I understand the significance of the last two episodes just fine. It doesn't make Walt taking JFK's magic bullet any more satisfying.
If you understood the significance, you would have already let this whole thing go.
I understand the significance of the last two episodes just fine. It doesn't make Walt taking JFK's magic bullet any more satisfying.
man Todd was a real weirdo, what was up with the lydia ringtone?
I do love a good hatchet job, regardless of my allegiance to the intended target. However, please do not invoke Weeds as some kind of positive. Especially, considering how that turned out. Anyway, he's written about Breaking Bad before. He couldn't get through the second season and gave up. I suppose if you don't buy into the premise, reject the absurdity of it, then you're on a hiding to nothing with it. Most of the people I know that struggled to get into the show, failed to get anything out of the absurdity of the Walt and Jesse dynamic; which is the heartbeat of those early seasons.
There was a short clip of him on top of Jesse where he flinches. When I first saw it I wasn't sure if it was a bullet that ricocheted and got him, or he just flinched because concrete was flying around.
Don't make me walk you through this, Bob.
The final episode didn't leave much to talk about beyond the minutiae.
In the magnet scene, a message was revealed behind a photo of Gus with (I think) the DEA. Did anything come of that?
Hm yeah, I guess when then find hank's body and know that Walt is dead they probably don't think she's holding back any other informationI think they wanted Skyler to tell them as much as they could about Walt and what he did. Once Walt's gone, the best they could get would be the location of Hank's corpse.
Although, apparently, if you want to discuss the minutiae, it's because you missed the point of the last two episodes.
That's what's so great about it. No loose ends, no unresolved or ambiguous plot points, etc.
Sweet, emotional, satisfying resolution.
In the magnet scene, a message was revealed behind a photo of Gus with (I think) the DEA. Did anything come of that?
It just seems really weird that with the M60 firing in a straight robotic horizontal line, only one shot would hit him at an angle far lower than any of the other shots (did it ricochet?) I can suspend disbelief in the fact that the dying cancer patient that can barely move can take an M60 bullet in the side and still manage to walk around, but the bullet that does hit him feels a little magical.
Hm yeah, I guess when then find hank's body and know that Walt is dead they probably don't think she's holding back any other information
I guess with a show this popular, they really couldn't win, could they?
does the top stop spinning
Re: the writers writing themselves into a corner, I'm pretty sure they did not introduce the m60 and not know what they are going to do with it.
I agree, but I always think of how wrong Mike was when he said he wasn't worried about them from his intel.
How did he not know they were the most ruthless psychopaths in existence? Bothers me.
I started to watch 19 days ago, and watched 2 or 3 episodes every night. Got super addicted, even made a schedule and calculated how many episodes I had left to watch before the finale. (and also the talking bad eps)
So yesterday I watched the final 2 eps, man.
Amazing show. I was kinda disappointed in a way, I expected more I guess, overall it was still an amazing finale though. My main annoyance was just that there was no more Walt & Jesse as partners throughout the last season, I guess around the time Mike died and Walt didn't tell him and lied to face about it. Loved those 2 together. I get why they did it but I kinda hoped they would have killed the nazi and have them both escape or something.
Since I've only started to watch a little over 2 weeks ago I could never check anything out because of spoilers. Now I finally can and oh man, for a show this emotional/dramatic there is a lot of funny shit out there.
I fucking love these Breaking Bad comics, a few of my favs:
I read tons of these last night after the finale, and after being depressed about that I just laughed all night. So good.
I agree, but I always think of how wrong Mike was when he said he wasn't worried about them from his intel.
How did he not know they were the most ruthless psychopaths in existence? Bothers me.
LOL at Walt haters suddenly all jumping on the Heisenberg bandwagon after realizing how amazing of a mastermind and a hero the great Heisenberg really is.
Walt supporter from Day 1 crew checking in! I agree with EVERYTHING he did, even when he poisoned the kid
Really looking forward to listening to their thoughts. Thanks.
the robot machine gun was goofy too.
1. The building and room being small enough for the gun to cover everything
2. Everybody being in the room
3. Jack believing Walt and not shooting him the moment he entered the club house/premises
4. Jack falling for Walt's gloating
5. No one checking the trunk of his car for bombs
did not like the finale.
walt coming off as an "crazy" psycho in the schwartz house was kinda ridicolous.
the flashbacks were a nice idea but executed poorly.
the robot machine gun was goofy too.
only good thing was the skyler dialoge and the bit were he watched his son come home
ozy and granite state had their own very special vibe. in felina i missed this. it just came off as an couple of scenes of walt how he ties up loose ends.
The only one I can see coming out on top is Holly. Simply because she's still too young to get some trauma or trust issues out of this.I don't know, I can see a hot shot prosecutor wanting to make a name for himself and going after Skyler, or even Jesse if he materializes anywhere south of Alberta.
Walt fucked the people he cares about for life, no mistake about it.
An ending shot similar to Crank 1 would have been too good, lolDoes the camera stop panning upwards?
i find this hilarious, that's how sad i am ;([/QUOTE]
eh this would of been better with the first two panel.
The M60 device is quite feasible. It looked like a 3-bar linkage. Not difficult to pull off, especially for someone like Walt.
It's also a better idea than Walt going in there like RamboThe M60 device is quite feasible. It looked like a 3-bar linkage. Not difficult to pull off, especially for someone like Walt.
The M60 device is quite feasible. It looked like a 3-bar linkage. Not difficult to pull off, especially for someone like Walt.
Because they suspected Walt of trying something? Hell, they checked his body for guns and wires, why would they not check every inch of the car, too? More so, because they probably know that Walt has used car-trackers before.
It was a practical, working rig according to the podcast. If the tech adviser or whoever the hell made it was capable, Heisenberg was.inm8num2 said:The M60 device is quite feasible. It looked like a 3-bar linkage. Not difficult to pull off, especially for someone like Walt.
Did I miss it or did they never explain how walt got the m60?