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Breaking Bad - The (Beautiful) Finale - Season 5 Part 2 - Sunday on AMC - OT3


I think the show ends with everyone dead except Walt Jr.

He takes the barrels of money and opens an arcade.


Boom. Tron prequel.


Walter Jr. opens up his breakfast cereal only to find that his Cheerios have been replaced with a million dollars cash.

His response: "This is bullshit! You're an asshole Cheerios bee! Shit!"


Time must pass more quickly outside this hermetically sealed GTA V bubble. Seems like Granite State was just on.

I'm as ready as I will be. A nice glass of scotch(neat of course) will be my guide.
So can Breaking Bad ending top endings of The Shield and The Sopranos?

Possibly the Sopranos. I don't think it was a bad ending by any means, but definitely not up there with the greats. Most of the 6th season (both parts) was pretty lackluster for me.

For me, there's a close to zero chance that it'll beat the Shield finale. I'm just not nearly as invested in Breaking Bad. It'll have to be something seriously amazing to get anywhere close.


It's sort of hard to face the fact that today is the last day. I remember how I got into the show. It was way back in 2010, I was still a guest back then and I remember a thread of some sort that talked about what have certain actors been up to. Someone mentioned the entire cast of Malcolm in the Middle that he hasn't seen them up to anything and I thought he was right, but then he got of replies saying "Breaking Bad' "Go watch Breaking Bad" "Bryan Cranston is in Breaking Bad" and a picture of Breaking Bad. I was never into TV shows back then but it was winter vacation and I was bored so I decided to watch it. Best decision I've ever made.

Robot Pants

Possibly the Sopranos. I don't think it was a bad ending by any means, but definitely not up there with the greats. Most of the 6th season (both parts) was pretty lackluster for me.

For me, there's a close to zero chance that it'll beat the Shield finale. I'm just not nearly as invested in Breaking Bad. It'll have to be something seriously amazing to get anywhere close.

Before this gets derailed hardcore, does the Shield get a lot better after Season 1? I watched it because of the GAF praise it gets on here and lololol its pretty bad.
Before this gets derailed hardcore, does the Shield get a lot better after Season 1? I watched it because of the GAF praise it gets on here and lololol its pretty bad.
I wouldn't call The Shield pretty bad, it's just not Breaking Bad or The Sopranos good.

As for the finale, I like to joke about it, but I would rather not make serious predictions at this point. All I'm going to say is that it should fit Breaking Bad and Breaking Bad alone.



I was actually hooked during the first season. A lot of fans say they dislike Season One, and I never got that. When Cranston has those really emotional scenes about having cancer (the scene where the family gives Walt an intervention, and he gives his speech about not wanting the remainder of his life being sick on meds while he withers away). Or the scene where Walt realizes he won't be alive to see his baby daughter grow up.

The show early on just had really powerful acting. I think the scene that really got me though, was when Walt killed Krazy-8. When Walt puts the pieces of the plate together, and realizes that he has to kill him. I knew during that episode that this was going to be a really great show.


can't believe it's almost over. that said i think this is the first show i've watched every episode of where i'm not sad it's over. normally i feel a (irrational maybe) sense of melancholy and loss at no longer spending more time with the characters, like friday night lights or the wire, even in shows with sucky endings like lost or battlestar. whereas breaking bad is so nightmarish and has gone so far with its stakes i'm really looking forward to this finale and walt's end. just hope it can deliver.


My g/f has to work tonight until 3am so she asked me to wait until tomorrow to watch. I agreed...which surprised her..but I'm going to have to deactivate my facebook and avoid the internet until then

"Boyfriend of the Year"
i think it hasn't hit me yet that the show is gonna end tonight. i wished that a reconsilation between walt and jessy would happen, but due to all the recent events leading up towards the finale jessy fucked everything up in order for that to happen. i expect a mexican standoff tonight. walt will die but it wont be in vain ;/ #teamwalt #remembermyname
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