Finally got it yesterday (figures it'd be the one Nintendo game this year not to be sold a couple of days before release), and man, this game feels like someone rolled console generations back by one and FFV was developed during the PSX days. I like the no-nonsense approach to the pacing: it only takes a couple of hours for the full party to come under the player's control and obtain a flying airship, plus you keep unlocking new jobs, slots and shops in the town which help make everything constantly fresh. It also looks and sounds gorgeous, the backgrounds are lovely, especially in 3D and so far I like all the tracks I've heard. That overworld music!
Also, I think the one thing worth highlighting is how polished and well thought-out the interface is. You generally get all the information you need and it's visually appealing and clear, plus the difficulty customization aspects and all the little shortcuts during battle (like being able to play using the D-Pad only, the on-the-fly speed adjustments or switching to auto-battle) are really welcome. It's all been done before, yes, and not all of it was in the original release, but it shows that they put a focus on appealing to all sorts of players. Not a bad way to say goodbye to 2013 and the strong string of games in the past few weeks like ALBW or 3D World.