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Breaking Bad - The (Beautiful) Finale - Season 5 Part 2 - Sunday on AMC - OT3


Talking Bad i wanted to gouge my eyes out, that was painful to watch.

also ive seen about three episodes of this show, and this finale was great, without really knowing all the details, you could tell it wrapped up all the loose ends

What the hell? Why would you do such a thing?


The only thing I didn't like was that the machine gun thing went way too near perfectly. It instakilled all the mooks, mortally wounded those it would be dramatically appropriate to get a few more lines, and left Jesse and Todd unscathed. But that is one of those cases where you just need to accept it is TV and move on. There wouldn't have to been any other reasonable way for him to take them all out.


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
People need to just take what they've seen on screen as what's happened, forget about other shit that "might" happen after the end.

Jessie got away, walt died, Lydia will die, Walt's family will get the money, etc.


You really want this show to spell that much out for you? Yeesh.

None of this does matter

Yes, we grew to care about certain characters, but it's not their story - despite the important involvement of Walt's family, Jesse, etc. it always was the story of Walt/Mr.Chips

And it's great that in the end, he changed to the better

I get that, but along with the conclusion you like a little closer too. It's ok to leave some things open, but this show leaves a lot open.

I am satisfied with what we got.....but they leave you wanting more.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Anyone think it's not really a happy ending for Jesse? He needs to watch his back, doesn't know what connections the Nazis/Lydia had and of course everyone around him is dead :(

Of course. He might've survived, but that's about it. He's traumatized for life, especially after being a meth slave for months and having seen Andrea shot before his own eyes. Don't think he'll come close to having a 'normal' life for years.


I liked it. Not too happy how neatly most of the bad guys were eliminated, but eh.

S5E14 will be remembered as the series' high point.


People need to just take what they've seen on screen as what's happened, forget about other shit that "might" happen after the end.

Jessie got away, walt died, Lydia will die, Walt's family will get the money, etc.
I think the whole point is you shouldn't know because Walt doesn't know. He's set these things in motion, but he will never get the resolution he wanted either.


People need to just take what they've seen on screen as what's happened, forget about other shit that "might" happen after the end.

Jessie got away, walt died, Lydia will die, Walt's family will get the money, etc.

I'm just saying that Walt lives and they will make a movie in a few years.
I thought the finale was perfect. Sure it was predictable but I was very satisfied that they tied up the story the way they did.

This show was such a phenomenal piece of entertainment. Everything about it was just top notch, from the acting, the writing and the amazing cinematography. Breaking Bad will be remembered as one of the best things to ever air on television. And I will miss it. :(


Unconfirmed Member
I'm surprised people expected a more open or morally ambiguous ending.
Breaking Bad has always been really pulpy, straightforward entertainment. The writing is all about delivering the goods.
This ending had a 'western' vibe. The haunted hero with a dark past comes back to town to tie up the loose ends in his life so that he can die in peace.
It was in keeping with the spirit of the show.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Couldn't Lydia just go to the hospital?

*sigh* You see Cornballer's link to National Geographic? PLEASE click that before someone says this again.

When Brock is poisoned, he is treated for ricin poisoning.

No. Jesse suggests it may be ricin (thereby putting suspension on him in a "what the fuck, how do you know this?" way). Brock ate Lily of the Valley. Which is completely different. They even suggest this with the plant at Walt's house and him looking at it. (Suggesting he was the one that poisoned Brock with it, later confirmed by Brock not saying anything to him when he shows up at Andrea's house)
Finally caught it. Was a decent finale. Not amazing, but decent enough. When it comes to series finales you're usually in good standing if you don't shit the bed completely, so Breaking Bad did well enough.


People need to just take what they've seen on screen as what's happened, forget about other shit that "might" happen after the end.

Jessie got away, walt died, Lydia will die, Walt's family will get the money, etc.

Well, Vince confirmed himself that he has his "head canon" on things so I don't think people should stop musing about it because despite tying up all loose ends, he still wanted to leave some audience interpretation.

For him the most effective sendoff was one where Jesse was free, but he figured that his fate would be left up to interpretation. Vince personally, said he thinks he'd go on to live a normal, happier life. Possibly in Alaska like he had hoped to.
There is no cure for ricin poisoning. Someone posted a real link to the cdc website.

It's not nearly as toxic when ingested however. The wiki article says it's toxic at 30-40 mg per kg when ingested, which is nowhere near what she ingested even if that packet was pure ricin. So in reality, she'd live. In the show, her going to the hospital and saying she had been poisoned with ricin the same day Heisenberg returned to town (the DEA already had a case on her anyways) would be the end of her either way.
Just wanted to point this out.

One thing i would have liked to see is Walt and the viewers seeing the total devastation his product had on the region and even Europe. I'm not sure what the best way that would have been but I always felt Walt always thought it was more a game and not wrapping his head around what exactly he was producing. Sure he knew "drugs are bad" but given how big his empire became it would have been something cool.

They did this a little bit earlier on with meth addicts on a smaller scale in the first half of the show but Jesse saw this more than most.
He also has no money, and needs a new identity. His life is fucked, but at least he's "free."
Maybe at some point he overheard some Nazi talking about where Walt's money is. Though, he hasn't cared about money in a long time.

Anyway, was it just me or did anyone else think that when Walt was looking at his reflection in the meth pot thing, it kind of looked like he had a halo with the light over his head? Kind of symbolizing his redemption.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
They were really just a group of killers, I've not seen or heard them not do anything Nazi like apart from their tattoos. Even when they kill Andrea they don't call Jesse a race traitor for having a Hispanic girlfriend or they have no plans to start the Fourth Reich with their 70 million.

In a series where we've seen half a dozen criminal gangs that are ruthless killers the Nazis don't really stand out as being the worst of the lot.

They're part of the Aryan Brotherhood


But the show suggests there is, so that's irrelevant.

When Brock is poisoned, he is treated for ricin poisoning.

'Treatment' for most poisoning is supportive (i.e. activated charcoal, IV fluids) in the hopes that the body flushes it out, unless there is a specific antidote.

Not the case for ricin.


Maybe at some point he overheard some Nazi talking about where Walt's money is. Though, he hasn't cared about money in a long time.

Anyway, was it just me or did anyone else think that when Walt was looking at his reflection in the meth pot thing, it kind of looked like he had a halo with the light over his head? Kind of symbolizing his redemption.

I can't say I caught that, but his reflection did make it look like he was bald again, as if he was seeing himself as the "Heisenberg" that everyone knew him as.


In my mind Jesse makes it to somewhere like Mexico......he might use some connections or something to get out of the country, but probably fucks it up and gets into something crazy a long the way.


'Treatment' for most poisoning is supportive (i.e. activated charcoal, IV fluids) in the hopes that the body flushes it out, unless there is a specific antidote.

Not the case for ricin.
Then why do they suggest the fact he's improving supports the idea it's ricin?

The treatment intended to treat the ricin worked, and the doctors believed it was ricin because of that.


Unconfirmed Member
One thing i would have liked to see is Walt and the viewers seeing the total devastation his product had on the region and even Europe. I'm not sure what the best way that would have been but I always felt Walt always thought it was more a game and not wrapping his head around what exactly he was producing. Sure he knew "drugs are bad" but given how big his empire became it would have been something cool.

They did this a little bit earlier on with meth addicts on a smaller scale in the first half of the show but Jesse saw this more than most.
Yeah, the point that "THEY PRODUCE METH" is lost as the show goes on. The story thread about Brock's non-lethal poisoning seems trivial next to the unborn children poisoned through the use of the most addictive meth ever created.
Meth is just a plot device to put Walt and Jesse in dangerous situations. So much so that I suspect the producers made a conscious choice to avoid being preachy about drugs. I think in the future people will point to this as one of the big shortcomings of the show.


One thing i would have liked to see is Walt and the viewers seeing the total devastation his product had on the region and even Europe. I'm not sure what the best way that would have been but I always felt Walt always thought it was more a game and not wrapping his head around what exactly he was producing. Sure he knew "drugs are bad" but given how big his empire became it would have been something cool.

They did this a little bit earlier on with meth addicts on a smaller scale in the first half of the show but Jesse saw this more than most.

They could have had Walt run and hide away in some nearby meth house or living on the streets briefly or something but ultimately I don't think it would effect Walt to much anyways as he would see them using his blue and he would know that they are at least screwing up their lives using the most pure product that ever existed and then an evil smile of satisfaction would come across his face.


Neo Member
Vince Gilligan you brilliant man...

That scene with Walt saying goodbye first to Holly and then watching Jr from far was so powerful.


One thing i would have liked to see is Walt and the viewers seeing the total devastation his product had on the region and even Europe. I'm not sure what the best way that would have been but I always felt Walt always thought it was more a game and not wrapping his head around what exactly he was producing. Sure he knew "drugs are bad" but given how big his empire became it would have been something cool.

They did this a little bit earlier on with meth addicts on a smaller scale in the first half of the show but Jesse saw this more than most.

i would like this too but i'm not sure how to weave it in naturally

i think i'd have liked a montage of people fucked up by meth at the end of the finale to counteract the sort of happy ending of walt dying and his family and jesse moving on without being killed or implicated in it but i reckon people would have responded poorly to it as manipulative


Yeah, the point that "THEY PRODUCE METH" is lost as the show goes on. The story thread about Brock's non-lethal poisoning seems trivial next to the unborn children poisoned through the use of the most addictive meth ever created.
Meth is just a plot device to put Walt and Jesse in dangerous situations. So much so that I suspect the producers made a conscious choice to avoid being preachy about drugs. I think in the future people will point to this as one of the big shortcomings of the show.

Becoming preachy would have both ruined the show and changed it from it's purpose. It's not about how meth effects random people's lives, it's about how meth effects Walt and Jesse's lives.


That was kinda decent but a little on the safe side. Whoever shot that deserves all the awards of the world tho.
Anyone think it's not really a happy ending for Jesse? He needs to watch his back, doesn't know what connections the Nazis/Lydia had and of course everyone around him is dead :(

The fact that Walt got to finally see the true nature of their relationship when Jack brought him out in chains and asked if this looked like a partner??

That he'd treated Jesse like a fucking slave for five seasons?



When Walt said "I did it for me"

it was like, i donnow how to put this


That was the biggest moment of the finale for me...Walt finally admitting that he enjoyed it. Walt always had this thing about him where it seemed like he loved it but at the same time he didn't let it show....and him finally admitting it was huge.


I have just two trivia questions. Hope they haven't been asked already.
Why does he leave the watch on the payphone?
Is there a meaning in the car's licence plate?
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