Wouldn't that be the finale title?
Yes. It's an anagram of "Finale" actually.
Wouldn't that be the finale title?
Sign up to http://www.unblock-us.com/ - use the weeks free trial if you must and log on to netflix in the UK. Once you've picked your jaw up off the floor at how poor the UK offering is, find Breaking Bad and you'll find the first half of series 5 there to enjoy, something we've had for a while now.
I just started this, LTTP and all, and I'm really loving it. Fifth season is the last huh? Damn, such a shame, but it makes sense for this show I suppose.
Episode titles aren't typically considered spoilers, but please don't post anything else that leaks if/when that happens. Thanks for your help.On Spoilers:
Regular TV thread rules apply:There is a spoiler thread if you'd like to discuss leaks, photos, and other content without spoiler tags:
- Once an episode airs in the US on the East Coast, it's fair game. Feel free to discuss anything that has aired without using spoiler tags.
- Anything that hasn't aired yet should be spoiler tagged including information from previews, loglines, trailers, interviews, and a few other places.
If anything leaks, please use the other thread for discussion.
I'm thinking the first 4 episodes of S5 pt 2 will be Hank piecing everything together, how Walt pulled it off. Then in the last 4 episodes, the shit hits the fan lol.
I think it's going to go way faster than that. I think Hank pretty much can piece it togther while he's sitting there in the bathroom.
He'll convince himself, but he needs to put together a thorough case before anyone believes him. Which could be tricky since Walt is out of the business.
I wonder Hank will try to confide in Skylar, lol
A few random things from today:
- Yahoo TV: 'Breaking Bad' Creator Talks About the Show's 'Very Definitive' Ending
- 'Breaking Bad' Insiders Tease Final Season in Reddit AMA
- Trending Now: Samuel L. Jackson Performs Breaking Bad Monologue for Charity, Internets Delight (pretty poor delivery, the clip is at the 1:00 mark)
I can't think of many other, if any, actors that could pull it off. Michael Shannon maybe? It'd be amusing to see a compilation of different actors trying the scene...or maybe that'd just make me cringe.lol you just can't beat Cranston's delivery of those lines.
Is that an official image?
edit, no amc logo so i assume not
I thought the Finale title is "Crystal Clear"
I can't think of many other, if any, actors that could pull it off. Michael Shannon maybe? It'd be amusing to see a compilation of different actors trying the scene...or maybe that'd just make me cringe.
Was it Badger? Or was it Skinny Pete?
Which one did you get?My Super Breaking Bad t-shirt turned up. It looks great. ^_^
My Super Breaking Bad t-shirt turned up. It looks great. ^_^
Might 'treat' you to a picture over the weekend.
love that photoBreaking Bad on the cover of EW's Summer TV preview:
- Metro.uk: Watch Breaking Bad being cooked up in the writers room time-lapse video (a couple dvd features, video)
"Hands Across the Table." By Adrian Martin, for his blog The Cine-Files. Critic Adrian Martin analyzes the direction, or cinematography, or editing, or whatever it is that makes a certain scene in the ninth episode of Breaking Bad's second season so marvelous.
Breaking Bad on the cover of EW's Summer TV preview:
I reaaaaaaaaly hope they don't go for some bullshit Walt redeems himself by saving Jesse ending or something along those lines.
I can handle Walt winning and getting away with everything, but trying to frame Walt in a positive light at the end of the show would be too much in my humble opinion.
Is it just me, or has Samuel L Jackson never been a good actor?
Is it just me, or has Samuel L Jackson never been a good actor?
I thought Walt was in California, not New Hampshire. Gotta go rewatch that.
just saw the samuel l jackson vid
i like samuel l jackson but goddamn did that suck, about as good as a common fans attempt
i actually cringed