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Breaking Bad - The (Beautiful) Finale - Season 5 Part 2 - Sunday on AMC - OT3


asking dangerous questions
One strange thing is that since this whole ending happened because of Jesse's guilt, why would he be okay with simply escaping now?

I suppose his last freak out was realizing what Walt had did to him and he realizes that is what caused his ex to be shot in the head, but how could he possibly live with himself after the euphoria of being free wears off?
I'd like to think that Jesse can live with himself because he's paid for his crimes (at least partly..) since he's been prisoned in neo-nazi hell for a year. Also, perhaps he has a purpose in life (e.g. take care of Brock?).


Fantastic finale overall but I'm a little disappointed that Walt "won" in the end. He accomplished exactly what he set out to do in the pilot, which was to make a ton of money for his family before dying. He said his final goodbyes, got Skyler off the hook, has Elliot and Gretchen fearing for their lives, got revenge on the nazis and Lydia, and died on his own terms without ever seeing the inside of a jail cell (just like he told Hank in "Blood Money").

I felt like Granite Slate would've been a more satisfying ending - Walt cut off from the outside world, dying alone in a cabin with a barrel of useless money that he's burning in the fireplace just to keep warm, etc. I was hoping they'd do something more along those lines.

Walt was in New Hampshire, not Antarctica.
#TeamWalt redeemed.

is it because walt's curious like a cat? that's why his friends call him whiskers.

1. Felina is an anagram for Finale

2. Walt Returns To Save His Feleena

Marty Robbin's "El Paso" won the 1961 Grammy Award for Best Country and Western Recording. The song chronicles the story of a cowboy who falls in love with a woman named Feleena. The cowboy kills a man who hits on Feleena, and the cowboy is forced to flee town out of fear for his life. But while away, the cowboy desires to return to the town and to his love, Feleena.

Upon returning to town, the cowboy is gunned down and dies in Feleena's arms.

Feleena I assume is the Chemistry/Lab.

3. "Felina" = FeLiNa = Iron, Lithium, Sodium = Blood, Meth, Tears

4. "Felina" Alludes to Schrödinger's Cat which is a paradox presents a scenario where a cat can be both dead and alive
That's not what I'm talking about. All of that made perfect sense. I'm talking about the process of actually putting the ricin into a packet and sealing it to the point that someone wouldn't notice it was previously opened.

But some people here seem to claim they've done it and it's super simple. I just figured it not being factory-sealed would be obvious but I may be wrong here.

Why would she examine closely the packet of sugar? She's a creature of habit to such a point that she would open up that packet wouldn't even looking at it. Lydia is so predictable Walt knew exactly what she was gong to do. I bet he knew that she told Told to off him at their meeting.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
blue meth dies with Walt, thus reinstating the Heisenberg legacy.

"I did this for myself" scene was great.
Yeah, the two really go hand in hand. If Walt had died as Heisinberg without "I did this for myself", I would have been confused... But knowing that he truly liked the game - it all makes sense.


The ending didn't try to be artsy or shocking or debatable. It tried to be honest, and there is no higher praise I can give it for that.


Subete no aware
I'd like to think that Jesse can live with himself because he's paid for his crimes (at least partly..) since he's been prisoned in neo-nazi hell for a year. Also, perhaps he has a purpose in life (e.g. take care of Brock?).
Assuming Brock is in some kind of foster care and not with other relatives, there really isn't much he can do for him outside of pulling a Walt and making cash to secretly give to him.

I just find Jesse so weird. His imprisonment with the Nazis - is that meant to be punishment for having a conscience and trying to "do the right thing"? Ultimately, Walt saves him, even if he hates him so much, so all he is left with is "Walt was right all along" and literally nothing else to his name.


asking dangerous questions
#TeamWalt redeemed.

1. Felina is an anagram for Finale

2. Walt Returns To Save His Feleena

Marty Robbin's "El Paso" won the 1961 Grammy Award for Best Country and Western Recording. The song chronicles the story of a cowboy who falls in love with a woman named Feleena. The cowboy kills a man who hits on Feleena, and the cowboy is forced to flee town out of fear for his life. But while away, the cowboy desires to return to the town and to his love, Feleena.

Upon returning to town, the cowboy is gunned down and dies in Feleena's arms.

Feleena I assume is the Chemistry/Lab.

3. "Felina" = FeLiNa = Iron, Lithium, Sodium = Blood, Meth, Tears

4. "Felina" Alludes to Schrödinger's Cat which is a paradox presents a scenario where a cat can be both dead and alive
Wow. Amazing.

It's as if the LOST numbers actually made sense.


Very satisfying. Loved the opening scene, and how it was shot. Beautiful cinematography - loved the way the police cars were mainly a "presence" with their lights.

I honestly think it was about as predictable as Face-off, if not less. We all knew Gus was going to go out and similarly we knew Todd/Nazis/Lydia were gonna go out.

I have to agree the only thing I didn't like was the choice of music in the last scene. Even the teaser/promo song would've been a better choice.

I also have to say that Vince did the right thing by making the ending honest and simple. Any "Sopranos" style shock ending would've made it look like it was trying too hard. And I love the Sopranos ending (it works for that show).
I like this comment I read on reddit

To put you all at ease...
16 years later a young blonde girl walks into her woodworking class late. The teacher shoots her a glare.
"Late again?"
"Sorry Mr. Pinkman, just had to go over some stuff with my Chemistry teacher."
Jesse smiles.
"It's alright. Take a seat, Holly."


- J - D -

Only disappointing aspect of the finale for me was that it didn't anger or frustrate me enough. Watch enough tv show endings and after a while the expectation of being hurt or betrayed in some dramatic fashion becomes a sort of reliable presence in life.

In that regard, I am glad BB ended cleanly.

However, I still really wish the Saul show wasn't happening. I don't want any more BB, in any tangential manner.
Definitely enjoyed the ending. Walt got his redemption, and died at peace with himself. Can't ask for more than that, especially for #TeamWalt peeps. His death actually reminds me of Hank's in the sense of accepting who he is just before he passes.

Loved the beginning, with Walt totally buried in ice. He's basically in his tomb. Him begging God for a chance to set things right... the keys "falling from on high"... so good.

Walt was definitely Breaking Bat in this episode, just materializing in scenes like crazy. My favorite was in the cafe... the moment when the camera is giving us a long shot of the cafe table with Lydia and Todd is set up to draw your attention fully, but a wandering eye notices Walt's been there the whole time. So awesome.

OH, before I forget
Thanks to everyone for making the last couple threads a lot more civil and interesting. I'm not sure if it was the mods banning troublemakers, if people's opinions changed or if the last episodes were just that good, but I'm glad we moved past the crazy "misogyny!" derails and so on.
Good finale, but I didn't like Jack shoving Jesse in front of Walt. Seemed awfully forced.

"Jesse is cooking for you"


Only disappointing aspect of the finale for me was that it didn't anger or frustrate me enough. Watch enough tv show endings and after a while the expectation of being hurt or betrayed in some dramatic fashion becomes a sort of reliable presence in life.

In that regard, I am glad BB ended cleanly.

However, I still really wish the Saul show wasn't happening. I don't want any more BB, in any tangential manner.
Watch "better call Saul" just be a cover for the Jesse spinoff.
I like this comment I read on reddit

To put you all at ease...
16 years later a young blonde girl walks into her woodworking class late. The teacher shoots her a glare.
"Late again?"
"Sorry Mr. Pinkman, just had to go over some stuff with my Chemistry teacher."
Jesse smiles.
"It's alright. Take a seat, bitch."


I would love that epilogue.
Only disappointing aspect of the finale for me was that it didn't anger or frustrate me enough. Watch enough tv show endings and after a while the expectation of being hurt or betrayed in some dramatic fashion becomes a sort of reliable presence in life.

In that regard, I am glad BB ended cleanly.

However, I still really wish the Saul show wasn't happening. I don't want any more BB, in any tangential manner.

Don't watch it. Problem solved.
If the Saul spinoff is shit it doesn't tarnish Breaking Bad being great at all.


He's alive...in our hearts

also probably for real, weren't those cops responding to gunfire? wouldn't they dispatch an ambulance? they were in the lab moments after he collapsed, if he's dying of blood loss he could probably get patched up and go to jail.


The finale was fine I thought. Everything was wrapped up in a nice little bow but I feel like the actual finale happened two episodes ago. Everything built up to that point and everything after that was an epilogue my eyes. It almost felt like a happy ending. Family still gets the money. Blue meth dies with him (I doubt Jesse still wants to cook that shit). He got to see his daughter and son again. Shitty Nazis are dead. They found Hank. And Jesse is free to go street race now.

"I was good at it... I was alive"

Pretty much sums up everything. Great ending.


I like this comment I read on reddit



Thank goodness Vince didn't pull anything like this.
Was Skinny Pete and Badger being the greatest hitmen in the world ever hinted at before this episode? It seemed like it came out of nowhere.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Was Skinny Pete and Badger being the greatest hitmen in the world ever hinted at before this episode? It seemed like it came out of nowhere.
Huh? Did you miss the part where they were using laser pointers?


also probably for real, weren't those cops responding to gunfire? wouldn't they dispatch an ambulance? they were in the lab moments after he collapsed, if he's dying of blood loss he could probably get patched up and go to jail.

Did you not hear the music. Once a man cues up the death theme song there's no medicine in the world that's powerful enough to revive him.


Walt's admittance to Skyler was definitely my favorite scene. I watched it with a bunch of friends and that's pretty much the only scene where everyone went quiet. Such an honest scene from Walt that was really sold by Cranston. I'm missing this show already.
I can't agree on that at all. Some greatly creative moments in many of the episodes this season. Giant magnet, train robbery, what happened directly after train robbery, the completely out of left field Hank blackmail/threat tape.

The Nazis weren't anything like Gus though, at all. They were wreckless and casual about everything they did. Their solution to everything was to just kill it. It was actually kind of sad seeing these idiots disrespect Walt as an old broken man rather than the Heisenberg we've seen build up on the show.

Gus and the Nazis are different, but how they relate to the main characters is largely the same and they serve similar purposes in the story. Gus being the main foil would have had more impact as well, as he has much more cache with the audience than a group of Nazis that didn't exist in this show before this season.


Gus and the Nazis are different, but how they relate to the main characters is largely the same and they serve similar purposes in the story. Gus being the main foil would have had more impact as well, as he has much more cache with the audience than a group of Nazis that didn't exist in this show before this season.

This final season was all about Walt. Having villains like the Nazis was good because they were just used to move the plot - they were a threat that he entirely created. Seasons 3 and 4 built up a big Walt vs. Gus conflict, and that was great, but this season was all about Walt's relationships with the characters. It didn't need a big villain like Gus.
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