Should've ended with "Fly" 
Yeah what great television that would be. No one would hate that at all.Fuck the Granite State ending. They should have ended at Ozy. Would have been perfect. I like the episodes after it but him losing everything and running away would have been perfect.
Heisenberg and Walt are NOT two different people, guys. If Heisenberg had a happy ending, so did Walt
Yeah what great television that would be. No one would hate that at all.
I'm sure people would have hated it but it's really the ending Walter White and everyone involved deserves.
Just noticed..
Felina = Finale
it's amazing how a nation wide known murderer could drive a stolen car across the country without being noticed by the cops at all
again this is coming from the theory that Walt was fantasizing almost everything happened by his dying Mind
You know this is really a special tv show when so many directors, producers and actors are fans.I thought it was pretty cool that Guillermo Del Toro wanted to direct Ozymandias and tried to talk Rian Johnson into letting him do it.
how could walt visit his old house and his neighbor Carol saw him without telling the cops ?! after that he drove across the country without being caught ?!!
an interesting view of the scene where Badger&SP both did same thing in the car.smelled the money& handed laser same way.In Walt's mind always indistinguishable
he died in that car while imagining everything happened later on , a man like Uncle Jack getting Mad for being called a liar doesn't make sense but Walt would get mad if he was called a liar
VG won't admit this theory because he is an artist
Redone episode:
Jesse kills himself with chemical fumes after imagining the wood shop. He imagines that Walt kills all the Nazis with a machine gun and dies heroically, allowing him to escape through the gate.
Episode snaps back to reality as Jesse passes out dead, Walt dies in prison, Vince Gilligan.
you guys still trying to figure out the ending? it's pretty simple.
that isn't walt, thats actually his twin brother that only jesse knows about. thats why he was giving him a nod saying 'thank you jeff white for saving me'. walt jr cooks up his first breakfest. it is 100% delicious.
it's amazing how a nation wide known murderer could drive a stolen car across the country without being noticed by the cops at all
again this is coming from the theory that Walt was fantasizing almost everything happened by his dying Mind
It's like inverse Sopranos for some of the fans of that show. For many (not all), their enjoyment is predicated on the idea that Tony was killed. Anytime that theory is challenged, they become very defensive about that, discounting the theory that Tony had lived on is just as valid as if he had been killed before the sudden cut to black.
it all make sense now how everything in the Finale happened just like how walt wanted it to happen
good god this is awful.Did anyone post this theory from Reddit yet:
Yeah, there's nothing there. I've spent a lot of time dissecting shows and movies, but this is clearly a straightforward ending.good god this is awful.
I get it, the show is great and everyone wants to dissect it. The finale is straight forward, get over it. It's not a happy ending, in what world are you living in that this is a happy ending? Walt's family hates him, he has no empire, his protege hates him, he has to force old former friends into giving his money to his family because they hate him so much they wont take it and he dies. Nevermind that Holly and Junior have no father or uncle either, Lydia's daughter has no mother now and brock has no mother either.
I did like someones post a few pages ago about how last episode is not completely Walt and is not completely Heisenberg. He was always juggling actions between Walt and Heisenberg and thats why there was always something that blew up in his face.
Just noticed..
Felina = Finale
- Breaking Bad fans place Walter White obituary in the Albuquerque JournalJust heard that there is an obituary for Walter White in an Albuquerque paper.
Like, fo reals.
good god this is awful.
I get it, the show is great and everyone wants to dissect it. The finale is straight forward, get over it...
Anyone that hasn't seen the finale yet will be pissed.
Don't worry. The Journal cannot put it in the actual obituaries section because it isn't real. It's a small ad taken out of the front A section of the paper on page four.I hope they didn't run this in column with other obits. It's neat for fans, but I could imagine families being offended by this running alongside their dead relatives.
IF they live in alburquerque and don't know this then they must live in a cave.
Sorry for re-posting this but I showed this off in the thread before the finale and some of you guys really liked it and decided to use it as phone background. Here it is again for people who didn't get to see it.