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Breaking Bad - The (Beautiful) Finale - Season 5 Part 2 - Sunday on AMC - OT3

I still have the next season of Mad Men and House of Cards after BB ends, so I'm not too worried. Oh and maybe Buffy since so many friends keep recommending it. Nothing BB caliber, though.
I still have the next season of Mad Men and House of Cards after BB ends, so I'm not too worried. Oh and maybe Buffy since so many friends keep recommending it. Nothing BB caliber, though.

You mean 2 seasons of Mad Men =(

This is it. And I feel like 'Felina' isn't just a finale for "Breaking Bad", but a grand finale for television as an entire medium.

People said the same thing after Sopranos. TV will continue to get better,
I can't watch it until tomorrow either. No Internet for me until after I've seen it as well. Though I DO have to venture out in the real world a couple of times tomorrow. Bringing earplugs just in case, because being erotic is fun.

Might I suggest;


I'm probably gonna catch up on Game of Thrones and Attack on Titan, then start Mad Men.

Might binge on The Shield during the holidays.


I feel like this finale represents the ending of mankind's strive towards creative ingenuity.

After this, we go back to cave drawings for entertainment.
So what TV Show will be as popular as Sopranos, LOST, Breaking Bad? And when? And on which network?

Well AMC is screwing themselves and and Showtime is ruining anything they touch so I think it will be another HBO show. Game of Thrones popularity has got a lot of people interested again. It also could be a Netflix show. I've heard great things about Hannibal though.


So what TV Show will be as popular as Sopranos, LOST, Breaking Bad? And when? And on which network?

How about the story of a regular suburban Dad who works a regular job as an investment analyst. He has two teenage kids that drive him crazy, a doting wife, and a loyal family dog.

What his family doesn't know is that he spends his spare time having sex with various animals.

Think about it. We've had drug dealers, mob bosses, cannibals, bestiality is the logical next step in the second life drama procession.


I feel completely the opposite. I'm just going to watch things unfold and try to go in 'fresh'.

It's been such a rollercoaster ride that I probably can't afford mentally to hope that anybody will avoid further suffering.

And fuck Todd.

Breaking Bad always makes me feel nervous. It's the only show where my stomach churns right before it airs. *shrugs*

I say this in a good way of course.


How about the story of a regular suburban Dad who works a regular job as an investment analyst. He has two teenage kids that drive him crazy, a doting wife, and a loyal family dog.

What his family doesn't know is that he spends his spare time having sex with various animals.

Think about it. We've had drug dealers, mob bosses, cannibals, bestiality is the logical next step in the second life drama procession.

Gonna start writing it now, cheers mate


This is it. And I feel like 'Felina' isn't just a finale for "Breaking Bad", but a grand finale for television as an entire medium.

They should just start a new timeline in human history and call it the Year 1 A.H. as in Anno Heisenberg after this show ends.

Kid Ska

I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Oh damn they just had Cranston read the poem Ozymandias for a finale promo. That was cool.


Anyone else on the west coast going into internet lockdown mode from 6 onward? I have a feeling douches are going to be spoiling this show like crazy.


This is like waiting for exam results.
I can't do much else today but wait, waste time, sleep, eat a bit, wait...

Productivity = 0%


I'm actually quite upset that it's all over tonight (tomorrow for Brits like me). That kind of feeling you get when you go home from a holiday, or something. Can't quite put my finger on it, a general anxious-sadness. Subtle, but there.

Hope you fellas enjoy the final.
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