NOTE: This is just how I view the final episode of Breaking Bad. I'm not saying it's the end all be all answer, but rather just one person's opinion. And no, I'm not saying it's all a dream.
As many have noticed, the final episode of Breaking Bad has a tonally different and other-worldy feel to it. Walt floats around like a ghost, everything comes easy to him, etc.
That's led some to speculate that the ending was all a fantasy of a dying man. While I think that's a bit too easy and cheap of an explanation, it does have some merit. However, I have a different take.
Breaking Bad has 2 endings.
The secondary ending is the final episode: Felina.
The keys magically fall from the visor. Walt taps the window and all the snow perfectly falls off. He easily glides into the Schwartz's house and successfully threatens them. Badger and Skinny Pete make cameos. He patches things up with Skyler. He says what everyone wants him to say, that he did it all for himself. He looks at his son one last time. He takes a bullet for Jesse, kills all the neo-Nazis, and gets one last moment with a meth lab. Jesse also gets revenge on Todd, escapes, and happily drives off into the night to settle down somewhere quiet and take up carpentry. It's a perfect, Hollywood ending.
And completely unlike Breaking Bad.
Breaking Bad is real. Breaking Bad is gritty. It's getting shot mid sentence and being dragged through the dirt. It's always striving to get what you want, but never succeeding. When there's a perfect heist, an innocent child ends up getting shot. Simple tasks like swatting a fly can take all day. Running a drug empire doesn't give you a legacy and pay for your children's collegiate future. It leaves you dying in your underwear in a cabin in the middle of nowhere while Nazis take credit for everything you've fought so hard for.
To me, the true ending, the primary ending, is the episode before: Granite State. It's real, it's tragic, and it's unexpected. It's fitting.
Jesse tries to escape, is punished dearly for it, and ends up paying for his sins by working as a meth slave. All of Walt's hard work was for nothing. His family hates him, won't accept his money, he has power over nothing, and his legacy has been stolen from him. He turns himself in, but at the last minute decides to go out in one last hurrah, disappearing from the bar like he was never there. It's then left up to us to decide if he goes on to build that robot machine gun to save the day, or if he dies from one last coughing fit in his snow covered car, depending on if we're pessimists or optimists.
Hell, the final shot of Granite State is literally the glass half-empty or half-full idiom. [1] And guess what music plays over it. The theme song. (Which we have never heard outside of the intro.) It's the true, open-ended finale.
But most viewers would hate it. And Vince Gilligan and the writers knew that. They knew that they owed it to us as viewers to give us a satisfying ending. But they also knew that they owed it to the show to give it a truthful ending. It would be impossible to create an ending that did both. They were conflicted as writers and probably deliberated about it for days, weeks, months. Should we make an ending to satisfy and reward the viewers, or one that stays true to the realism of our story? Eventually, someone decided, why can't we do both?
Granite State is the truthful ending the show deserves, and Felina is the happy ending the audience deserves.
That explains the difference in feel of Felina to the rest of the show. It's not a dream sequence, that's too cliche and cheap, totally wrong for the show, and if that were the case they would make it clearer to the audience. Instead, it's simply a satisfying, almost tongue-in-cheek, Hollywood ending. When the keys fall from the sky, the snow perfectly falls off the window, and the music kicks on, that's Breaking Bad's wink and nudge to the audience that this episode is going to be the fun, happy, classic TV ending that we all deserve after going through so much torment. It's the switch from the real, gritty Breaking Bad we all know, to a cleaner TV fantasy world. Think about it -- We get everything we've wanted as viewers.
And you may think that would be a betrayal to the story and the show, but it isn't. It's still true to character, tone, etc. There's still all the drama, drugs, and clever scientific Walter White destruction. The only difference is that it's all tied up into a neat little perfect bow, because at the end of the day Breaking Bad is still just a TV show. And a really fucking good one.
EDIT: Thanks for the Reddit Gold, stranger! And like I said, this isn't the end all be all interpretation, it's just how I see things. I'm not saying Felina didn't really happen or that it was a fantasy, just that it's the more "TV" ending most everyone wanted.
Granite State is the creators saying, "This is how it would/should end."
Felina is them saying, "But this is how you/we want it to end."
Not sure if this has been posted:
'Breaking Bad' Alternate Endings: Vince Gilligan Reveals Discarded Finale Storylines
And that Reddit dude getting upvotes for huffing his own farts is par for the course.
Did anyone post this theory from Reddit yet: http://www.reddit.com/r/breakingbad/comments/1nno0k/breaking_bads_two_endings/
Granite State is the truthful ending the show deserves, and Felina is the happy ending the audience deserves.
Did anyone post this theory from Reddit yet: http://www.reddit.com/r/breakingbad/comments/1nno0k/breaking_bads_two_endings/
The point he makes about the final song in Granite Slate is solid. That is a truly gritty ending along with the theme song that we have never heard before that moment.
I dunno guys. I have to agree with this Reddit dude. Granite Slate does seem like "true" ending to me.
The flash forward in episode 1 of season 5 takes the wind out of all these dream sequence and multiple ending theories. If the finale wasn't intended to be canon, those sequences would have been used in earlier episodes or never filmed in the first place.
The point he makes about the final song in Granite Slate is solid. That is a truly gritty ending along with the theme song that we have never heard before that moment.
I dunno guys. I have to agree with this Reddit dude. Granite Slate does seem like "true" ending to me.
The flash forward in episode 1 of season 5 takes the wind out of all these dream sequence and multiple ending theories. If the finale wasn't intended to be canon, those sequences would have been used in earlier episodes or never filmed in the first place.
It only seems like a true ending to those that believed Walter should not get what he wants in the end. But those people are also ignoring his character arc.
EDIT: I find it sad that, some people can't just accept that they didn't like the finale. That they are still grasping at ways to be okay with it. I know I've said this before. But I can't believe people (and even sites) are still pushing absurd theories that aren't canon.
Walts character arch in the final episode of self realization and acceptance is a crucial part of his character development. But Im not sure how that has any bearing on thinking Walt wouldn't get what he wanted in the end.
...If you watched the entire show,
Every single last thought in Vince Gilligan's brain has been carefully extracted and recorded via interview, podcast and Talking Bad. Ultra transparency. If this theory were true, we'd have been told that this was the creator's intent by the creator himself.
Glad we're off to a good debate here.
Did anyone post this theory from Reddit yet: http://www.reddit.com/r/breakingbad/comments/1nno0k/breaking_bads_two_endings/
I guess Walt dreamt about Jesse dreaming about woodworking, something which he never heard from Jesse.Yeah, and as others have pointed out, Walt never knew Jessie was a chained up meth slave. If Felina was all a deathbed dream sequence, it's odd that the place he envisioned Uncle Jack's gang doing business out of was exactly like the place we were already shown, prior to the "fantasy". Walt's deathbed imagination was amazingly accurate!
VG said walt wanted jesse dead. he said nothing about if walt was telling the truth or lying to get a reaction out of jack when he said jesse was their partner.
walts smart enough to know the nazis take what they want and dont partner. he experienced that himself in oxymandias
He didn't have the keys when he came in, as he had expected to, so we can't see he originally wanted to wait for Jesse with any certainty.
First and final schot of each character
A testament to how great the show was is the interpretation that what we got was the 'happy' ending.
Walt is still dead, and not the way he wanted to die. His wife is still destitute and estranged from her sister. Flynn still hates him and believes he killed his uncle in cold blood. Holly will grow up hearing nothing about the man he was and only the man he became. Hank is still dead. Marie is still widowed. Gomez died with a goatee. Lydia's daughter is still orphaned. Jesse is a veritable lunatic after spending 6 months+ cooking as a slave and watching Brock orphaned and having two loves of his life taken from him. Saul's life is ruined. Elliot and Gretchen will live looking over their shoulders. There's still 70 million unaccounted for. Todd never bed Lydia. Skinny Pete and Badger will never hit the blue again.
The only winner is Heisenberg, who effectively killed Walt, and in the end the show wasn't about him. It was about Walt. This is the 'happy' ending?
That's how Heisenberg wanted to die. Gretchen was right, Walt died a long time ago, even as far back as Crawlspace.I would argue, Walt died exactly how he wanted to die - feeling completely alive, and happy. He died doing what he was great at. But this isn't a happy ending. It's a disturbing one. That bad people can ascend and get the most out of their at the expense of others, is disturbing and sad.
The flash forward in episode 1 of season 5 takes the wind out of all these dream sequence and multiple ending theories. If the finale wasn't intended to be canon, those sequences would have been used in earlier episodes or never filmed in the first place.
That's how Heisenberg wanted to die. Gretchen was right, Walt died a long time ago, even as far back as Crawlspace.
It's happy for the "Team Walt!!" people. I think that's what bugs some people, now that I think about. I haven't really followed the fandom of this show, but I can see now how things were hotly debated on that front.I would argue, Walt died exactly how he wanted to die - feeling completely alive, and happy. He died doing what he was great at. But this isn't a happy ending. It's a disturbing one. That bad people can ascend and get the most out of their at the expense of others, is disturbing and sad. As humans, we WANT to believe that the bad will always be punished. That all of us that are playing by the rules, are doing so in good faith. The reality is, a lot of people that don't adhere to the system end up getting the most out of life, whereas those that play by the rules don't.
Walt in the end ended up getting the most out of life for him, at the complete expense of everyone around him. I don't really see this as happy. That Walt got a happy ending, is not happy in the larger context.
It's happy for the "Team Walt!!" people. I think that's what bugs some people, now that I think about. I haven't really followed the fandom of this show, but I can see now how things were hotly debated on that front.
It's happy for the "Team Walt!!" people. I think that's what bugs some people, now that I think about. I haven't really followed the fandom of this show, but I can see now how things were hotly debated on that front.
Can we stop with this "Heisenberg killed Walt" crap? Why absolve Walt of his choices? He wanted this, he did this, and it was Walt that died. Yeah, Heisenberg is a fun little comic-book alter-ego way of denoting his power hungry ego, but Walt's not bipolar. He doesn't have a split personality.
Wasn't the whole plan to have it be more a comedy show and lighter than breaking bad..
Can we stop with this "Heisenberg killed Walt" crap? Why absolve Walt of his choices? He wanted this, he did this, and it was Walt that died. Yeah, Heisenberg is a fun little comic-book alter-ego way of denoting his power hungry ego, but Walt's not bipolar. He doesn't have a split personality.
I pre-ordered the shit out of it the morning after the finale. I'm going to roll it around the office as son as it arrives![]()