I think there are still moments where people can look back on Walt's life and still find him SOMEWHAT relate-able on SOME level SOMEWHERE, so I don't hate anyone for still rooting for him and hoping he gets his shit together, I don't consider them wrong. Heck it's more fun! I know when I was watching the Sopranos I was cheering for Tony because there were some things about him that I liked, despite what a terrible person he was.
At the same time I don't think anyone who hates him is wrong, he's definitely done a lot of shit to be less likeable. It's all up to the viewer whether or not they can forgive it, forget it, be indifferent about it, or hate him for it. None of these people are wrong to me.
That's what makes the show so brilliant, it doesn't even matter which you believe, it's all amazing to watch unfold.