Skyler is killed by walt
Jesse is killed by hank
Hank is killed by walt
Walt is killed by cancer
The finale was fine. Not great or surprising but they didn't shit the bed.
This entire last season has been lacking in creativity, something the show had in droves early on. While the final season was good, I think it might have been one too many. It would have been very easy to hit all of the same character beats with Gus in place of the Nazis. In fact the Nazis just feel like a cheap replacement for Gus.
Uh, that was the massage chair.
so it ends on a cliffhanger?? what happens after walt is arrested??
I don't think Walt was sorry with regards to Jesse. He may have taken pity on him in the final moments after seeing what he had been through. Notice how he never tells Skyler sorry either.
Think it's a bit tougher to pull it off than that, but okay.
the only thing that bugged me were the keys to the Volvo conveniently falling from the visor. too easy.
I know that Gilligan apparently said that the money gets to Walt Jr on Talking Bad, but the plan still seems kind of flimsy to me. The show has outlined the incredible difficulty of laundering large amounts of illicit cash without raising suspicion, any kind of large donation of money to the Whites from a past associate of Walter White will probably earn some token level of suspicion from Skyler or the DEA, and if Walter being dead garners the huge news story it would presumably earn, then Elliott and Gretchen might have to wonder who's paying The Best Hitmen West of the Mississippi or making sure that they don't just run off with the money.
It's probably not supposed to be looked at too closely, but it seems like it contains way too many... moving parts, for lack of a better term, to be a reliable plan involving 9 million dollars in cash of illegal drug money.
Dude built a sentry gun. You don't think he can open a sugar packet, put some ricin in, and glue it back up?I could do it in 20 seconds with an exacto knife and a glue stick.
This is what #TeamWalt actually still believes.
so it ends on a cliffhanger?? what happens after walt is arrested??
so it ends on a cliffhanger?? what happens after walt is arrested??
If I had one qualm, it's how Walt got the ricin into the stevia packet. Like, how does one do that in such short time so that it appears sealed out of the factory? Or did I miss something?
I know that Gilligan apparently said that the money gets to Walt Jr on Talking Bad, but the plan still seems kind of flimsy to me. The show has outlined the incredible difficulty of laundering large amounts of illicit cash without raising suspicion, any kind of large donation of money to the Whites from a past associate of Walter White will probably earn some token level of suspicion from Skyler or the DEA, and if Walter being dead garners the huge news story it would presumably earn, then Elliott and Gretchen might have to wonder who's paying The Best Hitmen West of the Mississippi or making sure that they don't just run off with the money.
It's probably not supposed to be looked at too closely, but it seems like it contains way too many... moving parts, for lack of a better term, to be a reliable plan involving 9 million dollars in cash of illegal drug money.
I can see that now. People want there pound of Walt's flesh.Dude don't even bother. You won't win this argument, even with that on your side.
Thanks for everything Walt, now burn in hell.
You're right, obviously when you see Walt cry for his baby and literally set a slave free, you're supposed to think he's a horrible monster because Mr. Chips to Scarface blah blah blah. (eyeroll)
Walt transformation would have been complete there, it was an almost perfect ending considering that Jesse "peaked" in that season too.
At least it would have been better than the actual ending with that stupid track in the background (sorry if I sound bitter but again I'm totally disappointed).
There was only one stevia packet which looked a bit suss, only 1 pack at 10am? Walt no doubt set it up that way before hand and he knew Lydia would use it because her behaviour is highly predictable. He knew exactly when she was going to be there, where she would sit and what she'd order.
I know that Gilligan apparently said that the money gets to Walt Jr on Talking Bad, but the plan still seems kind of flimsy to me. The show has outlined the incredible difficulty of laundering large amounts of illicit cash without raising suspicion, any kind of large donation of money to the Whites from a past associate of Walter White will probably earn some token level of suspicion from Skyler or the DEA, and if Walter being dead garners the huge news story it would presumably earn, then Elliott and Gretchen might have to wonder who's paying The Best Hitmen West of the Mississippi or making sure that they don't just run off with the money.
It's probably not supposed to be looked at too closely, but it seems like it contains way too many... moving parts, for lack of a better term, to be a reliable plan involving 9 million dollars in cash of illegal drug money.
The bullets miraculously destroyed the cancer in his lung.
"You're free to go. Thanks for telling us where Hank was buried."
If there's one thing rich people are good at, it's hiding money.I know that Gilligan apparently said that the money gets to Walt Jr on Talking Bad, but the plan still seems kind of flimsy to me. The show has outlined the incredible difficulty of laundering large amounts of illicit cash without raising suspicion, any kind of large donation of money to the Whites from a past associate of Walter White will probably earn some token level of suspicion from Skyler or the DEA, and if Walter being dead garners the huge news story it would presumably earn, then Elliott and Gretchen might have to wonder who's paying The Best Hitmen West of the Mississippi or making sure that they don't just run off with the money.
It's probably not supposed to be looked at too closely, but it seems like it contains way too many... moving parts, for lack of a better term, to be a reliable plan involving 9 million dollars in cash of illegal drug money.
There was only one stevia packet which looked a bit suss, only 1 pack at 10am? Walt no doubt set it up that way before hand and he knew Lydia would use it because her behaviour is highly predictable. He knew exactly when she was going to be there, where she would sit and what she'd order.
His transformation was complete in a sense, but his downfall wasn't. This is a show that deals with repercussions. To have him essentially get away with it and transform into Heisenberg and end it there is not thematically coherent.
This whole season needed to exist as falling action as consequences piled up from his choices. It may have been predictable and safe for some, but I'm glad it didn't try to out-think its audience or have characters act differently than we'd expect after five seasons.
Probably already covered but all the meanings behind the episode title 'Felina' are damn awesome.
That's not what I'm talking about. All of that made perfect sense. I'm talking about the process of actually putting the ricin into a packet and sealing it to the point that someone wouldn't notice it was previously opened.
But some people here seem to claim they've done it and it's super simple. I just figured it not being factory-sealed would be obvious but I may be wrong here.
Jesse pulled an Anton Chigurh on Todd. So satisfying.
It would take a lot of strength to choke a man to death.
I know that Gilligan apparently said that the money gets to Walt Jr on Talking Bad, but the plan still seems kind of flimsy to me. The show has outlined the incredible difficulty of laundering large amounts of illicit cash without raising suspicion, any kind of large donation of money to the Whites from a past associate of Walter White will probably earn some token level of suspicion from Skyler or the DEA, and if Walter being dead garners the huge news story it would presumably earn, then Elliott and Gretchen might have to wonder who's paying The Best Hitmen West of the Mississippi™ or making sure that they don't just run off with the money.
It's probably not supposed to be looked at too closely, but it seems like it contains way too many... moving parts, for lack of a better term, to be a reliable plan involving 9 million dollars in cash of illegal drug money.
I agree but I have so many problems with this last episode: the number of coincidences, the dumb machine gun, the stupid farfetched plan to give money to junior, the unsatisfying ending for Jesse...I think they fucked themselves with the flashforward in 5A.