I was randomly making fun of all the people who pick one random thing (the airplane crash, gus' death, various things involving the twins, the fulminated mercury, the magnet heist, walt spilling the beans to jesse on the phone, etc, etc, etc) and say that it was the only time Breaking Bad has defied reality and taken being stylish too far.
- The Breaking Bad Finales Best Memes, Tributes, and Callbacks
Most of these have already been posted in the thread.
I agree. But considering all that has happened, I don't think there's much say. I think that ending scene was a bit too hollow, though.The saddest part of the show is seeing Walt and Jesse so separated by the end. I wish we could say for certain how Walt felt/feels about Jesse.
It will be known as the Netflix Effect.
To give us this scene http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-8FB6k8jikDid the crash serve any other purpose than to keep you guessing about what was going to happen throughout the course of that season? My memory is a little hazy on the details.
I was hoping for a more negative finale though. The finale oddly felt like the most un-Breaking Bad-like episode the show's ever had. I mean to say, I still liked it and think it's good, just not up to Breaking Bad's impossibly high standards.
Dexters ending was laughable compared to even Battlestar Galactica.
He did? That scene and Jesse's whole character arc apparently flew right over her head.
"If we're going to go that route, you're going to need a bigger knife"While thinking about it some more it was funny how much this Walt was channeling Mike imho
- that wariness (Skyler: You look like shit Walt: Yeah but I feel great)
- he knows he's a bad man but that doesn't stop him from trying to provide for his family
- how he handles/dishes out threats with that mixture of nonchalance plus seriousness
- how he appears in a scene and the viewer might not have realized he was there the whole time until the camera explicitly showed it
- how he slips out without anyone in the show realizing
- his brutal honesty
- full measures most of the time
- did a half measure eventually but it was for a kid that Mike also liked, groomed and protected.
Man, I forgot that scene - so awkward, but such a great reflection of what Walt was like.To give us this scene http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-8FB6k8jik
OMG!!!!! Walt did so many bad things, no way he can get away with it...
-well, he died...alone and hated by his family
-right, but it felt like he won. Plus his family will get the money eventually!!!! The morality is very questionable in this show!!! OMG I'm so shocked!!!!!
-would have you preferred to see him go to jail instead then?
-no way!!!!! all the things he did! he deserved to die!!!!! by Jesse's hand!!!!
But again, dark =/= good
Just because the episode didn't end with everyone dead (just a lot of dead), or Walt alone and miserable, doesn't mean the show isn't hitting its own standards.
Am I the only one that kinda loved BSGs ending?
Well Baltars ending...didnt give a shit about any of the other characters.
So anybody saying that the ending was so bad that it retroactively ruined the series for them? Those are my favorite responses. I've seen some reviews trying to get there, but nobody's had a full-on meltdown yet.
Am I the only one that kinda loved BSGs ending?
Well Baltars ending...didnt give a shit about any of the other characters.
"If we're going to go that route, you're going to need a bigger knife"
That was when I realized this episode was going to be Walt impersonating Mike.
How long was jesse held captive by the nazis?
On an unrelated note:
A couple months, maybe. Would depend on how long between the vacuum guys last visit with kemo drugs was, and how long it took Walt to phone Flynn.
What if Jesse (Dexter spoilers, but nobody should give a fuck)becomes a lumberjack though
Well said. The M60 is one of the more straightforward things Walt has done. 3-bar linkage, motor, battery, wireless switch.
Anyone with a science or engineering background at the graduate level has had to create various lab/testing apparatuses multiple times to carry out their experiments.
On an unrelated note:
While thinking about it some more it was funny how much this Walt was channeling Mike imho
- that weariness (Skyler: You look like shit Walt: Yeah but I feel great)
- he knows he's a bad man but that doesn't stop him from trying to provide for his family
- how he handles/dishes out threats with that mixture of nonchalance plus seriousness
- how he appears in a scene and the viewer might not have realized he was there the whole time until the camera explicitly showed it
- how he slips out without anyone in the show realizing
- his brutal honesty
- full measures most of the time
- did a half measure eventually but it was for a kid that Mike also liked, groomed and protected.
"If we're going to go that route, you're going to need a bigger knife"
That was when I realized this episode was going to be Walt impersonating Mike.
ha, tell me about it.
Jesse and Walt's final meeting isn't absolving him of his sins at all. If anything, it's the first and only time that Walt has even realized what he's actually done to Jesse.
That scene with Skylar and Walt made me so sad. The both looked so worn out.
ha, tell me about it.
Jesse and Walt's final meeting isn't absolving him of his sins at all. If anything, it's the first and only time that Walt has even realized what he's actually done to Jesse.
I guess I sum it up like this: For a show that spent entire seasons of establishing a path of reality, shit that just felt right and possible, to end it with a M60 stunt that just felt a tad unbelievable was a mistake.
I guess I sum it up like this: For a show that spent entire seasons of establishing a path of reality, shit that just felt right and possible, to end it with a M60 stunt that just felt a tad unbelievable was a mistake.
I guess I sum it up like this: For a show that spent entire seasons of establishing a path of reality, shit that just felt right and possible, to end it with a M60 stunt that just felt a tad unbelievable was a mistake.