The show's first-ever teaser campaign, featuring that cryptic tagline, will appear Monday on billboards in New York and Los Angeles, and online and on air next week. The billboard does not include the show's title or the network's logo, but its green color, smoke and use of a portion of the show's logo, the 'Ba' symbol from the periodic table of the chemical elements, will clue in true fans.
The series wraps up with eight final episodes starting Aug. 11, and next year AMC will bid farewell to Mad Men after seven seasons. Both shows are dwarfed by the ratings of The Walking Dead, but have won outsized influence among Emmy voters and fans, and established the network as a home for top-flight scripted dramas.
"We're trying to enshrine these shows in a way that is meaningful, and really make sure (their final runs) are television events," says AMC chief Charlie Collier. "We think they will stand the test of time and never be forgotten."