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Breaking Bad - The (Beautiful) Finale - Season 5 Part 2 - Sunday on AMC - OT3


Liked the finale but didn't love it.

The scene with Gretchen and Elliott was great but it felt like the only scene in the whole episode where I didn't already kinda know what was going to happen.

That having been said, I suppose a relatively predictable finale that is solid all around is still better than a finale that throws in a twist that doesn't make any sense just to have something shocking happen.


Well, she did want him killed. Also, she supplied the Nazis with Methylamine in order to create Walter's product.

She only ordered his death after he poisoned her. And he willingly sold his meth business to her.

The reasons for Walter to kill Lydia are kind of flimsy, and in his position few logical people would put themselves at risk for the sake of taking her out. But I suppose you can chalk it up to him wanting to burn everything to the ground -- end the meth business entirely, and tie up all his personal loose ends.


I was bummed that we didn't get a real Walt/Jesse talking scene this season. The closest we got was the phone call where Jesse got Walt to confess. I guess there was also the scene in the first ep where Walt was trying to convince Jesse that Mike wasn't dead, but that was more Walt talking.

The scene in the desert with Saul. When Jesse called Walt out on his manipulative bullshitting was among the most powerful scenes all season imo, not sure which episode it was in.


That was absolutely glorious. The greatest vindication of the last two years that I could have ever asked for.

If there were any justice in the world, this would end Maureen Ryan's career. She's done. No credibility after this. Emily Nussbaum wouldn't be much better off. Christ, I wish I could have been there watching it with her. That hack had the gall to call people like me "Bad Fans." Who's the bad fan now?

Some other critic, I forget, said that people who still wanted to root for Walt were "making a smart show dumb." Turns out it was completely fucking the opposite. That hack, and all the derivative clones who aped him, wanted this to be some ridiculous full transformation from white to black. It was never that. It was always shades of gray, and it never stopped being about shades of gray. By denying that, Ryan, Nussbaum, Amir0x, and all those holier-than-thou would-be judges were the ones making a smart show dumb. They were the ones making Gilligan's vision out to be less than it was.

I couldn't have asked for better vindication. I couldn't have asked for a better finale. To everyone on #TeamWalt who stayed strong to the end, adios compadres.

no don't go, fill me in brother!
If they did this all in the normal 13 episode run chances are it would have worked out a little better I think. This was way to short of a run just 8 episodes. It was over to soon.

That will drop. Finales need a little bit to settle so you can think about it. Besides Dexter.

Won't drop much. Meh is 7/10 this is easily staying above 9


Why did Walt
kill Lydia again?
And I know it's been said, in previous episodes, but someone REALLY likes taking shots of Lydia's legs.
No need to spoiler that shit anymore. She always was a liability also she being dead means no more blue meth is produced. That was Heisenberg signature and dies with him.


I'm just glad I don't have to hear about this stupid team shit no longer. My god, that was more annoying than ANY shipping I've seen in any show. I say this to both sides (those pushing it, and those pushing back at it).

Why did Walt
kill Lydia again?

And I know it's been said, in previous episodes, but someone REALLY likes taking shots of Lydia's legs.

Lydia is working with the Nazis, therefore is his enemy (or aiding his enemy). That and, he knows Lydia is very dangerous. Was more a precaution for his family to make sure absolutely NO ONE is left to harm them.
Nice to know that leaving your wife and two kids penniless in a shitty apartment hating your guts with nothing else to show for your own mistakes is what counts as a victory for TeamWalt.


i am unsatisfied.

all the years invested in this show and that's the ending we get from jesse and walt? a nod? TERRIBLE.

No, you got Walt telling him that he used Jesse and Jesse telling him to fuck off, which is what he should have said from the start. But the same time, there's an understanding between the two of them. It the perfect way for them to summarize their relationship.
I'm so glad that people who thought Jesse killing walt would have been a better ending didn't get their way. That would have just been Gale all over again and shown no development of Jesses character. His refusal was his final 'fuck you' to walt. He's done with Walt's manipulation.


I can't imagine Jesse's future will be an easy one. If the Nazi's kept Jesse's confession tape in the compound, the cops will find it and will be searching for Jesse for possible involvement in Hank's and Gomie's death. He will have to be on the run, but with what money and connections? He doesn't have any money, Saul is long gone, no telling where Brock is now. He'd be force to get in touch with Badger and Skinny Pete. I can't recall if the authorities have any ways to tie those two to Jesse though.
Season 4 was great but the finale, as cool as it was, was just Walt defeating Magical Drug Man and then pretending that everything would be cool forever now even though he had no money left and tons of evidence pointing to him. It wasn't really a conclusion to the story or to Walt's character arc.


asking dangerous questions
At first glance, it's almost surprising and even a little weird that this finale wrapped everything up so tightly. It's like a chess player making an obvious move to checkmate his opponent. No big deal right? But then you realize that Gilligan & his writers were carefully putting all the pieces in the right places throughout the last dozen episodes. Combine that with the great performances from the actors and... magic.

The finale was fine. Not great or surprising but they didn't shit the bed.

This entire last season has been lacking in creativity, something the show had in droves early on. While the final season was good, I think it might have been one too many. It would have been very easy to hit all of the same character beats with Gus in place of the Nazis. In fact the Nazis just feel like a cheap replacement for Gus.


Loved the finale. Not the best episode of the series and it still felt like an epilogue after the climax from 2 episodes prior, but Gilligan delivered.

Walt had to die, we knew this from episode 1 and it happened. Gilligan decided to tie up the loose ends better for Walt than maybe some would have liked, but I'm okay with that. Walt didn't redeem himself completely but he was able to at least have some peace for himself.

Gilligan's directing was absolutely superb, too.

I loved how in this episode Heisenberg was dead. Walt was clearly the one who finally tranformed completely and was why no one saw him coming. It was the first time all his plans went, well, according to plan and I that was purposely done because for the first time he stopped bullshitting and he grew. Great way to do it.


lol, I thought you guys meant in a previous episode.

Walt would have no idea that Lydia tried to kill him until...well, it actually happened.

It would have made more sense if Walt had killed her after he talked to Skyler and learned that she sent some goons to threaten her. That way the motivation for the ricin poisoning would be more about protecting family than just the more tenuous and less believable motivation of "He had to shut down the entire business."


Mmmmm, have to admit even I didn't like this finale as much as I did some of the previous episodes. Especially comparing this to 'Ozymandias'.
I think it might have been as simple as she's the one profiting off of Heisenberg's work, just like Gretchen and Elliott were off of Walt's work (at least in his mind), so he didn't want the same thing to happen. He wanted to be the only one with the empire, and if it collapses, it's going with him, not with her.
Indeed. That's definitely his primary factor in her death.

Edit: I mean, it's made pretty clear in Granite State's ending.
Season 4 was great but the finale, as cool as it was, was just Walt defeating Magical Drug Man and then pretending that everything would be cool forever now even though he had no money left and tons of evidence pointing to him. It wasn't really a conclusion to the story or to Walt's character arc.

Exactly season 4 would have been a terrible ending for the show.

Also I can't believe Team Walt actually thinks he was a good guy when he admits this fucking episode he put his entire family at risk and got people killed because he liked the feeling it gave him. Walt is an awful human being.
The finale was fine. Not great or surprising but they didn't shit the bed.

This entire last season has been lacking in creativity, something the show had in droves early on. While the final season was good, I think it might have been one too many. It would have been very easy to hit all of the same character beats with Gus in place of the Nazis. In fact the Nazis just feel like a cheap replacement for Gus.
your opinion but its going to be pretty minority with some of the best episodes of BB this season


How did Walt know that Lydia would use the sweetener he'd spiked with ricin?

I like to think he slipped a teensy bit into every table, never can be too careful.
People were expecting a longer scene with Walt and Jesse? What? Did you expect them to talk about their feelings? Huh?

Their friendship/partnership had been over for a while. "Do it yourself" said it all, really.
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