i thought the reveal of Gus' face was amazing.
Amir0x said:?
didn't know rolllin' on Ecstasy was in the same morally corrupt level of poisoning innocent children and putting poor old ladies in harm way to protect my ass (protip: taking drugs is not immoral at all, in fact)
I always take responsibility for my actions. I expect no one to go down for what I do but myself.
LILY OF THE VALLEY: Return of happiness, purity of heart, sweetness, tears of the Virgin Mary, you've made my life complete, humility, happiness, love's good fortune. The legend of the lily of the valley is that it sprang from Eve's tears when she was kicked out of the Garden of Eden. It is also believed that this flower protects gardens from evil spirits. Also known as the flower of May.
ZoddGutts said:Talking about doing things selfish and bad decisions. No one is perfect, you of all people should know this. Last time I remember you were denying about your (edit) actions when you still a mod until someone caught you red handed.
I'm guessing crippled little rat.midonnay said:btw gus called hector a cripple litterata? what does that mean?
Farooq said:Are all those people saying Walt didn't poison the kid eating a crow?
Liquid Helium said:I'm guessing crippled little rat.
layzie1989 said:i thought the reveal of Gus' face was amazing.
Farooq said:Are all those people saying Walt didn't poison the kid eating a crow?
snack said:***SPOILER ALERT***
Only click if you've watched the season finale. Vince Gillian is a genius!
yep.FantasticMrFoxdie said:Holy shiiit.
So was that Gus picture the actual spoiler pic that was floating around weeks before?
Americanmushroom said:I got a stupid question: Walt poisoning the kid with the flower, did he knew beforehand that the kid would survive. Or is the flower actually deadly?
RaidenZR said:Totally with you. This shot has diminished the show for me greatly. I'm really surprised no one involved could look at that and see how stylistically comical and clashing it was with the entire series. This whole episode was fine for me, except that extra, final Gus shot. Comic book-levels of silly, and gratuitous, when all you needed was a slow pan of the bombed-out room from the hallway, showing bodies on the ground.
Star Power said:How would Jesse find out about Jane/Brock? I cannnot imagine any situation in which Walt would confess to those things.
Farooq said:Are all those people saying Walt didn't poison the kid eating a crow?
Yeah I agree. I had so many weird and conflicting feelings during that scene. My jaw was just dropped, then I almost laughed, then I was back to shock.Americanmushroom said:+1 on that. It was shocking, funny and crazy at the same time , that's what breaking bad is all about
Amir0x said:the flower is actually deadly. There is absolutely no way to predict how an individual will react to the flower. Even if you give someone a dose that might typically be nonlethal, that person may have an allergic reaction to the toxins. But yes, it is quite deadly. Coma, cardiac arrest, etc. It is even recommended you wash your hands after handling the stuff.
Farooq said:The song playing while Gus was walking towards the retirement home.
Apparat - Goodbye
I have already said the music supervision has been excellent. Man, Breaking Bad just takes it to a another level.
ezekial45 said:He thought Tio snitched to the DEA and his "friend" was murdered by him. Plus his pride and his desire for true revenge got the best of him. That was reason enough for hm to want to take care of him.
lol good pointHiltz said:I'm not sure if I'm explaining my question right.
Didn't Gus and the black guy only become aware of Hector's potential threat after he actually went or just came out of the DEA's office ? So how could Walt count on Gus somehow knowing that he or one of his men would have followed Hector on that day from his retirement center to the DEA's office?
Thats my only issue with this episode, I guess I'm assuming Gus always keeps tabs on the DEA? or somehow got wind of the "tip" that the DEA got?Hiltz said:I'm not sure if I'm explaining my question right.
Didn't Gus and the black guy only become aware of Hector's potential threat after he actually went or just came out of the DEA's office ? So how could Walt count on Gus somehow knowing that he or one of his men would have followed Hector on that day from his retirement center to the DEA's office?
Cipherr said:I also didnt like it. I wish he had stumbled out and kind of fell to the ground, then the camera pans around and you see half of him fucked up, then he collapses completely.
Him walking out, without so much a s a limp and adjusting his tie was a bit much. Im not against the concept, I think the concept was cool, but they just laid it on a bit to thick.
Easy, Jesse is not going to let it go. The boy damn near died, he is going to ask the boy how he came upon the plant once he is fully recovered. And from there Jessie will follow the crumbs and figure it out. That plus the little relationship Jessie formed with Mike (who will undoubtedly return) will lead to a Jessie vs Walt thing.
Hiltz said:I'm not sure if I'm explaining my question right.
Didn't Gus and the black guy only become aware of Hector's potential threat after he actually went or just came out of the DEA's office ? So how could Walt count on Gus somehow knowing that he or one of his men would have followed Hector on that day from his retirement center to the DEA's office?
lolKilgoreTrout said:Fucking botanists spoiling shit.
brianjones said:does walt poisoning broc really have any effect on the ending other than issuing a cheap twist?
you could have pretty much the same result without it
Grinchy said:lol good point
I've always said that Gus has men watching things only when it's convenient to the story. I can't believe Walt and Jesse were free to roam around however they wanted to during all this. Why was Walt even able to go and buy the stuff to make the bomb? Shouldn't someone have been watching his house?
Farooq said:Two things either happened.
1. Gus has someone watching the DEA, which makes sense giving the current situation with Hank. Also who knows if Walt might flip.
2. Gus has an inside man in DEA who called Tyrus when Tio was at the DEA head quarters.
joshcryer said:Not really, if he didn't do it and it was random, then there's no possibility that Walt would be found out. The result is far more breathtaking because it shows that Walt was just as methodical of not more so than Gus as it came to manipulating Jesse. Even at the end Jesse was doubting whether killing Gus was the right move (even after Gus' henchmen tazed him and took him back to the lab). That's just how much Gus got in to his head. Ss Walt's little game with the gun and story about Gus (which was possibly not even loaded) was pretty remarkable.
Beelzeboss said:Walt, Jesse, Mike and Saul team up in Season 5 and create a new empire.
I am ready for this.
Hiltz said:Exactly! Even in last week's episode, I don't understand how Gus suddenly decided to walk away from going into the car with the bomb on it in the hospital's parking garbage. Was he tipped off ?
What chemistry teacher isn't?Xater said:So this wasn't the last season, right?
Also, Walt is a fucking sociopath.
Hiltz said:Exactly! Even in last week's episode, I don't understand how Gus suddenly decided to walk away from going into the car with the bomb on it in the hospital's parking garbage. Was he tipped off ?
I can definitely see them going the "IM DONE WITH THAT LIFE"--> "Well, one more time" --> "I'm motherfucking Scarface/Heisenberg bitches!" route.Rez said:I don't think the writers are going to run with Jesse suspecting Walt for the poisoning angle. The next season is Walt trying to restore normality in his life, but being held up by Hank, Mike and that German company. I doubt he will willingly get back into the meth business.