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Breaking Bad - The (Beautiful) Finale - Season 5 Part 2 - Sunday on AMC - OT3


I started to watch 19 days ago, and watched 2 or 3 episodes every night. Got super addicted, even made a schedule and calculated how many episodes I had left to watch before the finale. (and also the talking bad eps)

So yesterday I watched the final 2 eps, man.

Amazing show. I was kinda disappointed in a way, I expected more I guess, overall it was still an amazing finale though. My main annoyance was just that there was no more Walt & Jesse as partners throughout the last season, I guess around the time Mike died and Walt didn't tell him and lied to face about it. Loved those 2 together. I get why they did it but I kinda hoped they would have killed the nazi and have them both escape or something.


Since I've only started to watch a little over 2 weeks ago I could never check anything out because of spoilers. Now I finally can and oh man, for a show this emotional/dramatic there is a lot of funny shit out there.

I fucking love these Breaking Bad comics, a few of my favs:



I read tons of these last night after the finale, and after being depressed about that I just laughed all night. So good.


I do love a good hatchet job, regardless of my allegiance to the intended target. However, please do not invoke Weeds as some kind of positive. Especially, considering how that turned out. Anyway, he's written about Breaking Bad before. He couldn't get through the second season and gave up. I suppose if you don't buy into the premise, reject the absurdity of it, then you're on a hiding to nothing with it. Most of the people I know that struggled to get into the show, failed to get anything out of the absurdity of the Walt and Jesse dynamic; which is the heartbeat of those early seasons.

So he hasn't seen past the second season and stopped watching years ago, but he feels the need to write an article saying basically "thank god that show I didn't like or watch is over!"?
There was a short clip of him on top of Jesse where he flinches. When I first saw it I wasn't sure if it was a bullet that ricocheted and got him, or he just flinched because concrete was flying around.

Man, I missed a lot of details in that scene. I'd assumed Jack or one of the other nazis got him before they went down. Pretty crazy ricochet and lucky it didn't also go through Jesse, but it's not as if that's the most unlikely thing to have happened in this show.
In the magnet scene, a message was revealed behind a photo of Gus with (I think) the DEA. Did anything come of that?

I think that the note was information about the offshore bank account that Gus set up for Mike to pay off those 10 or how every many guys. After they found that note they began pursuing the 10 people that received money from that account each month.


I think they wanted Skyler to tell them as much as they could about Walt and what he did. Once Walt's gone, the best they could get would be the location of Hank's corpse.
Hm yeah, I guess when then find hank's body and know that Walt is dead they probably don't think she's holding back any other information


That's what's so great about it. No loose ends, no unresolved or ambiguous plot points, etc.

Sweet, emotional, satisfying resolution.

I guess with a show this popular, they really couldn't win, could they?

Imagine the outcry if the finale was unnecessarily convoluted?

I agree with you. Show got the ending it deserved, just like Walt.


In the magnet scene, a message was revealed behind a photo of Gus with (I think) the DEA. Did anything come of that?

Yes, it led them to Madrigal and ultimately Mike's ten guys in jail.

It just seems really weird that with the M60 firing in a straight robotic horizontal line, only one shot would hit him at an angle far lower than any of the other shots (did it ricochet?) I can suspend disbelief in the fact that the dying cancer patient that can barely move can take an M60 bullet in the side and still manage to walk around, but the bullet that does hit him feels a little magical.

You can't believe that an unmanned rifle would fire off a bullet just very slightly off its intended target?
Hm yeah, I guess when then find hank's body and know that Walt is dead they probably don't think she's holding back any other information

I don't know, I can see a hot shot prosecutor wanting to make a name for himself and going after Skyler, or even Jesse if he materializes anywhere south of Alberta.

Walt fucked the people he cares about for life, no mistake about it.


Den of Geek make a good point in their review, that the entirety of the last three episodes is the ending.

You wanted to see Walt's world come crashing down around him? You got it in Ozy.

You want to see Walt suffering alone? You got it in Granite State.

You want to see Walt get his way? You got it in Felina.

They catered for all the shit.
Re: the writers writing themselves into a corner, I'm pretty sure they did not introduce the m60 and not know what they are going to do with it.

Gilligan has said "We are making it up as we go along" in every single behind the scenes thing I've ever seen about this show.

Honestly, at least for me, season 5 is the only one where it shows.


I agree, but I always think of how wrong Mike was when he said he wasn't worried about them from his intel.

How did he not know they were the most ruthless psychopaths in existence? Bothers me.

Because they weren't in the meth business until Walt decided to quit and Lydia hired them to take out the crew Walt had previously been selling to. They weren't a threat at the time.


I started to watch 19 days ago, and watched 2 or 3 episodes every night. Got super addicted, even made a schedule and calculated how many episodes I had left to watch before the finale. (and also the talking bad eps)

So yesterday I watched the final 2 eps, man.

Amazing show. I was kinda disappointed in a way, I expected more I guess, overall it was still an amazing finale though. My main annoyance was just that there was no more Walt & Jesse as partners throughout the last season, I guess around the time Mike died and Walt didn't tell him and lied to face about it. Loved those 2 together. I get why they did it but I kinda hoped they would have killed the nazi and have them both escape or something.


Since I've only started to watch a little over 2 weeks ago I could never check anything out because of spoilers. Now I finally can and oh man, for a show this emotional/dramatic there is a lot of funny shit out there.

I fucking love these Breaking Bad comics, a few of my favs:



I read tons of these last night after the finale, and after being depressed about that I just laughed all night. So good.

I always thought Walt and Jesse together were just dynamite. Two totally different characters who you would never thought would be doing such a thing together but it just worked.
I agree, but I always think of how wrong Mike was when he said he wasn't worried about them from his intel.

How did he not know they were the most ruthless psychopaths in existence? Bothers me.

Who says he didn't know that? They might be a threat to Walt, but Mike singlehandedly took out a cartel crew. He wasn't worried about some skinheads. His overconfidence was ultimately what did him in because he didn't see Walt as a threat either
LOL at Walt haters suddenly all jumping on the Heisenberg bandwagon after realizing how amazing of a mastermind and a hero the great Heisenberg really is.

Walt supporter from Day 1 crew checking in! I agree with EVERYTHING he did, even when he poisoned the kid



LOL at Walt haters suddenly all jumping on the Heisenberg bandwagon after realizing how amazing of a mastermind and a hero the great Heisenberg really is.

Walt supporter from Day 1 crew checking in! I agree with EVERYTHING he did, even when he poisoned the kid




i find this hilarious, that's how sad i am ;(


did not like the finale.
walt coming off as an "crazy" psycho in the schwartz house was kinda ridicolous.

the flashbacks were a nice idea but executed poorly/cheesy.

the robot machine gun was goofy too.

only good thing was the skyler dialoge and the bit were he watched his son come home

ozy and granite state had their own very special vibe. in felina i missed this. it just came off as an couple of scenes of walt how he ties up loose ends.
1. The building and room being small enough for the gun to cover everything
2. Everybody being in the room
3. Jack believing Walt and not shooting him the moment he entered the club house/premises
4. Jack falling for Walt's gloating
5. No one checking the trunk of his car for bombs

1. He had been there, he knew exactly how big the room was
2. Everybody was in the room the previous times he was there. They had stolen his money, no reason for all of them not to be there.
3. Jack was arrogant. He had his whole crew with him and the upper hand in the room; he controlled the situation. He could have made Walt a slave, torture him, or kill him whenever he wanted. There was no reason for him to think he needed to rush. Walt calling him a liar and suggesting that he partnered up with Jesse, a rat, got under his skin. Jack saw Jesse as a slave, someone beneath him and as he said, he would never partner up with a rat. To even suggest that he would partner with someone that was so beneath him was highly offensive as shown by his back and forth pissed off attitude prior to Jesse coming in the room, and then callig him buddy/partner in a demeaning manner as he was shackled, beaten, and broken. Jack also knew that Walt cared for Jesse and wanted to show him what he had done with the kid. He thought he had all the time in the world. Honestly, I think Walt suggesting such a partnership is what made Jack pissed off and delay Walt's execution
4. Not sure what you mean here
5. No reason to check the trunk. This is not a "I'm going to visit my friend in jail" scenario. This is a nazi hangout spot. Jack's right hand man checked the passenger seat then the back seat, and he got in the car with Walt and told him to park but didn't care if Walt parked another way. That's because he, and the rest of the nazis, knew that once Walt was out of the car and in the room, they could do with him as they pleased and there was nothing Walt could do about it, just like they did with Jesse. Once Walt was out of the car, the unknown element was gone and they would kill him. The only things they had to worry about, they did, weapons within reach and a wire

All their plans had previously worked to perfection, killing 9 men in jail in 2 minutes, killing the guys that took over the empire for Lydia, killing 2 DEA agents and not getting found, getting away with 60 million dollars, and having a meth slave. They felt on top of the world and very confident. They had set up a trap for Walt and there is no reason for them to believe that a beat down, broke, looking like shit, man would be able to go there and hurt them, let alone kill them.
did not like the finale.
walt coming off as an "crazy" psycho in the schwartz house was kinda ridicolous.

the flashbacks were a nice idea but executed poorly.

the robot machine gun was goofy too.

only good thing was the skyler dialoge and the bit were he watched his son come home

ozy and granite state had their own very special vibe. in felina i missed this. it just came off as an couple of scenes of walt how he ties up loose ends.

not sure if serious or just a potato

this episode was all about Walt and his acceptance of both himself and heisenberg... he did what he does best in this episode, especially in that scene where he comes off as a crazy psycho... manipulation. He was playing mind tricks on the schwartz... he completely had them believe whatever he wanted them to believe and proved that he is smarter than both them at the end of the day.

machine gun was goofy? wow I'm so glad you had nothing to do with the making of this show


I don't know, I can see a hot shot prosecutor wanting to make a name for himself and going after Skyler, or even Jesse if he materializes anywhere south of Alberta.

Walt fucked the people he cares about for life, no mistake about it.
The only one I can see coming out on top is Holly. Simply because she's still too young to get some trauma or trust issues out of this.
Does the camera stop panning upwards?
An ending shot similar to Crank 1 would have been too good, lol


The M60 device is quite feasible. It looked like a 3-bar linkage. Not difficult to pull off, especially for someone like Walt.
Content Roundup - Episode 8 - Felina


- Onion A|V Club review
- Sepinwall's review
- Variety: TV Review: ‘Breaking Bad’ Finale Gets the Chemistry Just Right
- memles on the finale for Cultural Learnings
- Alyssa Rosenberg on the finale
- Slate.com review
- IGN review
- The Atlantic discussion
- Frazier Moore for AP
- Esquire
- LA Times
- Poniewozik's review for Time.com
- Tim Goodman on the finale for THR
- Warming Glow on the finale
- Matt Zoller Seitz review
- Maureen Ryan's review
- Badass Digest
- IndieWire #1
- Salon.com #2
- Slant Magazine
- Emily Nussbaum for The New Yorker
- Sean T Collins @ Rolling Stone
- Washington Post
- Chicago Sun Times
- Cinema Blend
- Collider
- NJ Star-Ledger
- Eric Deggans @ Tampa Bay Times
- The Week
- Film School Rejects
- EW.com
- Linda Holmes @ NPR
- Kate Arthur @ Buzzfeed
- Laura Bennett @ The New Republic
- Andy Greenwald's review for Grantland
- NY Times
- Toronto Star
- Jaime Weinman @ Maclean's
- Ryan McGee
- The Guardian
- TV.com
- LA Times #2
- Matt Zoller Seitz's video review

- AMC Q&A: Jesse Plemons (Todd Alquist)
- Poniewozik @ Time: How Walter White Became the One Who Knocks
- The Onion: ‘Breaking Bad’ Ends With Reveal That Whole Series Was Plot of Book Marie Shoplifted
- Bad Finger - Baby Blue (closing song)
- El Paso (Full-Length Version) - Marty Robbins
- NY Times: Walter White’s Soul, and Yours (Room For Debate Editorial Feature)
- Warming Glow: ‘Breaking Bad’ Series Finale GIF Highlights: Felina
- Salon: Why Flynn is the real hero of “Breaking Bad”
- National Geographic: Things You Should Know About Ricin
- NY Mag: 11 Breaking Bad Finale Facts Revealed on Talking Bad
- NY Mag: Your Final Breaking Bad GIFs
- EW Interview: Vince Gilligan explains series finale
- EW Interview: Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul discuss ending of 'Breaking Bad' finale
- THR: 'Breaking Bad': The Meaning of the Finale's Last Song
- Forbes: Working Bad: Exclusive Interviews With the Brains Behind 'Breaking Bad' (set of interview links)
- Rolling Stone: Lessons of the 'Breaking Bad' Series Finale
- Andy Greenwald answers a few BB questions in his September Mail Bag for Grantland
- The Week: Breaking Bad: An interview with the show's science advisor
- Canada.com podcast on the finale
- Barry Hertz @ Maclean's: Why Breaking Bad’s finale will disappoint—and we’re all to blame
- EW: 'Breaking Bad': 10 questions we'll never see resolved
- Onion A|V Club's "For Our Consideration" Feature: Breaking Bad ended the anti-hero genre by introducing good and evil
- NY Mag: The Dream of Jesse Pinkman’s Happy Ending
- THR: Beyond 'Breaking Bad': What's Next for the Show's Stars
- NY Mag: Albuquerque Said Good-bye to Breaking Bad With Finale Parties
- Yahoo Interview: Michael Bowen on Becoming Uncle Jack
- Slate.com: Exclusive: Aaron Paul’s Complete Script for the Breaking Bad Finale
- EW: 'Breaking Bad' series finale ratings smash all records (10.3M viewers, 5.4 in the 18-49 demo)
- Time: Breaking Bad Finale Downloaded Illegally 500,000 Times in 12 Hours
- Insider Podcast is up
- Sepinwall & Fienberg talking BB on this week's podcast
- NY Mag: Breaking Bad and Badfinger’s ‘Baby Blue’
- Warming Glow: The ‘Breaking Bad’ Character First And Last Appearance GIF Wall
- Zap2It: 'Breaking Bad' vs. 'The Sopranos' series finales: One size does not fit all
- Maureen Ryan and others discussing the finaleon HuffPost Live (video)
- NY Mag: Breaking Bad’s Laura Fraser on Lydia, Stevia, and ‘Gross’ Todd
- Onion A|V Club: Here are some pictures from the Breaking Bad finale screening
- Rolling Stone: Five Revelations From the Near-Perfect 'Breaking Bad' Finale
- AMC Fan Quiz on the finale
- PN Inlander: Who's Really "The One who Knocks" on Breaking Bad?
- The Awl: Customers Who Didn't Buy The "Breaking Bad" Finale Also Didn't Buy…
- EW: Badfinger's Joey Molland talk 'Baby Blue' in the 'Breaking Bad' finale
- Andy Greenwald talking BB finale on this week's Grantland Podcast
- THR: 'Breaking Bad' Producer on Walt's Finale Sacrifice: He Didn't Redeem Himself (Q&A)
- THR: The 'Breaking Bad' Legacy: Now That It's Over, Where Does It Stand?
- THR: 'Breaking Bad's' Uncle Jack on Finale's Shocking Deaths: When Audience Clapped 'I Was Very Satisfied' (Q&A)
- Time: Breaking Bad Writer: Why It Had to End
- Maureen Ryan and Ryan McGee talking Breaking Bad on their podcast this week
- THR: 'Breaking Bad's' Andrea: Brock Was Allowed to Watch My Devastating Scene (Q&A)
- Gliding Over All: The Cinematography of Breaking Bad, Season 5, Part 2 (youtube video essay from Dave Bunting)
- IGN's channel surfing podcast talks Breaking Bad this week
- Slashfilm's "Ones Who Knock" podcast on "Felina"
Vince Gilligan on Colbert


The M60 device is quite feasible. It looked like a 3-bar linkage. Not difficult to pull off, especially for someone like Walt.

Yeah, I love how out of ALL the things they have done on this show, that is the thing people are finding the most unrealistic. When in reality, the stuff he did in the finale was probably the tamest things he's done in the entire show. They were all pretty straight forward things that were believable (the M60 mechanism could easily be made, and the size and number of the bullets shooting at that level would have wiped out anyone in the room, unless they got to the floor.) The only issue I think people could have, is the fact that Walt was able to perfectly execute his plan, and get everything done so right.

And that's fine. I understand why some have reservations about the fact that Walt set out to do his final bidding in the end, and got everything he wanted. But I feel like those trying to argue the believability of the scenes, really must not have gotten the memo about this being a pulpy show.


Because they suspected Walt of trying something? Hell, they checked his body for guns and wires, why would they not check every inch of the car, too? More so, because they probably know that Walt has used car-trackers before.

I think the reason the Nazis didn't check Walt's car is because they didn't watch the episodes where Walt bought an M60 machine gun and made it into a turret with a garage door motor.

Seriously, Walt himself was never a danger to these guys. They're guilty of the same thing Hank was -- underestimating him. Whether you felt it contrived that they let him live two episodes prior or not, the fact that they did hinted at the same frame of mind that would cause them to overlook checking his trunk. They incorrectly deemed him not a threat.

That's actually a long-standing theme of the show. Everyone under-estimated Walt, and a lot of them paid dearly for it.

inm8num2 said:
The M60 device is quite feasible. It looked like a 3-bar linkage. Not difficult to pull off, especially for someone like Walt.
It was a practical, working rig according to the podcast. If the tech adviser or whoever the hell made it was capable, Heisenberg was.
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