Collector's Edition: guaranteed to ruin your entire life, entirely.
"Wow this thing went online, what do I do? One to play, one to keep as usual? Let's go cray cray". I was basically not thinking.
Tried the japanese voices, oh wow, Ringabel is 10 times more hilarious now.
Never mind the statue, why is no-one moaning about the FUCKING SOLICITATION SHEET on the CE?
Do I keep it and be massively inconvenienced for the rest of my life or throw it away and spend the rest of my life living under a cloud because I have a 'collector's' edition without the complete original packaging?
Bravely Default Deluxe Collector's Edition: guaranteed to ruin your entire life, entirely.
Never mind the statue, why is no-one moaning about the FUCKING SOLICITATION SHEET on the CE?
Do I keep it and be massively inconvenienced for the rest of my life or throw it away and spend the rest of my life living under a cloud because I have a 'collector's' edition without the complete original packaging?
Bravely Default Deluxe Collector's Edition: guaranteed to ruin your entire life, entirely.
I took the advice of ThePeoplesBureau just peel that giant back sticker and stick it onto A4 sheets. Not pulled off the age ratings yet though.Exactly how I feel about it. I've decided to take the game and cards out and seal it again with the sticker on the back. Another option would be to stick it on a piece of paper and keep that inside the box? Has anyone tried removing the PEGI sticker on the front yet? I want to, but don't want to ruin the box attempting it...
Heh."Wow this thing went online, what do I do? One to play, one to keep as usual? Let's go cray cray". I was basically not thinking.
The cover's quite pretty. And this is my first time playing a 3DS LL. It feels reeeeaaaally nice.
RPGs were doing party chat long before Tales.
Just got home with my EU collector's edition, the box is insanely good, so the artbook and cards. Statue is just terrible.
Started the game, loving the whole charming atmosphere, style, music, tight gameplay, short dungeons. Not liking so much for now the story/writing, reminiscent of tales game (wtf with those prompt conversations a la Tales of?) thus very childish/immature full of typical animu-jokes-comedy that I can't stand anymore at the age of 29. All the rest is very good. Micro-transictions are off-putting but I guess you can do without them... hopefully.
Just got home with my EU collector's edition, the box is insanely good, so the artbook and cards. Statue is just terrible.
Started the game, loving the whole charming atmosphere, style, music, tight gameplay, short dungeons. Not liking so much for now the story/writing, reminiscent of tales game (wtf with those prompt conversations a la Tales of?) thus very childish/immature full of typical animu-jokes-comedy that I can't stand anymore at the age of 29. All the rest is very good. Micro-transictions are off-putting but I guess you can do without them... hopefully.
Yeah, yeah I know but those of Tales are quite famous, almost a label for them.
Age has nothing to do with that. I'm older than you and find them pretty funny so far. The characters
edit: oh didn't notice it was perfo, oh well. Ignore my post.
I'm about 2 hours in and already finding Agnès really annoying.