Found it here. Didn't see anything about more battles, but I'm relying on google translate.
Am I mistaken or do we PAL region people never get the 2nd Baal (the one that isn't Turtle Dove?) or did it not happen in Japan ?
Am I mistaken or do we PAL region people never get the 2nd Baal (the one that isn't Turtle Dove?) or did it not happen in Japan ?
Found it here. Didn't see anything about more battles, but I'm relying on google translate.
Just beat Bravely Default: andI'm really disapointed with the Story. Especially because there's a major spoiler on the Titlescreen... Wow... I thought they only do that for Bluray/DVD Titlescreens - love the Gameplay itself though.
drops strength buns btw. Guess that leaves speed buns forLeviathan.Lucifer
Hey guys, what is the best way to get more people to help rebuild your village? I don't have anyone locally who has the game here you see!
The Bravely Quest is turning into a neck-and-neck race between Ringabel and Edea, the two leaders.
Tiz: 10.15
Agnes: 10.55
Ringabel: 10.63
Edea: 10.66
If an enemy uses a genome skill while stillness is up, do you still learn the genome skill?
One month for the U.S.
Map indicates a sidequest in Anaheim after restoring the wind, but I can't find anything within the city?
The cap for the Red Mages magic spell is at level 4 in the full game, so you'll have okay status heals etc. The max healing spell will be cura but it doesn't heal too well unless you place abilities that improve healing etc.I'm on the NA Demo for the game, and I read the first post to no luck, but I had a question about the Red Mage class. Is the class effective as a healer? I don't know where the cap is in the demo I'm playing, but I wanted to find out if I could train high level healing with a white mage class then swap over to the Red Mage class and still be able to use that person as my primary healer.
The cap for the Red Mages magic spell is at level 4 in the full game, so you'll have okay status heals etc. The max healing spell will be cura but it doesn't heal too well unless you place abilities that improve healing etc.
For example; You'll get like 600 avg heal to everyone with cura, curaga (max heal ability I believe) you'll get about 1,800 or so. Not proper numbers but you'll get the idea, basically red mages are useful to an extent.
What prevents that attack that kills you in 4 turns?
Ahh, excellent, thanks for the response. That's only a slight bummer. I was hoping to train 3 to be heavy damage dealers and have a good hybrid B/W Mage class that can hold up against things and still be able to heal decently.
Depending on how far along you are, eithergo to the merchant's building on the far right, or enter the city at night.
What's Bravely Quest?
Auto battle strategy for the new Level 80 nemesis:
Nothing revolutionary, just a slight adaptation to the autobattle strategy against the New Years Day nemesis.
Two Spiritmasters with Performer subjob, one using Little Devil and Stillness (should have the lowest agility, obviously) and the other using Little Devil and Fairy Ward (make this your fastest character so Little Devil can negate Leviathan's use of Envy)
The other two are Time Mages with Swordmaster subjob, using the usual Free Lunch/Meteorx3 combo.
One character has World Haste and speed+10/20% (I recommend the Spiritmaster using Stillness) the rest have Speed+20/30%. I got an intelligence bun, other people reporting strength buns.
Considering he's talking about leveling a white mage first. You would have acces to Curaga on the Red mage if he equips the White Magic command on it. That said, it's not good idea for reasons already posted.The cap for the Red Mages magic spell is at level 4 in the full game, so you'll have okay status heals etc. The max healing spell will be cura but it doesn't heal too well unless you place abilities that improve healing etc.
For example; You'll get like 600 avg heal to everyone with cura, curaga (max heal ability I believe) you'll get about 1,800 or so. Not proper numbers but you'll get the idea, basically red mages are useful to an extent.
Assuming it gives you the Doom status effect the only way to prevent it is Fairy Ward (and maybe Ribbon headgear ? Sorry I don't have my 3DS handy to check if it blocks Doom).
I wouldn't say that the Red Mage's healing abilities are useless later in the game. With certain support abilities, Cura is enough to completely heal the whole party in a single turn even later in the game. However, I don't think that the Black Magic skill are really worth the compromise. Black Magic in general doesn't really seems to be worth the hassle in this game and Black Magic only up to level 4 even less so.
A lot of things in the demo seemed pretty compressed. Is it not like this in the full version?
Hard to say, what do you mean by compressed?
That just means you got the wrong Mammon afaik.Mammon only gives me ethers.. Any tip? Need moneyz
So I'm trying out the demo and I got a game over in the first random battle since the opponent can heal for triple the damage my party does in a single turn and can poison me.
Is the full game this punishing? If so I will cancel my preorder.
Like some of the music and general sound effects.
Having a blast with this game, can't wait to play to full version. do you recover MP? There's no poison to fill it....right?
That just means you got the wrong Mammon afaik.