Just finally got a chance to watch it. So goddamned good.
Lydia wanted to kill Skylar.
no more half measures waltah
not acceptable, he didn't know it.Lydia wanted to kill Skylar.
Well yeah, but after he decided to save Jesse, he wasn't planning on being shot by his own robot. So what if he hadn't been shot AND Jesse decided not to kill him? Would he have shot himself? Would he have set the pressure tank to explode killing him? I actually thought he was gonna kill himself in a lab explosion when they did the shot of the pressure gauge on the tank. I even thought it might still happen even as the police moved in on the place. (Which would have killed innocent people so I'm glad it didn't happen) Still.The most plausible explanation that I've seen (and I think one or the other of the Vince interviews backs it up) is that Walt intended to go down with everyone else from the M60. Probably including Jesse. Only his last minute decision to throw Jesse to the ground kept him from suiciding-by-M60.
Cute goalpost move. He's incapable of suicide! Except that time.
Perhaps the biggest reason that justifies Lydia's death is because she was as ruthless as Heisenberg.
No one that evil can be left alive.
So thinking about it....walt killed lydia for no reason, right? like what the fuck.
Ditto. I couldn't have been more satisfied with a series finale. Well maybe also IT Crowd.How many times can people ask why Lydia was killed in one thread? Jesus. We need a post-FAQ section.
Loved the finale. 0 complaints.
Nah she knew about Walt's business so she was a threat to his family after he's gone so she had to be tied up. That phone call was pretty corny, now that I think about it.
Im pretty sure Lydia was calling to confirm Walt was dead so Id say he was justified in killing her.
RE: "What would have happened if he didn't get shot" -- you guys are overthinking this. He was days away from death for the cancer. It was over. He didn't care. It wouldn't have mattered if the cops got him or he shot himself or he got shot.
How so? Why would he let her live after killing everybody that supplied her with the purest meth available? Walt knows what she's capable of so she had to go.
Well nobody would have picked up on the ricin unless they showed a separate scene of her dying (which would have been a waste of time).
they wouldn't have? there i go underestimating humanity again...
What would you guys say are the best episodes to show newbies besides the pilot, to give them a taste of BB?
I'd vote for 4 Days Out and Dead Freight. Those are episodes you can watch not knowing much of the surrounding/previous narrative.
But when did Badger and Skinny Pete become the greatest hitmen in the west?
What would you guys say are the best episodes to show newbies besides the pilot, to give them a taste of BB?
I'd vote for 4 Days Out and Dead Freight. Those are episodes you can watch not knowing much of the surrounding/previous narrative.
But Walt found out after he ricin'd her. Anyway, he decided if he's going to bring down his empire, everyone had to go.
What would you guys say are the best episodes to show newbies besides the pilot, to give them a taste of BB?
I'd vote for 4 Days Out and Dead Freight. Those are episodes you can watch not knowing much of the surrounding/previous narrative.
What would you guys say are the best episodes to show newbies besides the pilot, to give them a taste of BB?
I'd vote for 4 Days Out and Dead Freight. Those are episodes you can watch not knowing much of the surrounding/previous narrative.
RE: "What would have happened if he didn't get shot" -- you guys are overthinking this. He was days away from death for the cancer. It was over. He didn't care. It wouldn't have mattered if the cops got him or he shot himself or he got shot.
old, but Huell Waits is pretty great. Relaxing, and makes me think of the e-shop
What would you guys say are the best episodes to show newbies besides the pilot, to give them a taste of BB?
I'd vote for 4 Days Out and Dead Freight. Those are episodes you can watch not knowing much of the surrounding/previous narrative.
Doesn't Walt kinda cover Jesse from the gunfire as well? I think Walt figured that there was a good chance that the spray would be wider than a straight horizontal spread.The most plausible explanation that I've seen (and I think one or the other of the Vince interviews backs it up) is that Walt intended to go down with everyone else from the M60. Probably including Jesse. Only his last minute decision to throw Jesse to the ground kept him from suiciding-by-M60.
Perhaps the biggest reason that justifies Lydia's death is because she was as ruthless as Heisenberg.
No one that evil can be left alive.
What would you guys say are the best episodes to show newbies besides the pilot, to give them a taste of BB?
It's such a shame that Vince Gilligan didn't go to HBO. He's producing that detective drama on national tv and Better Call Saul.
What is she gonna do? "OMG it's walter white with the blue meth"?
She can throw skyksy under the bus, but skysky has leverage with the dead bodies.
Lydia would just move on, like she did with mike, like she always has with two-different-shoed self.
season 1
episode 1-3 dealing with krazy 8/emilio and the disposal of their bodies
episode 6 with the introduction of tuco
speaking of which how about some love for tuco
its been way too long since this guy got some appreciation
i remember watching tuco on screen for the first time, i was so terrified for walt and jesse, this guy is a pitbull
it doesnt make an ounce of sense for walt to wanna do himself, if youre thinking it would be a way for him to punish himself for ~*~all the bad hes done~*~ then thats even cuter
Didn't Vince say that Walt's original plan was to murder everybody, including himself and Jesse?
Didn't Vince say that Walt's original plan was to murder everybody, including himself and Jesse?