For how "neat" the final episode was structurally. It's amazing that it's drawn so much discussion on whether or not the ending was too happy, or whether Walt redeemed himself or not. It's a very subversive take on the whole happy ending.
Thinking about it, it's brilliant. Walt went out the way he, and those rooting for him wanted. But the mess he left will never be cleaned. Everyone is still in a worse situation than the start of the show: Flynn is gonna ask Elliot and Gretchen why they sent him the money, they'll most likely fold. Marie's a widow. Skyler is marked for life, and the whole White family will have a dark cloud hanging over them for years. Jesse is a mentally broken wreck and wanted criminal.
The only person who got to die happy was Walt. He was good at what he did. It made him feel alive. He just got to do it one last time.
Now season 5 episode rankings cause I feel like it:
Ozymandias > Granite State > Buyout > Fifty One > Gliding Over All > Blood Money > Felina > Confessions > Dead Freight > To'Hajilee > Say My Name > Rabid Dog > Live Free or Die > Madrigal > Hazard Pay > Buried
All great to amazing episodes btw.