I still think that Vince was more concerned with people liking the episode than actually making a finale that felt emotionally conclusive to all the characters.
Or, he was just following through with what Walt has always done throughout the show. Almost all of Walt's plans had unintended consequences (this was the backfire) - because he was trying to juggle his criminality in a moral world (and while Walt was willing to make evil decisions, he was still tied to this moral world that was the lies and delusions he used to justify his actions).
When Walt finally lets go of that, and just accepts he's evil, and isn't trying to juggle his actions, he gets things done. You guys act as if Walt has never come up with insane plans before, and pulled them off. It's happened many times throughout the show. This time, his death was inevitable so there wasn't really any consequences left for him to face. He accepted he was going to die, that that was the outcome. I see the ending as a follow through to Walt's arc, not aimed at pleasing a crowd. Maybe the takeaway from the finale is that, when Walt accepts who he is, he gets what he wants (an existential ending if you will). Walt has always been gifted, and he was very good at being bad. He just needed to accept that's what he was, in order to do it.
I don't really get this notion where people feel that bad guys must not feel good about what they do. Or that bad people must not always get what they want. Often people are bad, because they get these very things. That's why they do it. For instance, had Walt accepted he was completely evil earlier on and was okay with it - he would have just killed Jesse long ago. He would have dealt with all of his problems head on, without having any qualms about what he was doing. Walt DID make evil decisions no doubt, but he always had to make them in a way that worked around this moral world/his sense of morality (which is why often they were deception). I see the finale as the complete realization of what Walt was, and always was. When you consider where Walt was in the first season, and where he was in the middle seasons, to where he was at in the finale, I think it was the perfect conclusion to his arc.