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Breaking Bad - The (Beautiful) Finale - Season 5 Part 2 - Sunday on AMC - OT3


Beat EviLore at pool.
Off topic, but are they doing a split season for The Walking Dead this year? At the rate AMC is going, I imagine they will end up splitting the final season of Walking Dead over like 3 years.

They been splitting Walking Dead since season 2 but their split is only for 3 months or so.


To be fair, "#teamwalt" would've stayed on the "team" even if Walt poisoned his wife, beat his son with a crutch and ran over a box of kittens on the way to kill Jesse. :D ;P

Good for him for finally being honest and for saving Jesse. I cried here and I cheered over there and I couldn't have asked for a better wrap-up, even though the whole machine gun part hanged on too much luck for my liking. Gus' assassination retains that particular crown.

10 out of fucking 10 TV show. The Wire, Sopranos; make some space at the table, would ya'?
You're an actual troll, so you won't bait me.

How am I a troll? My interpretation of the series, and the character of Walter White, turned out to be absolutely spot-on. I was closer to the truth than dozens of people who for whatever reason get paid to write about Breaking Bad professionally.

You want me to spell it out for you? He died as Walter White, doing things right the best he could. When he said "I never intended..." in Granite State, he meant it. Of course he never intended for things to get to that point. He just wanted to cook some meth in relative peace. But things happened, and he found himself in a life or death struggle against a kingpin, and he made some bad choices, and somewhere in the middle of that he fell in love with the game and decided to stay in it even after he'd defeated his enemies. After all that, he would never get the happy ending he had envisioned, but he could still go out as a human being and not as the bogeyman Heisenberg that had become a legend that kids scrawled in yellow spray-paint in abandoned houses.

He went out in the best way he could possibly have done given the circumstances leading up to that point. I consider it a win for #TeamWalt because our interpretation of the character turned out to be correct. Emily Nussbaum, Alan Sepinwall, Alyssa Rosenberg, Amir0x, and all the others were wrong. Just flat-out wrong, end of story. After all the bullshit we put up from them, that is delicious, delicious vindication.
He lost his family, his son wants him to die, he lost Hank, he caused Jesse great pain, he will forever be known as a monster, will never know his daughter, and he died.

To say Walt "won" is ridiculous.

What happened in the finale is that Walt was able to rectify some of his wrongs to an extent. He brought closure to his family for Hank, he is able to give money to his children, and he was able to eradicate the blue meth operation (serving justice) and saved Jesse.

I believe he found peace at the very end but I wouldn't argue he won. He most certainly lost in the end but he was able to clean up some of the mess he made.

Every man has regrets. Every man dies. Not every man truly lives.

He got to say goodbye to his wife and his baby daughter. He got to see his son one last time.

He was never going to get to know his daughter. She's a baby, and he had cancer... he wasn't going to make it either way.

What happened in the finale is Walt got redemption and went out on his own terms. He was going to die no matter what... and he could have never realized or experienced his own potential. And Walt's all about potential... we see it in his first conversations with Jesse, where he implores him to focus and realize his own potential.

He could have died wasting away his last years, with a wife who didn't respect him, with a son he couldn't relate to, with a nagging sister-in-law and a brother-in-law who emasculated him every chance he could. He could have died after going into class every day, wasting his intelligence and knowledge on class after class of uncaring, ungrateful kids... kids like Jesse who learned nothing and resented him for it all the while. He could have gone into his dead-end second job, working for Bogdan, who didn't respect him either. He could have died watching the company he helped found make millions without any credit going back to him.

Yes, he could have died that way... without any respect from others or for himself. Completely miserable as he faded out of existence.

Instead he tapped into his potential. He turned to his one true love, chemistry, and applied himself. And in that world, in that work, he was a king. He was respected, admired, feared. He took pride in his work, and was rewarded accordingly.

In the end, he died on his own terms, at peace with who he was. Yes, he had regrets. But he was going to die with regrets either way. It was one regret or another. But now even in death, his legend lives on. His family will get the money he earned and live off of his work. He will die along with the blue meth, the name Heisenberg echoing through history, and he'll have credit for it all. Meanwhile he cleaned up the loose ends, got revenge on those who wronged him... and finally, died with a smile on his face with his chemistry. Right where he belonged. He died, but he also lived.

So am I calling that a win?

You're goddamned right.


i was pretty happy with it - the only thing that bothered me was the nazi's didn't check walt's boot/trunk when he drove into the compound. when did walt get hit?


How am I a troll? My interpretation of the series, and the character of Walter White, turned out to be absolutely spot-on. I was closer to the truth than dozens of people who for whatever reason get paid to write about Breaking Bad professionally.

You want me to spell it out for you? He died as Walter White, doing things right the best he could. When he said "I never intended..." in Granite State, he meant it. Of course he never intended for things to get to that point. He just wanted to cook some meth in relative peace. But things happened, and he found himself in a life or death struggle against a kingpin, and he made some bad choices, and somewhere in the middle of that he fell in love with the game and decided to stay in it even after he'd defeated his enemies. After all that, he would never get the happy ending he had envisioned, but he could still go out as a human being and not as the bogeyman Heisenberg that had become a legend that kids scrawled in yellow spray-paint in abandoned houses.

He went out in the best way he could possibly have done given the circumstances leading up to that point. I consider it a win for #TeamWalt because our interpretation of the character turned out to be correct. Emily Nussbaum, Alan Sepinwall, Alyssa Rosenberg, Amir0x, and all the others were wrong. Just flat-out wrong, end of story. After all the bullshit we put up from them, that is delicious, delicious vindication.

Different interpretations of a character does not make a person "flat-out wrong, end of story". That's just absurd to say.


He went out in the best way he could possibly have done given the circumstances leading up to that point. I consider it a win for #TeamWalt because our interpretation of the character turned out to be correct. Emily Nussbaum, Alan Sepinwall, Alyssa Rosenberg, Amir0x, and all the others were wrong. Just flat-out wrong, end of story. After all the bullshit we put up from them, that is delicious, delicious vindication.

You have some severe, sever issues, dude.
Not sure why so many people keep talking about Heisenberg tonight.

Walt was NOT Heisenberg tonight. He was something completely different. heisenberg's plans never went off so cleanly. Heisenberg was never unnoticed.

The writer from Garden State even specifically told us Heisenberg died in that episode. Walt's transformation was something completely different which is why he was able to accomplish exactly what he wanted how he wanted. It's why he was nonchalant rather than emotional. It's why no one noticed him in plain sight.

Heisenberg didn't make an appearance in the finale...


Everything is moe to me
But to look at it only in the context of the episode and not the series is kind of stupid.

And even in this episode he had to watch Jr walk from the bus home and it was heartbreaking for Walt, quite clearly.

Walt won tonight's battle but lost the war. To be all #TEAMWALT WON BITCHES! sounds really dumb.
in 10 months his family will be wealthier than ever, which was the original point in the context of the series. Breaking Bad is a show about getting away with it, as far as justice is concerned.

Walt won and went out on the highest possible note, there's not much interpretation to be had there.

My opinion on this whole #TeamWalt thing is that Walt lost. Gretchen put it best during Granite State:

"the sweet, kind, brilliant man that we once knew long ago.. he's gone."

That's when Walt finally accepted his actions and was ready for the consequences. Walt lost and was gone. All that was left was Heisenberg. That's why he admitted to Skyler his true intentions, because he finally accepted who he really was.

Him dying in the meth lab was symbolic for who really won. #TeamHeisenberg.
Heisenberg died with Hank.
I'm pretty sure Walt's family would give back all the money in the world if they could go back to the way things were before.

Walt "won" an imaginary game of his own invention.
in 10 months his family will be wealthier than ever, which was the original point in the context of the series.

Walt won and went out on the highest possible note, there's not much interpretation to be had there.

He also died being hated by his son and Hank was killed. His son and wife will live the rest of their lives scarred by what he's done. You think money alone will save them? And there's still uncertainty out there.

You have to be blind to believe this was a great ending for Walt. It was the best he could hope for given the circumstances entering the finale, but in the grand scheme of things, he lost so much. To say he won is absurd.


Everything is moe to me
He also died being hated by his son and Hank was killed. His son and wife will live the rest of their lives scarred by what he's done. You think money alone will save him? And there's still uncertainty out there.

You have to be blind to believe this was a great ending for Walt. It was the best he could hope for given the circumstances entering the finale, but in the grand scheme of things, he lost so much. To say he won is absurd.
he literally died with a smile on his face and an upbeat soundtrack playing.

but yeah he sure lost out. must be blind.
Where did he get the M60? I was hoping that would be covered since episode one. That's hardly an insignificant item to acquire.

Great show and finale. Will be missed.

The same arms dealer in the Denny's bathroom sells Walt an unmarked handgun in season 4. Saul was the person who set Walt up with the guy.
i was pretty happy with it - the only thing that bothered me was the nazi's didn't check walt's boot/trunk when he drove into the compound. when did walt get hit?

Unless they were expecting Walt to barge in with machine guns and RPGs, I don't see why they would check his trunk. They never suspected for him to come in there and wipe them out, nor did they know that he knew that they wanted to off him. He played the helpless, ex drug king pin well. Jack even told him he looked like shit.


#teamwalt for me always was him succeeding in a badass/enjoyable (bringing closure to the chaos) way all the way up to saving Jesse without murdering more innocent people.

That doesn't erase the hell he put his family through and the other horrible shit he's done, but, yeah, he's not an executioner of 100% innocents like Todd... who I'm glad Jesse murdered.
he literally died with a smile on his face and an upbeat soundtrack playing.

but yeah he sure lost out. must be blind.

The song talks about a man getting what he deserved. Are you being intentionally obtuse?

I'm not arguing Walt lost in the context of the finale. He obviously won tonight's battle. But he lost the fucking war. This much is obvious to anyone who can think clearly.


Unless they were expecting Walt to barge in with machine guns and RPGs, I don't see why they would check his trunk. They never suspected for him to come in there and wipe them out, nor did they know that he knew that they wanted to off him. He played the helpless, ex drug king pin well. Jack even told him he looked like shit.

I would have checked for a carbomb, personally, if I knew as much about Walt as they should know. But people doing stupid things is usually what gets them in trouble.
Walt did lose a lot. He lost his family and ruined plenty of others. He won't be able to see Holly grew up and Jr. become a man. He did the best he could to make amends with his family, Jesse, and himself.


I'm pretty sure Walt's family would give back all the money in the world if they could go back to the way things were before.

Walt "won" an imaginary game of his own invention.

He won his game, not the moral game.


Pretty good ending, definitely not the turd of a finale that they gave us for Dexter.

I can't remember, but did they ever fully explain how Walt got shafted or pushed out of the company with Elliot back in the day?

Yes, he was a petty asshole. (and he didnt get shafted, he walked away)
Pretty good ending, definitely not the turd of a finale that they gave us for Dexter.

I can't remember, but did they ever fully explain how Walt got shafted or pushed out of the company with Elliot back in the day?


I'm pretty sure Walt's family would give back all the money in the world if they could go back to the way things were before.

Walt "won" an imaginary game of his own invention.

The problem with the walt-crazy's like remington is that as long as there is some kind of 3-dimensionality or ambiguity about walt, any slight shred of humanity that they can grab onto, they'll claim that they've 'won' over the people calling him a monster.

Because walt gave the family money and rescued jesse, they'll ignore that he ruined their lives and put jesse in that hellhole, along with everything else he did.

If Walt had broken down and cried the entire episode, this would have been proof to them that walt sincerely regrets his actions and is 'human'

If walt had just left everyone in his family alone, that would have been an acknowledgement of his past mistakes and a noble effort to not cause any more damage to his family than he already has.

There literally isn't anything Walt can do that can't be painted as Walt having 'won' in some way to these people and thus isn't the monster that nasty amirox proclaimed him to be.


Pretty good ending, definitely not the turd of a finale that they gave us for Dexter.

I can't remember, but did they ever fully explain how Walt got shafted or pushed out of the company with Elliot back in the day?

All indications are that he left after things didn't work out with Gretchen. Just disappeared one day. Nothing in the show actually says he was pushed, afaik.
I would have checked for a carbomb, personally, if I knew as much about Walt as they should know. But people doing stupid things is usually what gets them in trouble.

All they knew about Walt is that he's a genius cook. Todd's tales of Walt should of at least had them on higher alert but he looked like a desperate and defeated man.


He set the car that way on purpose. Don't you remember how he spun it when he was told to park?
I'm not taking about the method I'm taking about how convenient it all was. They didn't check his car for some odd reason even after he parked it kind of weird. Then everyone is standing perfectly to get shot (even the guy outside). This was also a place he's never been to (right?) but he was able to make the concoction perfectly to cover a room he's never actually seen. Then you have every single one of them gathered in one room for no real reason. Then the two people who were important to the narrative are left alive. It was too perfect for me. I couldn't buy it.



I'm not taking about the method I'm taking about how convenient it all was. They didn't check his car for some odd reason even after he parked it kind of weird. Then everyone is standing perfectly to get shot (even the guy outside). This was also a place he's never been to (right?) but he was able to make the concoction perfectly to cover a room he's never actually seen. Then you have every single one of them gathered in one room for no real reason. Then the two people who were important to the narrative are left alive. It was too perfect for me. I couldn't buy it.

He was in that room in "To'hajiilee" when they were discussing the hit on Jesse.


I'm not taking about the method I'm taking about how convenient it all was. They didn't check his car for some odd reason even after he parked it kind of weird. Then everyone is standing perfectly to get shot (even the guy outside). This was also a place he's never been to (right?) but he was able to make the concoction perfectly to cover a room he's never actually seen. Then you have every single one of them gathered in one room for no real reason. Then the two people who were important to the narrative are left alive. It was too perfect for me. I couldn't buy it.

I think he was there when he put the hit on Jesse.
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