Bobby Roberts
The fact that I agree with most of this makes me very sad
It's a weird tack to take (one I addressed earlier when jtb brought it up) to assume that because we're all scurrying around down here talking about the show, that Gilligan is cognizant of that and trying to insert his two cents into our conversations via the show itself.
It's weird. By the time these episodes were cracked and on their way to filming, the show hadn't become "a thing." Discussion on Breaking Bad wasn't the all-consuming thing it is now. There were a handful of fans, and a handful of forums, and a handful of recappers paying attention, kicking over rocks, looking behind paintings, etc. etc.
I think the fact so many people have gotten so caught up in playing the Talking Bad game between weeks, and that it's increased for eight straight weeks, it's caused people to believe that the show IS ACTUALLY TALKING BACK TO THEM when that half of the "conversation" was locked, edited, and sent to final mix MONTHS before the back half of Season 5 even started to get underway.
It's not a conversation. We're conversing with each other, but the show isn't conversing with us.
If anything, I'd think maybe the reputation of the show is "shrinking" due to estimation of the finale "shrinking" because motherfuckers are having withdrawals.